/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

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Rub her belly fatmisstssbbw 05/09/2024 (Thu) 20:30:22 Id:13bc7e No. 117394 [Reply] [Last]
Need more of her around
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Someone seems to be doing a lot of unkind leaks that’s crossing the line into personal with family and personal relationships smh
>>146934 She received millions of views from media, so it's possible someone is doing some shady leaking.
Does anyone have the videos of her bf/feeder?
>>147981 Why would you want videos of her bf?
He already blocked quebecie/canadian kilotroll a while back so he probs shy haha

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Ssbbw cosplay Anon 06/15/2024 (Sat) 21:40:50 Id:5b7313 No. 121136 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone know of any specific ssbbws who do cosplay? I know fatmissT sometimes does it for halloween and that Luna did a sailor moon one. But thats all i can find, any of you guys know who else cosplays in the comm?
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>>>121342 who is the girl in red in fifth picture?
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>>145698 that's echo.
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@clickclacksnac on Twitter
I downloaded the rainy day junko enoshima rp, I wish someone would try remaking it with a SSSBBW with a better Junko impression

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GingerBunny Hayley Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 15:35:00 Id:3b52b0 No. 132236 [Reply] [Last]
The last thread hit the limit. Starting a new one with two pictures that show what this new Hayley era is all about.
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>>147782 Being fat is expensive and requires laziness bro, this comes with the territory
>>147853 Couldn't have said it better.
>>147853 Not just that. Being THAT fat means you need someone else to film, set things up and do everything else basically. Her doing everything herself with that body is probably like running a marathon for other people.
>>147853 The expensive part is what benefits from producing content. She is not lying immobile in bed 24/7, so it is more than just laziness that prevents producing more content.
>>147758 I mean she literally opens one of her videos with "I am standing to show this off". When you have women that are well over 700lbs or a BMI beyond 10, they really can't be all that mobile at that size. While Hayley isn't full blown immobile, but it is still a struggle for them to move. Just consider other models who are currently around this size like FatMissT, Celestial, Juicy Jackie, Supersoft, and Adeline. None of them are immobile, but they really struggle to move very well. It's just really dumb to expect these women to be able to move as well as they could at 350lbs at 700lbs. You can't be complaining that they do less and less while wanting the to keep gaining another 100lbs or more beyond what they already have. And if a model does lose some weight she will be able to move better and make more types of content but there would be a massive outrage among some people here for her shedding just enough weight to do more mobile content.

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Jenni Bombshell Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 13:55:26 Id:741521 No. 141613 [Reply] [Last]
Site-Rip: https://gofile.io/d/Y6cJS2 Content not in the rip will be shown below, if anyone possesses any of it, please upload. The only missing pic-sets are 319-328.
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Does anyone have a reup of the booty painting vid? Seems to not be working for me. Here's a couple Dankii vids in exchange https://gofile.io/d/YA9Vfh
>>147492 The beginning of it at least: https://camstreams.tv/videos/802442/ssbbw-jenni-bombshell-having-her-huge-ass-painted/ Is Jenni bi? Some of the stuff she does with other models is so gay and I’m not complaining. It’s hot af. I’m just wondering
>>141614 Can someone please share the rest of her 2022 set cover pics?
Has anyone noticed how weird the search results are when you enter Jenni Bombshell in the search bar on YouTube?
Better discussion forum for Jenni? Trying to get responses here is like talking to a brick wall.

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Ana Ssbbw Ana - Immobilesoon 12/14/2024 (Sat) 22:52:24 Id:11ece4 No. 140481 [Reply]
Yo guys im looking for Immobilesoon new videos, I start a new Thread 100 Nuggets Challenge here bellow https%3A%2F%2Fgofile.io%2Fd%2Fjbqflk
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https://we.tl/t-31v1U06ggg If one of you fucks complain abt we transfer stfu do it yourself. It's up for a week
>>147951 No complaints here, thank you so much bro
what do you guys think about the clips personally The angle gets kinda boring

