/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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***RED ALERT! SITE FUNDS ARE LOW!*** LtBarclay##vOgLqq 04/28/2024 (Sun) 22:34:51 Id:5dd7cc No. 57818 [Reply]
>>>/gen/55691 SEE ABOVE FOR IMPORTANT SITE CONTINUATION INFO. >>>/gen/50611 Having trouble posting? See above.
Edited last time by admin on 10/24/2024 (Thu) 19:17:59.

Roleplay Request Thread: IIII Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 13:00:26 Id:8809eb No. 72163 [Reply] [Last]
Bump locked. You know the drill. The guy with the roleplay server, can you post the link as well?
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I'm just really in the mood for rp Hey I'm really in the mood for a Scott Pilgrim, Marvel, Persona, DDLC or Final Fantasy 7 roleplay but I'm also open to Dc, MHA, Pokemon, Nintendo, Star Wars, Adventure Time, Sonic and Jjba and I am both a feeder and a feedee but I do prefer to play whatever the male role Also DM about a franchise because I know a lot of stuff that isn't listed and I'm fine with any OC Ideas you might have If you want to do bhm let me know we can make it work, and if we do I prefer to play make feedee for bhm I have no size limits and kinks are immobile, slob, extreme slob, vore, weight gain, force feeding, round belly, tight clothes/clothes shredding, belly noises, extreme jiggle physics, tiredness, laziness, stuckage, sweat, stuckage, fat body, rapid gaining, slow gaining, hyper, lactation, out of breath, burping and farts Limits are futa, health issues and death We can talk if you don't like some or you want to ask about some Dm if interested my DMs are open and that's the easiest way for me to respond to anyone and let me know what series you wanna rp Discord is cowabungazone
Sup' y'all Been in the mood to do some slob-adjacent rp focused around Neon Genesis Evangelion, with you (yes, YOU!) rping as a feeder Shinji while I rp as a feedee Misato, Asuka or Rei (up to you as well). The plot involves the nerv crew taking a small hiatus after a major angel attack, with the girl that you choose deciding to indulge herself a little, occasionally asking Shinji to cook for her. This spirals out of control in a matter of weeks, as they start to frequently pig out more, and take less care of their hygiene. At some point, Shinji comes clean on his fetish towards fat slobs and becomes their devoted feeder, tending to their every will. Kinks: Weight gain Slob (My only exception being scat.) Gas Sweat Fat roll play Sex/masturbation Minor health issues Immobility Facesitting/facefarting Musk Feet

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Scenario: Mainly looking to utilize characters from a canon series to get into some wg and or inflation/expansion related premises through more in canon world reasons, or open to more AU type plot lines. Whether in a more pairing focused setting or more characters if need be. Down to discuss even more specifics in contact. Anime Rp Interest Check: Hello! Welcome to my interest check. Somethings to know about me: I write 3rd person paragraph(s) form. I can play M or F characters and multi character if need be for plot. Down to plot and world build. Cool with general NSFW along with kinks. Some canons of interest: Bleach Demon Slayer Chainsaw Man Death Note Konosuba NGE Fairy Tail

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Looking for someone to play female feedee for a wg rp! Some of my fandoms are Persona, Pokemon, Mario, Dragon Ball Z, Sly cooper, Dragon Maid, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yo-Kai Watch, FNF, Super Fatty Office I am fine with random characters like 2B and AUs too Discord is evoker0852

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Post slobs lolis Slob lolis 02/27/2023 (Mon) 01:40:32 Id:0e65b6 No. 32596 [Reply] [Last]
If you guys have any slob lolis post them here. and if you wanna rp my discord is Messy momma~#1174
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>>81521 Chances for a gassy Andrea blob?
>>81494 Damn that's unfortunate
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>>81504 here >>81521 >>81524 these are good suggestions, but unfortunately my time off is over
>>32596 so guys, i need people to join this server RIGHT NOW, so please :)) https://discord.gg/cvCF9Aev
>>81512 Thanks dude! You’re the first to draw her I think >>81524 Seconding this one

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BBW/SSBBW Fart thread 2: Gassy Boogaloo Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 05:55:17 Id:11081b No. 77579 [Reply]
Other thread got bump locked https://gofile.io/d/UVbDZU https://gofile.io/d/GVtE0S https://gofile.io/d/9rzaLb https://gofile.io/d/VSEvc7
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Kitty Delgato stuff https://we.tl/t-OTqNP8iY62
>>80597 Hey, thank you!
>>79467 Disagree. The edits are great. I usually fibd edits disappointing, but that ine guy in the last thread made some proper gems
Quinn's farts. Enjoy! https://gofile.io/d/H6Ri9K
any ssbbw mikayla lace?

