/bbwalt/ - BBW Alternative

Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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Post slobs lolis Slob lolis 02/27/2023 (Mon) 01:40:32 Id:0e65b6 No. 32596 [Reply] [Last]
If you guys have any slob lolis post them here. and if you wanna rp my discord is Messy momma~#1174
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>>79146 i wanna please pass me the direct link
https://discord.gg/uU49z5KB Link server here
>>32596 discord say to you accout not work
>>47588 hey wanna chat in discord?

ECpenguin33 art 12/07/2024 (Sat) 13:23:37 Id:47cc7b No. 74695 [Reply]
Posting art that ECpenguin33/ec33_9905 made (and hopefully finding art they haven't already shared on their DeviantArt)
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>>74701 https://www.deviantart.com/ecpenguin33
>>74701 First one's from TheStarTraveler's discord group Second's from MyahMyah's deviantart page and third's from ecpenguin's deviantart page.
My favorites
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Robot Thread Anonymous 01/14/2025 (Tue) 21:25:37 Id:1d28a3 No. 77622 [Reply]
A thread for all your robot needs
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>>78410 I owned that server but it's long since abandoned
>>79277 Understandable, would've been nice to be in such a server, it's so hard to find anything fat bot related lol

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Weight Gain/Stuffing scenes in media Anonymous 09/21/2024 (Sat) 12:24:43 Id:090c57 No. 68282 [Reply]
So the first one disappeared (not much went with it) so let's try this again. This first one is from Stripperella EP01: Beauty and the Obese (PT1)
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>>77751 It would be a goated website if it included links to the sources its citing. But basically it's just another The Big Fat Cartoon wiki.
Remembered this scene to keep the thread going: Panty and Stocking - Nothing to Room (S01E11b)
(14:49) Weight gain and bikini, but also monster tf. There’s also a couple scenes where she and the others are in the basement together. Also, if they are all related, isn’t that dude she’s posing for taking bikini pics of his “Cousin Lisa” in his car? https://youtu.be/heuRmk3_7j8?feature=shared
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Not really weight gain or stuffing, just a blonde female character (Tyrannia) who is overweight in every episode of a show called Wunschpunsch https://youtu.be/aU9f-wDQcq4?feature=shared
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Might try to make this measuring tape belly squeeze into a gif at some point

girls with bellies hanging between their legs belly hang between legs 12/24/2024 (Tue) 13:08:39 Id:22ba6c No. 76165 [Reply] [Last]
I love bellies hanging between the legs of a chick on all fours and I think I'm not alone
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Debyjull thread Anonymous 06/21/2023 (Wed) 03:56:25 Id:41a1e3 No. 38061 [Reply] [Last]
Considering most of their art is slob, this thread goes here.
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>>71901 The Kemono site is being worked on, little bro. A whole bunch of sites updated their encryption or something and a bunch of devs left the Kemono team, so it's just one guy brute forcing his way into getting stuff up and running again.
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Gmod/SFM Thread Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 13:29:56 Id:14120e No. 42029 [Reply] [Last]
Post Garry's Mod and Source Filmmaker expansion artworks. Weight gain, inflation, blueberry/fruit inflation, heavy bottom, etc.
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>>42029 Do you take requests?
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MiSide Fats, Inflation, vore, etc. Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 07:14:32 Id:1d22da No. 79375 [Reply]
Post art of the many Mita's getting into weight gain, inflation, vore, etc. scenarios.
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This should start us off.

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Redraw/Remake Thread Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 17:39:13 Id:82d1cb No. 45730 [Reply] [Last]
post pictures you'd like to see drawn in another artist's style, drawfriends welcome
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If anyone is still around. Would love to see this drawing get remade.
>>76829 is that sb99's oc
>>76830 According to the description that accompanied this drawing, it is.
>>72217 Remaking something terrible and then turning it something excellent. There are some examples here.
If anybody could redraw this robot001 piece? It's Dorothy Wayneright being sat on by this random OC

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Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 19:44:59 Id:342065 No. 79269 [Reply]
Joekie3wl Thread
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>>79271 >Posting fur content on alt

Mother and Daughter Thread Mother and Daughter Thread 07/07/2022 (Thu) 10:20:13 Id:4d4b31 No. 22233 [Reply] [Last]
Whether it’s them not getting along, full-blown incest, or anywhere in between post anything with mothers with their daughters being fat and whatnot.
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Spoiler for Fur and Slob. You’ve been warned.

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Hat Kid Thread. Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 17:03:50 Id:5b23f7 No. 59879 [Reply] [Last]
What it says on the tin, however some of the Hat Kid art was lost so art from Soulsparty will be in there too. (Including mine. Because why not. I might as well put my hat in the ring. It's also my first thread so hopefully I'm doing this right.
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>>78708 I'm back and I Found more on pixiv Also we need more bowkid on this thread (it would be nice)
>>78756 I'm back again and got these two because A: I'm surprised this wasn't in the first thread B: I can't find a Higher quality version of the first Pic for the life of me and the only reason the "fart/gas" alt is in higher quality is because it was in a sta.sh and the only way I could see getting the OG in better quality is to ask SXDeluxe Himself if he still has it but I don't want to bug someone for a image from 2019 which I don't know if he still has. >>62261 any progress? + the discord links dead too >>60069 have you tried doing a bow kid "Monobutt"?
>>79165 I stopped right around there due to lack of motivation. I still want to finish an image, preferably make a good head rig I can reuse on multiple bodies. Im finishing up a few personal projects and getting back into the flow of Blender, so maybe youll see updates soon.
>>79187 [Same Anon >>79165] Oh neat I hope it goes well for you 👍
>>78290 Bless you for continuing to share SoulsParty's newer works with us like this!

Animations Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 17:36:29 Id:33f6ac No. 57218 [Reply] [Last]
Gifs and videos go here.
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I'm going mad looking for a specific video and wonder if I've only hallucinated it. Any help based off of my shite memory: It's a 3d overwatch animation. The girl (possibly D.va) arrives at a hanger, D.vas mech is sitting on a platform in the middle. It has undergone changes/upgrades that turns out to be some sort of onboard AI? It detects she's underweight or some shit and 2 feeding tubes start pumping her full (from both ends?) causing her to grow larger within the mech. She's then suspended outside it and grown even more. Then there might have been some vore stuff with another of the OW girls getting fed to the first one, then they outgrow/fill the room. Honestly I remember it so fucking vividly but can't find it for shit. It was recent and all, within the last year or so. Any hints are appreciated.
>>57218 Who made this?
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Western Animated Lolis 9 Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 18:37:02 Id:17f354 No. 67863 [Reply] [Last]
Post fat lolis of western origin
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>>77740 This thread is on its last leg. Anything on here you don’t want lost, then copy, download, screenshot ASAFP.
>>79154 The Gruftine edits on >>68105
Old Piece by Chillguydraws featuring Lola Loud, THICCifica (CGD's Take on Pacifica) and Pauline Bell from Atomic Puppte (Bikini and Nude)
Piece by Chillguydraws with Big Dipper and Thiccifica as Fox McCloud and Krystal respectively (Plus a cropped edit with just Thiccifica

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Keep on the good work Sb99 12/15/2023 (Fri) 05:34:58 Id:d707cc No. 48839 [Reply] [Last]
Sb99 stuff old and new
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>>77657 loud house picture of lori and that mexican girl
>>77659 Can you reupload it?
>>77688 ai meu nobre
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For those who are interested!!! I have created this Discord group for people with the same tastes who can meet and share what they like with others, a place for fat lolis or cartoon girls. everyone is welcome.
