/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Lushes Thunder Anonymous 02/10/2025 (Mon) 21:30:17 Id:42589c No. 147040 [Reply]
SSBBW from Bighotbombshells.com. Most of her content seems to have been removed since that site was taken down. Here's what I've been able to find of her. Would appreciate any more content of hers if anyone has it. https://gofile.io/d/xtRX7b
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my autist brain could never get past the misspelling of Luscious
>>147635 fool! Anybody can see she is at least 20 to 40 heavier, at her biggest
>>147640 Maybe in overall weight but Jenni’s buttocks is far bigger
>>147587 >She has the thicker butt, although beinb apple shapped Love an appel with ass

Gigi Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 23:50:44 Id:570a96 No. 61864 [Reply] [Last]
Shes too underrated, post any new stuffing vids https://mab.to/t/YoJZmphqn8p
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>>140424 ...such eternal sadness I felt when realizing vid#80 isn't here
She’s an absolute snack! I can’t wait to see her hit 600lb 🥵
>>140944 Alright that was funny so I've uploaded #80 Also new video #124 is up, same folder as before https://gofile.io/d/zfZ54y
>>144689 >>144689 >>144688 There not all on there tbh
>>141077 Can u pls add the new vids

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BigBootyAsshley BigBootyAsshley 12/07/2024 (Sat) 20:22:02 Id:ba9df7 No. 139684 [Reply] [Last]
She had a cute face and a massive booty. Here are all the pic sets I have:https://gofile.io/d/ZLVCSY Here are the vids I have: https://gofile.io/d/UyYfRM
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>>123990 >>145400 she should have done what graciebon did. sculture the body
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Peak collaboration. Asshley, Plump Princess and GainingGoddess
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Does anyone have this, probably her best set ever done, not sure if it was with Mercedesbbw but that ass was clappin in her prime
>>145498 Pinnacle of online obesity
>>147687 Here you go broseph: https://gofile.io/d/ixF30D Threw in the pics and clip from the image above just cuz

SSBBW Latina twins - Emma & Yulia Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 09:22:15 Id:17d776 No. 117428 [Reply] [Last]
OnlyFans emmapear yuliapear
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>>147034 where did you find it?
>>147249 Probably thisvid. I found the one with Yulia, but it was locked.
Read their curvage status and now they are asking for people to not believe "the lies" about them working out. Yet have seen no proof to back this up. Anyone else?
>>147700 The lies? There's friggin TikTok evidence. Emma's boyfriend is right there helping Yulia work out.

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Bigcuties Marilyn Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 02:50:31 Id:e8d8cc No. 118736 [Reply] [Last]
Here's videos 150-179 I have slow internet but let me know what sets you want https://gofile.io/d/xyD27B https://gofile.io/d/vM9gLJ I'm just sharing because i have everything but if anyone has videos from models similar that would be cool
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>>141062 Would love to get her back to this and then add quite a bit more. Love those huge tits and enormous belly
>>146917 Agreed. She would make bank if she started an OF.
>>147527 That would be fantastic. I'd love to see more of her outside the bounds of BigCuties.
>>146489 Skin is looking loose and face is looking aged.

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PPear Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 12:04:18 Id:e2c090 No. 59242 [Reply] [Last]
New Pearshaped curvy bbw
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>>145643 Yeah working out is not for me so I unfollowed
anyone got the measuring video? I have this, enjoy: https://gofile.io/d/qjbI5i
>>146262 Seconding this
>>146408 Damn. All pics no vids. Can someone please convince her to clap her cheeks like how it’s done in this vid: https://www.reddit.com/r/Itsrandalin/s/olVFDRDHP8

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Before/Afters Before/After 11/22/2024 (Fri) 23:27:33 Id:999bf2 No. 137876 [Reply] [Last]
Intense before/after pics of SSBBW/USSBBWs?
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>>146397 I thought it was mountain climbing...
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>>146298 Bungee jump
>>146298 reading BBW Chan
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Planes, Trains and Automobiles Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 20:47:34 Id:ecf20c No. 145853 [Reply]
This was a thread a few months ago, thinking it's about time to be resurrected. Self explanatory title, vids of big girls struggling to fit on public transportation or in their cars. SSBBWs are preferred but any good BBW vids are welcome too. Please don't be a whiny faggot about it. To start us off: https://gofile.io/d/53713X Any Purplewings919 content would be much appreciated! :)
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One of my faves, Diva trying/failing to squeeze into the front seat of a Pontiac GT: https://gofile.io/d/9CU6W2
>>146741 she really stepped her game up lately, I love car stuffings and that's one of the best I've seen
>>145856 Hey. Do you have any other treasure videos? If yes could you please upload them? Its been years since Ive been looking for them. Many thanks in advance
https://gofile.io/d/DyfIk3 The final Sadie car video from BigCuties before she left, I love the shot from the backseat