Nudity / almost Naked SSBBWS NudeEnjoyer 02/14/2025 (Fri) 15:19:29 Id:caf3a9 No. 147469 [Reply]
I personally much prefer naked ssbbws over clothed ones so ill kick this off with a bunch of my favorites from my stash, please share if you have more yourself! https://gofile.io/d/ELDFad
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>>147867 I'd imagine people pirating her stuff didn't make her happy
>>147871 Girl from pictures 1, 2: https://xhamster.com/creators/mrs-apple Girl from picture 3,4: https://xhamster.com/videos/ssbbw-belly-dance-7566093 Girl from picture 5: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/ssbbwemma That exact vid the pic is from must be somewhere there as well. The last (and imho least)

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>>147879 Adding to your coomers Girl from pictures 1, 2: https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/mrsapple
Brianna, Jae, Caitidee, Leighton Rose, and Lisa Lou all did naked things together, kissing and loving on each other's bodies. Same with Ivy Davenportand Reenaye Starr. The videos have been passed around before. If nobody uploads them, I will later when I get the chance.
>>147879 I should add that the girl in picture 3,4 is lexi, sister of miss gg (gg died semi recently) their videos get mixed p since they issued them together. lexi is prettier IMO, darker hair and glasses. this might be her best one, they're all poor quality

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Eliza Why was it deleted? 06/19/2024 (Wed) 05:17:05 Id:6bc09b No. 143088 [Reply] [Last]
Seriously guys why do threads of her get nuked??
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>>147836 do you n0tice even the head is stretched
>>147850 You can like tell, from the like pixels and stuff.
>>147850 dawg just go look up her socials/coomer page and see for yourself
>>147729 I miss her original, human face. She used to have a cute Sara Rue quality. Now she looks like injection face #109 from a catalog
>>147856 >>147859 do you know these can be on video manipulated too by the filters, like the view reflection of fairy mirrors? It is quite obvious not her original body appearence...

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Annaoli - empressanna Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:43:32 Id:45349d No. 112070 [Reply] [Last]
How come she has no thread here? To start, some mix of videos https://we.tl/t-ivvnd16jQ3
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>>147863 It'll get more active once a new video comes out, it's just been a bit quiet on her curvage atleast. Hopefully she's using this time to get fatter haha.
>>147863 Also thank you for sharing!
>>147919 I know the drought is killing me. Shes one of my favs in terms of fat distribution. She’s gains everywhere lol even like her for arms it’s so hot. Need more comparisons of her
Yeah, she's really great, and it's nicer to see she hasn't lost. Has she been updating her of? No curvage posts in a while...
>>147863 thank you so much, hero.

Hunnybunzzz/Queenyaya Anonymous 02/13/2025 (Thu) 19:16:01 Id:64a2bb No. 147364 [Reply]
She's sooner or later going to become echo status. Lets hope she reaches this status. Her gain has been incredible she looks so much wider. Heres an echo vid for y'all https://gofile.io/d/5ca7d28f-945d-4d2c-8721-b538f7f8755d
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You think we can make it possible a collaboration between yaya and mochii babii.
>>147910 mochii is again on a hiatus, so I don't think it's possible. Also, the fact you think that WE can make any collaboration possible is hilarious
>>147920 aspîe detected. he was not talking seriously.
>>147940 oh all you zillenial diagnoses here are dead serious
Damn, at 627 (or however fat she’s gotten a couple months after that), her heavy breathing is out of control… just straight up wheezing even when all she’s doing is stuffing pizza down her gullet and rubbing her belly

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share what ever you have Ssbbw adeline 08/30/2024 (Fri) 10:45:36 Id:40eb8e No. 129163 [Reply] [Last]
A new Adeline threat due to the previous one dying. Here is 4.5gb of video's, most of them during her peak weight. Does anyone have her b/g video and/or any new video? https://gofile.io/d/W8g5zX
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>>147904 Bruh: the post
>>146583 Anyone have the vid on the right?
>>147950 Here are a few vids, including the one on the right https://gofile.io/d/pSye1l https://gofile.io/d/eHLRhA https://gofile.io/d/mJgHj9
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>>147931 >>going to Have you seen her now?

