/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Feedism / FA Documentaries Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 09:58:15 Id:1e26d3 No. 100247 [Reply] [Last]
I remember we used to have a thread for depictions of FA/WG/Fat Fetish/Feedism documentaries here before, so Figure might as well revive it. Here's a real blast to the past with My Big Fat Fetish from 2013 https://we.tl/t-4pSH8IRALu I know there's been a few circulating around here in other threads, so see something FA related in a Doco? Post it here
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>>144993 Yes I personally know her, she is over 500 lbs now and immobile.
>>144797 >https://youtu.be/tDX-BkoxFNY?feature=shared She is amazing beautiful!
>>145052 Please post
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Does anyone have the full definition version of Half-Ton Killer (Mayra Rosales)? It’s on YouTube but terrible definition.

Kamylla raynnara y manuela 12/01/2024 (Sun) 22:09:28 Id:481053 No. 138917 [Reply] [Last]
I recommend their Instagram https://gofile.io/d/1v4jC5
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>>148266 Wish she'd start modeling officially already. I'd kill for an OnlyFans. Let's let her know.
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>>148527 https://gofile.io/d/FBCh9m
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Manuela is a very large beauty

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SSBBW in Media Anonymous 01/30/2025 (Thu) 03:42:27 Id:86890a No. 145644 [Reply] [Last]
Nothing better than obese women with fat rolls getting fat roles. And I stress that they be REAL fat women, no make-up, no padding, no CGI. Translation: NO FAT SUITS. No silicone, just cellulite. No rubber, just blubber. Fat body-doubles being the one exception. Because they are still real even if you can’t see their face.
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I remember someone talking about a west german comedy where a fat woman goes to stalkerish lengths to seduce a married train driver, but I can't remember the name
I wish Nikki Blonsky was in more stuff, a lot of the stuff she's in is pretty bad
Does anyone have or can anyone find the episodes of Feeders, Fat Lovers and Fortunes?
>>148651 Sugarbaby, aka Zuckerbaby in German. There's an American remake but it's not as good. Director Percy Adlon also made (English) movie Baghdad Cafe, that also stars Marriane Sagebrecht.

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Lady Sublime Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 15:30:40 Id:2381e0 No. 101590 [Reply] [Last]
New Thread :3 Honestly, she is one of my favs atm. I used to have another video of her stuffing fast food in a red bikini but after combing through my degen folders I cant find it, looking for a reupload or anything else Have these vids of her in return YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVkl6U1hnM2RYVTVibWM9
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Ight so how do I buy this
>>148582 Subscribe to her website. She'll probably put it up a la cart on Manyvids or Curvage eventually but her site's the best deal and your 20 bucks clearly won't go to waste.
>>148594 I'm not really one for subscription services (or paying for porn at all) but I'll think about it
>>148559 Shiiiid...she's ballooning up nicely😮‍💨👌🏾
>>148559 She looks like she’s packing the lbs on again. Love how tall she is. She has BIG TIME potential

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juiceefruitee anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 00:16:54 Id:51764c No. 116184 [Reply] [Last]
just wow !
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>>148020 werent people on here barking about her being a spoiled rich girl.
>>148618 I don't think this girl realises how saggy she's going to get once she loses the weight. She's going to go from sexy plus sized Instagram model to deflated granny real quick and for what.😂
>>148686 she's not losing the fucking weight. wake the fuck up

Compilation Megathread: American Made Anonymous 04/24/2023 (Mon) 20:30:54 Id:f1f28d No. 79805 [Reply] [Last]
Third thread and still kicking MEGA links with everything so far - if I'm missing something, let me know and upload it. I'll add it in. You know what to do. Models: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9pRjRtbUlnVCNuRVZobVc2M2Jld0ZPRUlUSVFHeVJn Music Videos: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9EVVkwd0NxTCN3RFpKVlc0V2RPWVZDQl9HWEF6NWFn Whatcha working on? Whaddya wanna see?
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Re-uploaded https://gofile.io/d/MojcnO If you came hard ;) , please consider sharing that new Plump princess Cake video
Comp archive is gradually being uploaded here. 30 uploaded so far. Some promo stuff has been made recently https://pmvhaven.com/playlist/67b969b2a5121fc168ce4e81
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I maked another. This one is a LisaLou single-model comp :) https://gofile.io/d/4A3cYX
>>148767 Amazing work. Seriously she is one of the best "new generation" gainers.

