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Supersizedbombshells/Bighotbombshells Anonymous 05/03/2023 (Wed) 18:22:24 Id:509fc4 No. 80716 [Reply] [Last]
Well I guess this is the end of SupersizedBombshells and BighotBombshells. Been trying to archive as much as I could before their immediate shutdown. But if anyone has any past site-rips, just drop them here. Also here are some sets in return. Loves Bombshell: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoTG92ZXMpQzkwTFRabU4wRkRaM2RFU0VRPQ== Astra: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlMoQXN0cmEpNTBiQzkwTFhkc1p6QmtSbGR2U1ZVPQ== Taffy: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGIoVGFmZnkpQzkwTFROM1FraFJWa3BrY0dZPQ==
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https://bbw-chan.link/ssbbw/res/140057.html New Jenni thread
Do you think a petition could Jenni back in the game? I’m running out of ideas here
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Hi, I just want to know if anyone has any content of Gayla Neufeld. I've been looking for content of her, since for me she is my holy grail in terms of BBW women. Also, the links in this thread are down, I just want to know if anyone has videos and photos of her.
>>141951 https://gofile.io/d/M02uJH
Do you have a question or are there videos of Gayla Neufeld? I want to know if there are any

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Caitidee Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:02:09 Id:388ebc No. 105188 [Reply] [Last]
The lack of Caitidee content posted on this site should be criminal, time to change that. https://mab.to/t/u0FDOmrDGJN/us2 Post stuffing vids from c4s and bc, her of is mid and all on coomer anyways.
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>>141483 W girl and W in general besides being in prison but glad u out
>>141511 >>141465 >https://gofile.io/d/RhwUhs Nice reminder of how cute she used to be before getting that damned lip filler that stole her natural attractiveness.
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Trade for new video About 5 videos in here https://we.tl/t-m3KQGbQt7f
>>141635 >https://we.tl/t-m3KQGbQt7f Expired
https://we.tl/t-jWpR980vfz Jerk to your heart content 3 Caitidee vids 1 lisalou 1 Mochi Babii All edgier then normal content Just wanna see my favorite fat butch be slutty

Baby Yaga Baby Yaga 11/17/2024 (Sun) 18:20:13 Id:e3ef5c No. 137316 [Reply]
Now that she leaves the scene, I´ll drop my stuff. Hopefully she comes back. Would be nice if someone drops something beside this. https://gofile.io/d/VhHLwx
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>>137316 Shes German, but shes one of those Filter ones... nothing relay lost
>>137316 Can you reap the bud where she’s tied down and being force fed to the go file it’s on of the only ones I was looking for and of course one of the only ones that deleted smh.
Is this a variante of Baba Ja-ga?
Reup of the first link please
Some of videos from the link disappeared

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Thebigassssbbw new thread Anonymous 05/27/2023 (Sat) 12:29:16 Id:6a1397 No. 83522 [Reply] [Last]
Let’s get a new thread of hers started
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>>131794 God I would love to see her and her sis collaborate.
>>140201 It’s pointless since she flipped her OF content to PPV.
>>140214 She has two pages. A free one with ppv on every video and a paid one with no ppv. The no ppv page is TheBigAssSSBBW1
>>140254 Worth noting that the vip page doesn't have everything (though it has vids that never made it to curvage for nudity *and* a decent number of the curvage vids). The "would I fatten my daughter" video, for instance, is not on her vip page. Or at least wasn't the last time the page made it to coomer, which was two months after the video made it to curvage (february).

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BigReddBitch Anon1993 08/14/2024 (Wed) 22:49:34 Id:3fb8da No. 127634 [Reply]
Anyone knows what happened to her? I can’t find her socials anywhere and I’m trying to get as much content of her as possible.
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>>127634 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMhkuQKL1/
That bitch is trash and nobody but a tease
Y’all want her IG here it is fellas @juicy_reddb_reloaded
Does anyone have her old OF content?
>>141333 she does facesitting still? thats where i first heard of her.. her videos

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Johanamaya Anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 14:25:34 Id:cbbc26 No. 141112 [Reply]
Here is an 11GB dump of her content. Enjoy. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9qanBXU1lqUyNxallYNHlJU25SS3hId1dENUZHQWV3
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Can someone make that a gofile link becuz I can’t view that either
>>141113 >aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9qanBXU1lqUyNxallYNHlJU25SS3hId1dENUZHQWV3 >>141116 >aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9qanBXU1lqUyNxallYNHlJU25SS3hId1dENUZHQWV3 use a decoder like https://www.base64decode.org/ just copy and paste until u see the link
>>141127 Don't help these lazy retards.
Just imagine that butt at 600 pounds!!!
Surprised this didn't get more attention with the amount of followers she has on ig.

Stuffingkit Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 23:36:10 Id:39960b No. 131897 [Reply]
Looking for more Stuffingkit content, here's my contribution: https://gofile.io/d/ni1Qlz I'll drop some more when I have the time!
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>>138752 It's a mixed bag. They don't maintain the links so unless you subscribe to both the premium file sharing file sites they use you'll run into dead links, and they still limit your downloads. I used it for about a month to get some stuff from deactivated models who weren't archived on coomer. It's clunky and a pain in the ass but it's not a full on scam.
>>138785 Me and my fiance had a drink with her out in Hawaii a long time ago, chance meeting. Ended up actually getting my fiance into feederism and fat fetish stuff and my sex life has been fucking baller ever since. Say what you want about the gaining stuff but she's a pretty cool person NGL
Does anyone have Skinny Jeans Fail, Fast Food Win! , More To Measure Or POV: Encouraging you to gain with me?
Hoping to breathe some life back into this thread. I don't know how much it'd be worth to you guys, but here's what I have, including all the videos I managed to fish off of VK.com: https://gofile.io/d/fvml4f I'm just looking for anything old or new, especially pic-related and the vids on her Curvage account that can't be bought/downloaded anymore. Cheers!
>>141208 Thank youuu

