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Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 12:38:47 Id:4903cd No. 39736 [Reply] [Last]
Super Fatty Office Simulator Thread 2
156 posts and 145 images omitted.
>>71767 ignore my stupid question, weirdmidnight answered on X
New uptade on super sweet?
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So I’ve gotten an idea for a mod, but I’m not an artist but I have so cool ideas. Mainly that you have previous SFOAS gals with ya as you enter and get different endings with who you clear it with. You use your gals ability with alt fire and they have no ai so they won’t get stuck or anything no matter how big. Think of them as guns and powers. As the manager you have much less of an arsenal than the baker bunnies but your gals make up for it. Overstuffed is like a heat gauge for a mini gun in games. If the meter fills and they are overstuffed they go into a cool down which gets longer the more they are overstuffed all characters have this. Also all gals have a sprite beside you. Following you like an old school rpg. So you can always look behind you to see how fat they are getting and feed them if it’s worth using the ammo you have. Here are the class types >Predators: Swallow enemies to get bigger and more powerful simple and useful run towards an enemy and swallows them. Is slow but strong. >Siphon's: Absorb fat to heal you and damage others. Can be akin to poison or healing. >Wall’s: Eat opponents bullets and can belly flop onto enemies when having eaten enough this gets more powerful the bigger they get. Give you a back view as you use their abilities. >Feeder: Feed enemies like a regular gun. Gain via shooting in which they eat their own bullets. Kathy is a predator that can constantly attack and swallow enemies, and does more damage the fatter she gets. She starts off weak as a donut box attack but gets as strong as the cake launcher, but gets slower as she gets bigger as a downside.

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>>72637 Shoot forgot about Pearl I think she’d be a siphon and a wall hybrid, where she eats the bullets of others and which makes the others fatter around her. Like a close range area of effect type deal with how easy she gets fattened and how she enables others with her nice attitude, any other ideas?
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>>72637 >>72638 I posted my idea in the previous thread, which was mainly an rework for the original Sweet, where you can unlock a popping mode when you beat the game on hard difficulty. This would've included new sprites for the enemies, as well as unique "finisher" animations if you get up close and personal with them, as well as a separate gauntlet bossfight with Polly, where she has you in her own honey colosseum within the IT department, forcing you to fight waves after waves of enemies, while stuffing her own face and gradually getting fatter over the course of it, until she gets so fat her seat collapses and she bounces down into the arena, leaving her at your mercy. Since the popping mode would be unlocked from beating the game from hard mode, it would serve as the "Nightmare" difficulty, which would come with reworked bossfights, making the girls more aggressive in their offense. The actual popping/bursting animations could be toggleable in an options menu, but by default the nightmare difficulty makes you capable of fattening stuffed enemies even further after they've been defeated, with there being a reward for stuffing every enemy in the game to their absolute fullest.

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Weight gain general plus alt Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 17:10:42 Id:ec35de No. 9740 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for anime with little art but not enough
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Link to deviantart:https://www.deviantart.com/truekeyfarer/art/Fatgeria-Milana-Kuznetsova-Weight-Gain-Drive-1119876335 Link to twitter:https://x.com/keyfarer/status/1855004323492597808 There is an active wg drive the developer is doing for one the girls. Supporting the drive would also support the game. Check it out if you are interested.
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Valecity Shara 09/11/2024 (Wed) 16:55:15 Id:5b4fa2 No. 67518 [Reply]
Surprised they don't have a thread yet, I'm unsure if it belongs here or Furry so I'll only post the non furry stuff
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>>68176 https://www.reddit.com/r/ExpansionHentai/comments/1fo4hxo/f_the_big_gulp_aftertaste_valecity/
>>71429 Thanks Anon

Strongfat Thread Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 07:53:00 Id:133fb9 No. 72645 [Reply]
Don’t know if there’s already another thread like this, but I haven’t seen one so here we go. This is a thread for those ladies who got both the stronk AND the chonk. Gimme your best pics!

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Excess Skin Bellies Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 06:11:44 Id:2eb291 No. 62424 [Reply] [Last]
We know that weight loss kills the boner, but there are some women who either lost weight or had their baby, and leave behind a belly that had some excess skin. In other words they have saggy bellies. I have a new kink to saggy bellies, how they hang and have lovely stretch marks. If any of you share this kink with me, post some pics and share some Coomer.su links of models who have this kind of body.
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>>62708 She was better at her heaviest
>>72169 >>72170 While I do agree, she is even better with her excess apron belly: >>62709
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found this woman today on instagram, she has some hardcore stuff at her bigger size but fuck me does she look good with the loose skin
>>72190 I NEED to find more of her with her belly showing off
there is always daily mail.com to go to for more of this.

