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Zeroraptors 05/26/2020 (Tue) 00:52:12 Id:56f244 No. 731 [Reply] [Last]
Hi, I'm up over 230, is there interest in me posting again?
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>>9611 You're so soft and good... if only you could be fed around the clock and reallt start growing
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Absolutely blowing up again
>>9689 Looking absolutely pudgy, any chance we can see the belly and boobs?
I just want to say transfem here ive been fapping to your gain for so long dear lord youre stunning

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Soft Trans Belly Thread? MaxieMoo 08/25/2021 (Wed) 18:12:48 Id:5083c6 No. 3975 [Reply] [Last]
Looking for other trans fatties ^^
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Taken 6mo in but I love these two photos. Currently 250lbs. I made it up to nearly 300 a year ago before I got scared and backed down, but I'd honestly love to be at least 400.
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Back already! I just took these, ironically I get the most comments while wearing the words Be Kind, sucks for them because this piglet scored a 100 on the degradation test πŸ₯Ί
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Went to a pizza buffet and I just kept getting up for more. I managed to stuff more than a large pizza's worth in this tummy. Plus a dozen breadsticks with creamy ranch. Had to bite my lip and stifle a moan when I overheard a guy in an adjacent booth call me "that fat chick"seeing me struggle to stand up and waddle to the exit. Time for a hot bath to try and soothe this aching gut. Was I a good girl? 🐷
>>9715 God yes… an entire pizza and 12 breadsticks? How did you even manage to drive? I bet with some encouragement you could eat even more. We’d be there until they kicked us out… god what a scene that would be. And I wish I could’ve been there to see you waddle out, your gut distended and peaking out of your shirt like a good little pig 🐷 I hope you keep growing because CLEARLY being fat is what you’re best at πŸ’™
>>9722 How did I manage to drive - barely! Luckily it's within walking distance even for me. Though... I drove anyway because I don't feel like testing that theory! The whole time I was fantasizing about somebody being there with me, waiting on me. Or just bringing me more anyway, ordering me to stuff myself further. Squeezing my thigh or my love handle and whispering words to make me blush whenever I slow down. Perhaps making me stand in line, just once, to see how long it takes for me to grow out of breath. (Not very long!) I was rubbing my jeans the entire drive back. I definitely plan to keep growing. I was actually 300lbs a few years ago, but due to some personal stuff I lost 50lbs since. I'd like to at least get back up to that much. I could hardly keep my hands off myself back then. Honestly fantasy wise I'd love to get big enough that I can't even reach myself anymore.

Morph thread Anonymous 02/26/2020 (Wed) 19:04:12 Id:114a99 No. 248 [Reply] [Last]
A general thread on real life women morphed into bbws and such bonus points if the morph is by xxmasterdavid
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>>9698 It's morphin' time!
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Can someone enlarge her rear twice as big if that's alright?(As big as Graciebon)
Anyone have an archive of TheGuyWhoDidAThings Deviantart? The account seems to be deactivated. Googling hum still has some images come up, but not everything. I know he has a lot already in this thread too.
>>10267 Thank you for being a fan! I'm currently somewhat active on the new morph thread here: >>9810 I'm still working on getting my account reinstated, but I'm beginning to loose hope.
>>9226 no longer working url, https://www.deviantart.com/theguywhodidathing/art/How-did-you-DO-that-989204336

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MissaX - Futa vids Random Fucker 02/02/2021 (Tue) 15:57:06 Id:2ed1e4 No. 2428 [Reply] [Last]
Decided to start this off. Here are three videos of varying quality. Miss X FUTA only, please! Hope to see more Included in link: Jumping with Julia Side Effects IV Titties Growth Race https://mab.to/F8WwltZfI
91 posts and 5 images omitted.
>>9130 Yeah no worries it took me a long time too, shame this thread isn't more active but I'll continue to try and help when I can.
This thread's been quiet for a few months now, is anyone still looking for missax videos or have any requests?
>>9568 I'm just looking for "Bitch Gets Big Head". I do have some clips if you'd like me to contribute in return
>>9569 Sorry wish I could help with that clip but it's proving to be a hard one to find so far, if it does turn up I'll post it here if it hasn't shown up in the meantime
I know this thread is still basically dead, but does anyone have: Make April Purr Here Kitty Kitty Wererat

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Somebody please cum trib my wife Anonymous 07/04/2024 (Thu) 08:39:17 Id:7de736 No. 9617 [Reply]
She wants to lose weight, please shower her with your seed before she becomes skinny
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i cum on her face
>>9625 deal.
beautiful wife. Post on a cuckold forum that will receive lots of tributes. I prefer for pics of face for cum/cock tribute.