Ivy Davenport Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 07:49:36 Id:8fb866 No. 141170 [Reply]
Starting a proper thread of this ssbbw slob. I'll start. Here's Marital Gains: https://gofile.io/d/CBaINR Looking for any Pudgy Petunia content please.
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Unfortunately the content isn't public
Here's some more: https://gofile.io/d/eLA3u3 Seconding the petunia ask
She’s not pretty but leans into it in a way that oddly works. Also the way she’s sort of the next generation Heather and seems to have a bit of a sadist streak in her
Should be public now my bad
Yeah it's good to go now, appreciate it

TheBreakfastChub Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:14:54 Id:d757f3 No. 136102 [Reply]
Intended to give something back to the old thread, but it's gone so I'll make a new one! Reupping everything I have plus I got her fat housewife vid. https://gofile.io/d/i3230x
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>>136535 nah her thick eyebrows are sexy, makes her stand out from out bbws. Plus her body fat proportions are absolutely perfect, big all around
she posted something recently on tumblr about having a new feeder/partner, anyone know anything more about that? hope this leads to some massive gains!
>>136102 God bless you dude, I made the last thread then deleted everything off my computer, so having this back up means I can see em again.
That smoke detector hanging on for dear life in wg chat
Just updated this to add her bikini try-on. Merry Christmas. https://gofile.io/d/i3230x

Gigi Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 23:50:44 Id:570a96 No. 61864 [Reply] [Last]
Shes too underrated, post any new stuffing vids https://mab.to/t/YoJZmphqn8p
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>>140522 THANK YOU!!!
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This is new. I wish she would do outdoor videos again.
>>140424 ...such eternal sadness I felt when realizing vid#80 isn't here
She’s an absolute snack! I can’t wait to see her hit 600lb 🥵
>>140944 Alright that was funny so I've uploaded #80 Also new video #124 is up, same folder as before https://gofile.io/d/zfZ54y

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Bigcuties Marilyn Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 02:50:31 Id:e8d8cc No. 118736 [Reply] [Last]
Here's videos 150-179 I have slow internet but let me know what sets you want https://gofile.io/d/xyD27B https://gofile.io/d/vM9gLJ I'm just sharing because i have everything but if anyone has videos from models similar that would be cool
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>>140475 189a please (notthesamefag)
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Lest we forget that Marilyn is the GOAT
>>141062 Mmmmm yummy Any idea which sets those are from?

squishy-brat Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 23:04:34 Id:e3a5ce No. 104938 [Reply] [Last]
i think she deserve a thread
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I think she lost, 417 maybe? She didn’t actually step on the scale in the video. The measurements were good though. I think she’s plateaued either for her own doing or just is what it is.
Her coomer was updated and it some new vids and pics but here is her newest weigh in https://gofile.io/d/wuXBg1
also searching for "squish" in coomer reveals the lot
She did gain a ton of weight, way more than 30 Just yeah for the past few months, she's plateau'd Credit it to her though for not lying or faking it, shows how legit she is about being an actual gainer and not a fantasy one. Hope the numbers go up again, but her gain was already one of the best and most documented ones around.
>>141020 Yup, her commitment to doing a weigh in each month, even though she's been around the same weight for half a year now shows that she's actually interested. And not just faking numbers and going up and up and up. I follow her her closely for that reason. Hopefully the numbers start going up again soon though

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Thickalicious "puddin' legs" thread 2 Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:46:50 Id:344344 No. 135775 [Reply]
The last thread is long gone. Please share what you have. Here's my fair share + some little bonus. https://gofile.io/d/3RaVuY Black ssbbw and ussbbw are super uber welcome here. Joyeux weekend to yall!
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I can be a wizard and not be a virgin ty very much
>>139757 It's for the best >>139870 lmao no
>>137209 I agree as a longtime smothering enthusiast. It's really not impressive to suffocate a sub until he's screaming. Consider different types of BDSM scenarios, like flogging with a paddle. Any domme can tie up a guy and beat him with a paddle until he's bloody. A good domme will curate an experience and balance the stamina of the submissive to keep them in the game, even if they're not always enjoying it. Them bragging about how easily they can make dudes tap out isn't a flex. Like, no shit. You're 500lbs
I imagine it must feel like being crushed into panic and screaming to be ignored by this woman.

I'm negotiating to record a video with her, since she doesn't have one, she agreed now, I just need to get the money to go to her city. I spoke to her on the phone today for about 17 minutes She's very hot, she said she'd be up for anal sex and cum on her face
She's fucking beautiful
She’ll be my wife when she stops watching her weight and just goes for it.
>>140939 she is not ugly at all, but kind of attractive/ hot milf

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Pame Pear Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 04:28:34 Id:71e72f No. 140434 [Reply]
There hasn't been a thread about her in a while. Does anyone have something to share please :) thanks in advance
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Bare with me. Its my first time, but here's the ones I got. Even though I think this is it with the weight, I really hope she gain enough where her ass gets stuck when going sideways. https://gofile.io/d/wmwZ9c
>>140755 Thanks but these are all from her (public) Instagram.
Is there a video for that asshole picture?
Her weight gain since coming out is wild. Doesn't look like she is stopping either. Surprised no guys in the picture tho'.
>>140434 Her vids with lourdes la rubia are just awesome!
