"I'm gonna prove I'm not a phobe by dragging out a racist stat instead I'm so smart" like jesus christ dude, way to give your position away!
But then that's also a really good similar point, right? Because yeah, when the legal system is rigged against black people and has many laws on the books specifically to target black people dogwhistle style, when a black person can be thrown behind bars for jaywalking while a white person can get elected to office for embezzling million$$, when it's totally legal to be a junkie when it's all paid prescription pills but pot gets you a cop's knee on your neck, oh goody you can say that black people commit 50% of the crime! It's so easy, just redefine crime to target black people!
Same thing here, it's all goddamn rigged. This "avoidable" disease can be spread through other means, dumbass. And good luck talking to your doctor about your weird symptoms when you can get arrested if someone *thinks* you're gay. That used to happen, you know. Reagan pulled this shit on purpose, AIDS was a tool to kill off gay people, all they had to do was pretend it wasn't real.
Suicide rates? Yeah, when there's screaming whiny assholes out there TELLING YOU TO KILL YOURSELF constantly you don't think that might affect your mental state? But you don't give a fuck, you want people to kill themselves and then you get to laugh at them for it and it's all this cozy feedback loop, nice job bucko.
Oh and if you want to kill off a group for being kiddy diddlers why not start with the republicans and the bishops but ohhhh nooo that's not what pedophilia is, being a pedo is about telling kids it's okay to hold hands with other kids, while having all the boys change in the locker room together with their sweaty coach watching or telling 13yo girls they need to marry grown ass men because their eggs are too precious to waste is just normal fucking biology, see how that works? Just gotta redefine it all to make you the saint and the people you don't like the scum of society.
Jesus christ do you even know what gay means? A grown man wanting to fuck other grown men. Fucking hell. A man wanting to screw a child isn't gay, he's a US senator.