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thread for granny pawg win 06/29/2024 (Sat) 15:52:49 Id:7f8a12 No. 9595 [Reply]
let's g

Massive Throbbing Dicks Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 03:12:04 Id:5f6635 No. 8841 [Reply]
Futa is not necessary but preferred.
Kind of an odd thread for a fat site but cocks are goof
https://shemalez.com/videos/117800/massive-jock-oriental-futa-masturbates/?fr=117800&rp=1 does anyone know where I can find the full version?

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Comical Weapon Works x 11/29/2020 (Sun) 01:51:33 Id:527b53 No. 1872 [Reply] [Last]
Works from Comical Weapon be it WG, Inflation or Misc. If you have it, please post it. Also prefer the Jester's Kingdom stuff.
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Anyone willing to update his kemono?
>>8669 I second an update to kemono.
Something is fucked up with kemono I hear. Could someone upload the River City Girl sumos here if possible, at least?
Comicalweapon is like a russian roulette of artists cuz you never know what he might come up with

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Thicc Lady Sexbots anondude 05/30/2024 (Thu) 16:09:07 Id:f2b5fb No. 9449 [Reply]
Starting off with plutocrack sexbots hosted on his Deviant Art account.

Selfish BBWs with Double standards Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 23:40:00 Id:6681f5 No. 9048 [Reply]
Selfish women who are hypocrits, preferably BBWs, who only want and objectify thin partners and hold them to a standard that they don't hold themselves. Lets pool what we've got.
Honestly more stories than pics available but most hunger kink doesn't mention weight and is rare as is. I find some captions by lurking through findom artists but its rare for them to use bbw models and rarer to mention starving the viewer. I think everyone is just assuming no one else is into this because it gets requested from artists often enough in different communities. I see it in other little pockets, but theres no unified home for the hunger kink community to thrive like dimensions did for feedists and chubby chasers. Pic somewhat related.
Sounds like bbw femdom, but with noodleboys and noodle girls. Pics are basically BBW femdom with a focus on weight and contrast. That said, the Molly and Nate stories fit this theme nicely. Molly is oblivious to how fat she is and keeps Nate on a restrictive diet while telling him he could stand to lose a few even though he's thin. Her logic is clearly incorrect, but realistic to how someone would act, like does she actually know and is tormenting him while playing dumb kinda way: https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-911746689 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-Part-2-912260583 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-on-Valentine-s-Day-952613433 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-Part-3-917271251 https://www.deviantart.com/mrtrazzorr/art/Molly-and-Nate-Part-4-945528444
I love the idea of a feeder who wants to turn their feedee into a total blimp while wanting to stay the thin one in the relationship, only to not realize that their partner is fattening them up as well until they're both around the same weight.
>>9427 I hate that every space involving body contrast either turns into an ideological war about thin privaledge or "You know what be really great in a topic about contrast? Mutual gaining!" If people want to participate in this topic, let them, if not, let the topic die without derailing it into an opposing fetish. I leave some on topic bbw feederism/findom pix (ft. bbw and noodleboy you can probably identify) Theres plenty of mutual gaining everywhere else, you can make a seperate topic.

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Who is this girl? Anonymous 07/08/2022 (Fri) 20:37:25 Id:b2fafd No. 6126 [Reply]
Anyone know who is this girl? https://pt.xhamster.com/videos/best-natural-tits-tranny-xh0PMhP
Who is this girl where can I find more?

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Anonymous 05/21/2024 (Tue) 05:04:07 Id:357902 No. 9384 [Reply]
Good evening, my little lovelies~ Don't you like my big soft body? I want to make it even bigger, and I need you to help me add a little stuffing~ I'd be soooo happy to find some way to show my thanks~ If you're interested, here's my discord, HoneyGlazedEnby πŸ’• (Make sure to introduce yourself with a 'hiya there' so I know it's you <3)
>>9384 Do you have twitter?

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looking for old morphs from inflatechan/old bbwchan Anonymous 04/30/2024 (Tue) 08:45:45 Id:1b8734 No. 9326 [Reply]
im looking for old moprhs from tobe from inflatechan/old bbw chan
πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘…πŸ‘… come here let me eat that half sleep pussy
>>9326 Why is the South Park character there?
>>9328 thats tobe's logo
Here are all the morphs Tobester made. https://we.tl/t-X8IW5CHMod

Looking for the artist name Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 19:51:37 Id:653a42 No. 9345 [Reply]
Does anyone know who drew this?

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Big booty sc@t and f@rt thread Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 19:51:57 Id:76cdb2 No. 9280 [Reply]
I’ll start with this gem https. ://we.tl/t-INomQSmUyR