Ivy Davenport Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 07:49:36 Id:8fb866 No. 141170 [Reply]
Starting a proper thread of this ssbbw slob. I'll start. Here's Marital Gains: https://gofile.io/d/CBaINR Looking for any Pudgy Petunia content please.
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The video is incredibly hot. I will say that even with editing, Ivy puts down an insane amount of food. I love that it's a feature length film and tells an actual story. The blonde with the glasses deserved more screen time. She's incredibly hot and a natural actor. The ringleader....well...I've seen better acting in high school dramas. I know I'm complaining about the acting in porn, but Ivy has the potential to do incredible things with this fetish. It's just a shame she couldn't find anyone with mediocre acting talent willing to do this.
She just posted on Twitter that she'll be deleting another of her videos from before 2021
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>>141222 She looks like this mf in drag
>>148325 wake up joe biden
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/14798/28567423/ella-raines-immobile-lover-ivy-davenport-mp4-sd Anyone have this? This is what I got https://gofile.io/d/tAIUi2

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Ivy Davenport 04/20/2024 (Sat) 07:29:20 Id:9ad0a4 No. 115552 [Reply]
Anyone have "Reiinapop & Ivy Davenport: Who's The Biggest Pig?" Here's "Gluttony Unleashed." Would also love to see whatever else you fine gents may have involving this massive slob hog. https://gofile.io/d/1p0dwN
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>>140797 Here ya go, anon: https://gofile.io/d/6NsYwT Does anyone have any of the following videos: https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/29861873/the-cursed-cookie-jar-starring-ivy-davenport-ami-mercury-indica-jane-ssbbw-gets-revenge-on-skinny-bitch-neighbors-by-casting-a-weight-gain-spell-1080-hd-mp4 https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/14798/28144371/the-gift-of-the-gluttony-demon-starring-bbw-nadya-ama-rio-ampamp-ivy-davenport-mp4-hd https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/14798/26622995/the-paw-a-curse-of-3-granted-wishes-mp4-sd https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/14798/30217479/ivy-davenport-marital-gains-ssbbw-wife-stuffs-her-face-and-gains-100s-of-pounds-during-1st-year-of-marriage-and-becomes-an-immobile-blob-mp4-4k
>>132591 questioning the logistics of a chin fuck in the year 2025? on bbwchan of all places? lol, lmao even
>>148215 Honestly at this point I thought it was a given at this point with how her face looks, that everybody had wondered about fucking that chin
>>148268 With how she, Ivy herself would definitely get off to the idea of her chin being fat enough to fuck
>>148306 certified saxxon momento

Vixenvibes / Sunflwrrbby Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 01:55:29 Id:00ac7c No. 133669 [Reply]
Coulda sworn I just did this for a beggar lately, but maybe not? Vixenvibes vids: https://gofile.io/d/AnZ23O Sunflwrrbby (Sierra Sunfwrrbby?): https://gofile.io/d/25ZPt3 Pics: https://gofile.io/d/bvcRZS And Vixen? Sorry, but I can't refuse a new admirer of your delightful form.
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https://www.instagram.com/sierravibesxo/ Down 78 pounds as of early last month.
>>148680 Too Bad. I was hoping there forca second
>>148680 I think she's trying to deceive her followers.
>>148717 Wich ones? Those that want her fatter or those that want her thinner?
>>148723 both my friend, both

Big Cutie Ellie Anonymous 02/18/2025 (Tue) 14:40:41 Id:0989ba No. 147749 [Reply]
Let's start a thread for this underrated bbw https://gofile.io/d/RnVs9K
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>>147932 That's not a problem Actually, she's like wine
Does she doing anything interesting with that massive belly of hers?
>>147932 She is still amazing and has the nicest figure of any woman, and she’s an even better human. She is very welcoming too for anyone that wants to contact her for custom content
Does anyone know how to request custom videos?
>>148344 [email protected]. Email her for custom content

Chubby Chiquita Chubby Chiquita 02/26/2025 (Wed) 21:09:13 Id:41c153 No. 148397 [Reply]
New Chubby Chiquita thread since the old one was bumplocked. Here is my contribution, a 222 video drop: https://gofile.io/d/g489PE Refill your popcorn buckets and let the posting begin!
Thanks, Mr. President! An amazing drop. I only wish these weren't missing the dates, as I like the see the progression from beginning to end. I don't suppose it would be possible to add those, e.g. by taking a screenshot of the folder that has both the filenames and the dates column visible?