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Redraw/Remake Thread Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 17:39:13 Id:82d1cb No. 45730 [Reply] [Last]
post pictures you'd like to see drawn in another artist's style, drawfriends welcome
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>>65152 >>62478 >>61682 Bringing these three to a different place.
>>72200 This isn't the thread for that. You're that same guy who's been begging across multiple threads for this picture aren't you?
>>72200 Wrong place this thread is to remake for example >>66603 is >>66642.
then what thread is it then?
Can somebody remake my Uzumaki comic in Junji Ito style, please? The synopsis of this comic is: Kirie Goshima and Kyoko Sekino fight each other using their hair. They kick each other's chests and hips and their breasts and butts grow. Kirie and Kyoko look and their own breasts and butts and then they look and each others' breasts and butts. My name is Miramar2024. The pics are censored for big butt and big breasts.

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Goblins Thread Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 19:15:56 Id:53ab12 No. 63937 [Reply] [Last]
Post some nice thicc goblin gals
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>>65125 will post relevant Grindaviking twitter doodles

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Loli donks 2: The Redonkaring Anonymous 12/30/2023 (Sat) 01:05:10 Id:1318c5 No. 49743 [Reply]
Post Lolis with big fat butts
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>>68287 Do they have an archive or something
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>>68680 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yopujozo8wbcvvt/AADCudmpEpdu6WlZjE8qTCEIa?dl=0
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Thatthymewarp Thread Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 22:49:27 Id:27b7a4 No. 71597 [Reply]
Post lost art of their DeviantArt account!
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>>71817 You've never heard of /bbfurries/? It's the newest board on this website. Herp durrrr duhhh fucking derp, moron.
did you ask thyme before making this post neighbor.

Thatthymewarp Thread 10/20/2024 (Sun) 17:10:38 Id:b04a7c No. 70660 [Reply]
A place to remember their old art... Post their Planetgals work and/or sauce women art...
>>70660 Christ, did they also nuke their stuff?
They deleted their account...
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thyme knows lil bro

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Nichijou Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:14:33 Id:7d04ea No. 64295 [Reply]
Post Nichijous
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>>70078 Source ?
>>70078 Eishikibahamut (Eishiban) on Pixiv
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Madoka Magica 07/03/2023 (Mon) 06:52:08 Id:61947f No. 38542 [Reply] [Last]
Post obese Madoka Magica girls
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the sayaka blob is reaaal
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vore bump

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Video Game Mods that make characters chubby Video Game Mods 09/25/2024 (Wed) 03:48:19 Id:1e7218 No. 68588 [Reply]
https://x.com/TheGreatKatulu This man right here has a lot of talent, he's probably the best BBW modder of all time.
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>>69071 Now I'm curious, do you have any footage of those DOA5 mods? But its surprising that a Korean of all things would be the best fat modder for Genshin considering how much asians tend to dislike fat stuff typically. I've actually been trying out modding myself as well recently, here's a fat edit of a hazeker mod for Nahida that I made. Its pretty crappy, no jiggle physics or anything yet and I am not good with blender, but I'll try to get better and improve it over time. Hoping to add some clothes later on. Link to download mod - https://files.catbox.moe/yd8sb2.zip
>>69114 At that size, the lower body stops looking natural. >Hoping to add some clothes later on That can help hide the dainty ankles and help the rest look like it all flows together a lot better. >do you have any footage of those DOA5 mods I've long long the actual videos that grabbed my attention but this guy has some. https://youtu.be/t7k8-aG4NAE I remembered one of the videos I found was someone figuring out how to make the characters get fatter with each hit by using Cheat Engine.
>>69066 hope these get ported to console
anyone got these mods from tea kettle? https://tea-kettles.itch.io wanna make fatties in Koikatsu
Does anyone have Tales of Arise mods from Coldsteelj ?

Mary Wendle thread Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 18:28:01 Id:054071 No. 21266 [Reply] [Last]
Figured I'd return Clarence back onto this site.
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>>69013 This is a Mary-centered thread.
>>69012 >>69013 Could somebody remove these?
>>70196 Might as well remove the thread then since it's only you and I posting and you want to nitpick artwork dedicated to an already incredibly obscure character
>>70601 I concur
Au revoir .

Gwen Tennyson(ben10) Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 16:50:06 Id:b24d6a No. 35185 [Reply] [Last]
just gwen tennyson arts
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