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SSBBW Super Soft SSBBW Super Soft 10/17/2024 (Thu) 15:09:38 Id:3210a2 No. 134400 [Reply] [Last]
Do you guys have any content of SSBBW Super Soft? Especially the latest mobility video. Here is what I have. https://we.tl/t-CxjAOqGnJL
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Lol wtf she doing
>>147936 The only thing she can do at that size. Struggling.
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>>147936"on point contend" 🤣😂
>>147936 What video is this? Can ya link it? I wanna hear her fart!
>>147952 Found the vid but it doesn’t say anything about farts and she doesn’t fart in it https://thisvid.com/videos/post-stuffing4/

tiktok Anonymous 07/15/2022 (Fri) 16:39:12 Id:0a9e6c No. 50271 [Reply] [Last]
revival of the tiktok thread
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>>99567 Does anyone know what her OF is?
https://onlyfans.com/tertaay >>147001
>>147746 I think she is, but at least is she South-American (could be Paraquay or Bolivia), while she shows not much skin, although having a gigantic tummy. Maybe looking for Ecuadorian gorda/ SSBBW Angel.
>>146276 How do you read the files? Anon pleb here sorry

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Jazz Jazz 06/30/2024 (Sun) 22:03:03 Id:62e7c0 No. 122698 [Reply] [Last]
New Jazz thread since last one was locked. Anyone got the new weigh in or other recent vids? https://we.tl/t-S0CAiLOOiy
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>>147311 She posted from the hospital recently, so there's that... Don't know if she ever talked about what happened but she looked clearly deflated, so she's probably done with gaining/maintaining her weight.
>>145914 It's niggas like you that make this fetish weird. The shapes, beauty & mobility are what actually matter... the weight on such frames are just an added feat. Honestly, bad-built blobs like a Hailey or a Luna aren't competitors at all... they're just flat out fat fucks for sick fucks like yourself.
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New site and she looks smaller than ever
Yeah seems she had a health scare and lost weight. Part of it is kasstheblast passing away she was really close friends. Hopefully she fattens up soon she was damn near 700 lbs .
She has the frame to be like 750 lbs she’s an absolute mammoth. Imagine trying to have sex. I don’t think any penis could fit in her ass and she probably gets so sweaty and out of breath.

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Lady Sublime Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 15:30:40 Id:2381e0 No. 101590 [Reply] [Last]
New Thread :3 Honestly, she is one of my favs atm. I used to have another video of her stuffing fast food in a red bikini but after combing through my degen folders I cant find it, looking for a reupload or anything else Have these vids of her in return YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkl6U1hnM2RYVTVibWM9
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Anyone got a reup?
Her shits just too damn expensive tbh, aint noway charging 30+ dollars for a vid, though they are great value.
Anyone have the thanksgiving video?
Anyone have her burp vids? The mods don’t like it when we ask for those specifically
>>147809 Join her site she has most of her stuff on it.

Compilation Megathread: American Made Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 20:30:54 Id:f1f28d No. 79805 [Reply] [Last]
Third thread and still kicking MEGA links with everything so far - if I'm missing something, let me know and upload it. I'll add it in. You know what to do. Models: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9pRjRtbUlnVCNuRVZobVc2M2Jld0ZPRUlUSVFHeVJn Music Videos: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9EVVkwd0NxTCN3RFpKVlc0V2RPWVZDQl9HWEF6NWFn Whatcha working on? Whaddya wanna see?
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>>147309 Here's the Twinkie Video https://gofile.io/d/qOCrxn I know no one made promises, but I'd kill for that New Plump Princess Little Cakes Stuffing Video
>>147291 Expired? Was wanting to cum super hard.
>>147291 Reupload?
Re-uploaded https://gofile.io/d/MojcnO If you came hard ;) , please consider sharing that new Plump princess Cake video
>>147501 Fuck, missed this. Any chance of a reup? Love eating comps.