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brianna brianna 01/31/2024 (Wed) 22:11:33 Id:e06ab0 No. 108236 [Reply] [Last]
Starting a new SSBBW Brianna thread, sharing 8 fresh videos i've seen at this site before. Enjoy: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUx6ZzFONDdvSFo= aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUQ1eWhTc3F3cmw= i'm also looking for the following videos to improve my collection: https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/28084543/youre-my-long-distance-boyfriend-this-is-what-youre-missing https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/27015879/your-immobile-girlfriiend-too-fat-to-travel-for-holidays https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/24959949/leave-your-wife-to-fatten-me https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/25481579/they-pay-to-get-skinny-im-paid-to-get-fat https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/22985333/an-ssbbw-can-satisfy-you-better-than-her https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/24570757/brianna-parents-worst-nightmare-but-your-dream-girl https://www.clips4sale.com/pt/studio/69525/23595137/ssbbw-briannas-body-slam-chest-sitting
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>>148044 forgot the link, kek https://gofile.io/d/V2ymMt
>>148045 A new king emerges That is one hell of a drop THANK YOU SO MUCH
>>148045 That is possibly the most epic drop of all time.. This is pretty much everything there's ever been Had quite a lot of these, but seeing all of this in one place is like travelling through a timeline of her work showing why she's my all time fav >>148045
Which one(s) are the absolute newest?
hey can someone make a Greedygirlmarie thread now that she is doing a crossover or whatever you call it with Brianna?

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Ninjah Anonymous 01/14/2023 (Sat) 16:56:00 Id:a74be6 No. 68467 [Reply] [Last]
Sorry guys, but are there accessible videos of Ninjah out there? I think this girl is wonderfully absurd. if there's already a thrad about her let me know I can't find it.. thanks
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>>148562 She's hidden behind New Zealand being a pain in the ass when it comes to getting paid from clip stores but after a certain point... We get it. You don't want to do it. The jar's been opened though and you know we want to see more. Can't exactly blame us at this point.
Nope, super NZ’d
>>148643 Years ago.
>>148643 Was also in Illinois for a Halloween bbw bash. Bumped into her before she blew up, maybe 2018 or 2019? She's super short, easily sub 5ft, which would explain why she's so absolutely massive
>>148548 Either you did not meet her or you are bad at heights - she’s 5’6 and looked it too though definitely weighed less than I assume she does now, if she’s still over 600

Rub her belly fatmisstssbbw 05/09/2024 (Thu) 20:30:22 Id:13bc7e No. 117394 [Reply] [Last]
Need more of her around
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>>148265 can you reup please
It’s over. Latest shower vid shows she’s lost even more. Definitely under 650 now and needs to update to 600+ ussbbw. Probably an ssbbw by the end of the year, the fat shrinkage game coming in strong. No longer can be excused by sickness.
She’s definitely shrinking, eating 5K McDonald’s to make money on an of video and then eating like a bird the rest of the week will still result in weight loss. But she is over 600 for now, obviiiii
>>148524 >>148640 What did you expect? Being 600+ pounds is not only unhealthy but miserable. Can't move as much, out of breath quickly, have spend more on clothes and thats ignoring the health issues.
>>148671 woah there, don't come here with actual facts on why people quit being this big.

Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 01:49:05 Id:932779 No. 101874 [Reply] [Last]
Any Ganjafreak enjoyers?
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>>142646 Ah the losing weight trend has been blowing up since ozempic usually give her a month and she will give up they always do.
>>142926 >takes ozempic consistently for 1-3 years >loses a shitload of weight, maybe even enough to become a typical thin gal >stops taking it because "I'm thin (enough) now, I don't need it anymore" >weight balloons right back up again thanks to old bad habits returning, plus new ones from eating plenty while on a drug that's no longer in her system and can no longer offset the intake >ends up the same size as pre-ozempic if not even bigger, and notably jigglier thanks to the loosened skin being refilled with new flab Mark my words, this is gonna happen not only to her, but to many other fat girls who try to "cheat" their way to weight loss, and it's gonna be glorious to witness. It'll be especially fun with the ones who end up enjoying getting and being fat all over again.
>>142646 I'm curious what her wakeup call was. Before, she genuinely didn't seem like she cared about being so big. Must have been something pretty scary/embarrassing
>>143341 she does it already since several years
>>143341 Ganja is so bug its insane how her side profile is