The biggest blobs Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 05:27:01 Id:282073 No. 67824 [Reply] [Last]
post the most extremely large blobs you have, let's say about house sized is the minimum
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Fat Vore Thread Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 18:35:23 Id:c89d60 No. 77750 [Reply] [Last]
can never get enough fat preds or prey, post any you have
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>>79882 >i remember right before he left twitter he said something about how people had an annoying obsession with his art sounds like he's just adverse to flattery. he's a better cartoonist than most in this community, but he doesn't manage his time very well, takes on too many comms at once, prone to burnout cycles, etc.
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Games Thread 9: New Year Edition Games Thread 9: New Year Edition 02/03/2025 (Mon) 22:33:07 Id:e6156d No. 79118 [Reply] [Last]
Another thread Gone, another thread made. Let's hope that with the new year that some cool games get made/updated. Speaking of which, what are you guys hoping to see this year? Personally, as a backer, I'm very excited for Super Sweet's release as everything I've played and seen so far looks fantastic.
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whens the next big aspirations dlc gonna come out? usually it comes out every month on the 1st
Found a Japanese clicker game on twitter: https://unityroom.com/games/weightgaincat The cake is how you feed her and gain points Button one increases calories per click Button two increases points per click Button three increases the level cap of the first two buttons up to 100, you need presents to increase it any more. Button four increases her breast size Button five is the "ending" Make sure to click on her speech bubbles before they run out or she'll lose weight. Have fun.
[IMPORTANT] State of the Game any idea what is so important but kept secret at the same time about chub chomp chill?
>>81515 You’re a fucking retard. How about following the forums around the game instead of asking this thread. https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/chub-chomp-chill-version-1-2-out-now/14701/954
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Does anybody know where in the game's files are the Blurbs? It would be nice to see what the personalities are like before investing time in one

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BBW/SSBBW Giantess 2 Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 05:07:01 Id:03d618 No. 59965 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread ended. This is for convenience.
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>>63228 >>63228 Oh my god, I totally remember you! I recognize a ton of these collages, and the style of others! Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you use to have a DeviantArt Account? And was it maybe named Whipos, or a name similar to that? It went away a while ago, but it was one of my favorites, and I never had a chance to archive it.
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>>81227 Yes, I remember it well, I don't know why he closed his Deviantart page, he had good material, I hope he comes back and we see his old works
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Princess Daisy Thread Anonymous 12/16/2020 (Wed) 07:22:36 Id:73c66a No. 5929 [Reply] [Last]
Other Mushroom girls are ok as long as shes in them
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Can somebody post Plumping Princesses by SweetnessAdmirer? That includes it’s most recent page.
Guys, help! I'm searching the piece of chubby/thicc Peach in pink school swimsuit and gloves. I can't remember WHO draws her!
>>81507 This is a Daisy thread. Not a peach thread. Unless the picture you are looking for has a fat daisy.

Fat Storytime Animator/YouTuber/E-Celeb Thread 5 Anonymous 11/23/2024 (Sat) 13:26:48 Id:b2a7bb No. 73553 [Reply] [Last]
You know the gist Fourth thread bump limit was reached. Post STAs, YouTubers, E-celebs, sonas, and etc. Discord server from last threads: https://discord.gg/kyZumcb6ZG
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>>81203 Scat alt with it combined with the fart alt. Spoiler for Scat and Fart
Anymore kenzou art
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>>81264 In celebration of the plushie coming out
I just redrew this image to look like Illymation, is there anyone else that you guys want me to do?
Also here's a Gomotion and JellyBean one that I did.

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Persona girls alt thread Anonymous 06/29/2020 (Mon) 07:02:20 Id:4f2a8b No. 2687 [Reply] [Last]
Where one could post persona art any at kind
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Does anyone know if there is more art with these two?

When They Fat Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 20:32:23 Id:ad4924 No. 75902 [Reply]
Post and share Higurashi/Umineko When They Cry fat art or fanfics
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>>79830 you have the slob art?
>>79836 *alt
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Western Animated Lolis 10 Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 10:14:25 Id:0b6ccc No. 79232 [Reply] [Last]
Post fat lolis of western origin
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>>81363 >>81365 >>81368 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>81442 based
>>81442 Cringe
>>81442 bange
Well uuuuh Discord server here discord server there Someone pls add me so i can be on this thing too my discord is: noir0903

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Fat forehead 12/11/2021 (Sat) 04:46:54 Id:aaff29 No. 15357 [Reply] [Last]
I dont think Ive seen a thread of fat forehead in blob faces here. (The spoilered pic has medical stuff btw)
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Star Fats Thread 2 Anonymous 01/02/2025 (Thu) 03:12:28 Id:4825fd No. 76707 [Reply] [Last]
We’ve lost the old thread. So thought of making a new thread.
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>>80459 many thanks, the emerie voice is actually pretty good (its a bit flat, but it sounds like her) and would you consider doing the pieces without lines? or would you want someone to write down lines first so you dont have to think about it?
>>80477 eh, they don't spark the inspiration very much.
requesting a voice dub of this sequence, with the following IF THEY FIT, AI voice anon has full control, these are just suggestions: >city background ambience with the sound of flying cars going past (I think the mass effect games may be a good source for a sound clip of this?) >ventress making a kind of "mmmmm" noise in the images she's not talking >plenty of belly gurgles >maybe sounds of eating and burps inbetween panels 2-3, 3-4, 4-5? panel 1 (the sex) can be skipped if needed if you dont want to do a sequence, i'll request just a voice dub of panel 4 (ventress on the bed)
>>80895 oh and panels 1 and 2 can be swapped around if you want
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Could someone make a video edit of this?