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Messy Fatties Anonymous 06/13/2023 (Tue) 06:47:48 Id:de0155 No. 84818 [Reply] [Last]
Basically just share any vids, pics, etc. of models and the like stuffing themselves to the point where their face, body, etc. is covered with food and food residue Some example vids: https://mab.to/t/JtPnQylUrkB/us2
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>>144583 >https://gofile.io/d/w9V0Ol
Does anyone have this video by Jloves? (Birthday cake punishment, fron Ivy Davenport's store). Also here's some content: https://gofile.io/d/KP7DxM
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Thiccyyy2thicc / Ambersothicc Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 17:31:53 Id:e11909 No. 95451 [Reply] [Last]
Shes so fucking hot and deserves her own thread. Ill start by posting her link https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/thiccyyy2thicc
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>>137218 Man, extra-fat white girls who look like trailer trash are such a good niche
>>137345 Glad I'm not the only one who's noticed this lol, does she live in someone's fucking shed in their backyard or something?
>>137346 Thank you Norm Abrams for the useless commentary...
>>137446 Your comment is even more useless. Like this one.
Can someone please update her coomer?

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New Reenaye Starr Thread Need 03/04/2023 (Sat) 14:29:40 Id:f3050d No. 73870 [Reply] [Last]
Decided to make a new Reenaye thread because the other one is kinda dead. So post any vids you have of the ussbbw goddess
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>>138218 If you follow them on X these posts should still be up. The news about the France move is on Reenaye's cooking/tarot instagram.
>>138082 I'll give her a year before she finds that her french boy toy is cheating on her and she's forced to move back to the states, I just hope for her kids sake they do the smart thing and move in with their Dad to avoid this embarrassment.
on one hand she's going to stick out like a sore thumb in france but on the other her son might have have a better life there
Does anyone have her new videos?

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Lisalou Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 23:09:41 Id:d3b30f No. 115222 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread got bumplocked. Kicking this one off with 3 newer videos. Hoping someone has the new strap on video. https://gofile.io/d/kxmUM0
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>>146841 WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsdVBITTBiSFJ7cm1We1s1S1dJeVduQmlSMVYxWVZjNGRscEdjM1pZV0djeFlVaENjV0ZuUFQwPQ== * YUhSMGNITTZMeTluPHM0bHR{rmV{[5KWIyWnBiR1V1YVc4dlpGc3ZYWGcxYUhCcWFnPT0= **** aHR0cHM6Ly9n<s4ltk^JX]XUݖXRXYO the encoding is incorrect!!! brackets are not allowed ]} [ {
>>146903 So you CAN preview on MAB, damn. Guess you learn something new every day. Thanks for the info. The download speeds don't go much faster, if at all, when downloading individually for me, but that could be an internet diff. I too am not someone to balk at freebies (random british convulsing girl aside), I was just surprised that no one under >>146785 so much as mentioned his main point. But now that I know you can preview the videos, I can just say that anyone using MAB should just be patient. At least MAB isn't coomer, which randomly stops downloading like 20 times until eventually just halting the download altogether. MAB works fine.
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u guys I think Lisalou might be getting a little fat
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idk. something about her just seems different these days. can't quite figure it out....
>>147589 >>147591 Even her eyes got fatter.

Geparke Anonymous 02/09/2025 (Sun) 15:59:56 Id:8d9951 No. 146869 [Reply]
Man what a hottie she was. She got a gastric bypass. Good she's happy but what a shame. Still has some vids up from when she was big on her insta @geparrke
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>>147217 I believe she might have gotten approved in Germany, but Schwester Ewa Just stepped in before she could even think about this. Plus it's not so easy to get approved as they will have you try out other methods of weight loss first before eventually approving your surgery.
I think she went under the name pinkbubblepig if anyone has anything more of her
>>147231 Sure! Check out her stufferDB https://cdn.stufferdb.com/index?/category/10829
She doesn't really look like 200 kg, unless she's a giant.
>>147237 Because she was just around half of this, the rest is scamming by the whore-mother Ewa

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fatvenusbabyyyy anon 11/11/2024 (Mon) 02:39:02 Id:feda4b No. 138357 [Reply] [Last]
This is ‘fatvenusbellyyyy’ she has a free OF w PPV videos, but a fair lot of them are on coomer under the same name. She claims to be 18 but weights around 450lbs (her most recent weigh in her scale literally broke…) She’s honestly such a pig. here’s one video of hers but upload anything else you find!! https://gofile.io/d/9MmXwp
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>>146172 can someone share this on gofile? the transfer expired
I definitely don’t think she’s 18. She seemed super scammy in the comments of one of her Reddit posts.
>>146983 You really figured that out huh? Sherlock logged on
Can somebody reup the bellies bumping on gofile Thought we all swore off wetransfer

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Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 08:17:31 Id:c51ff9 No. 135026 [Reply]
Repost from tumblr anyone has more of her
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what's the name?
>>146487 NotASSBBW WhyAreThesePicsPostedHere?
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>>146637 Thanks mate.
