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Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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Puyo Puyo thread Anonymous 02/01/2025 (Sat) 03:08:34 Id:8bfac1 No. 78804 [Reply]
Because not enough people do it enough
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Any good Schezo art?
there was an older thread what happened to it
>>80165 Description of image 4 was something like "is arle big enough for smash now?"

Alabama style Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 00:20:01 Id:e4f8b6 No. 79424 [Reply]
Incest, extra large edition
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>>80133 This thread is for fappable artwork, not middle schooler scribbles
>>80133 nice find, does he still draw incest?
>>80135 Mf you draw something then socius draws great stuff
>>80136 not really, the latest drawing that looked like incest from him was the one with Amber and Cassandra (the red oni and purple oni) butt bumping
>>80152 found it

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Rosebuds Anonymous 12/16/2024 (Mon) 22:30:26 Id:82b044 No. 75559 [Reply]
oh please god please I want all the Maricela in the world
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>>78365 There NEEDS to be more stuff of Maria, it’s a shame there isn’t.
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>>77650 Image that Last Panel in 2nd pic edited to make it look like Rosa's Big Ass!

Steven Universe Thread Anonymous 07/19/2024 (Fri) 16:34:22 Id:edc9fc No. 63802 [Reply] [Last]
Thread on draw died, let's see if it does better here. All artwork welcome
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>>77251 May I request some of Blue Diamond? Any will work, just make her chonky
does anyone have this and/or smappa's amethyst wg drive in high res?

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Lego + Bionicle Thread Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 23:42:07 Id:a9f63b No. 71444 [Reply]
Haven’t seen a new thread for a while, so decided to make a new one.
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>>79272 Can we have more monkey kid art please
>>80123 Source?

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Madoka Magica 07/03/2023 (Mon) 06:52:08 Id:61947f No. 38542 [Reply] [Last]
Post obese Madoka Magica girls
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there's been enough inflation here already
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>>38717 I like to think the first image on the left is some kind of prequel for these pics

SVTFOE Thread Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 22:28:36 Id:8db5bb No. 34775 [Reply] [Last]
Because it would be neat
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For those who are interested!!! I have created this Discord group for people with the same tastes who can meet and share what they like with others, a place for fat lolis or cartoon girls. everyone is welcome.
>>79152 bright day for the NSA
(CW: Fart/Slob)

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Lewdlemage/Dr. Worm Edit Thread Anonymous 01/29/2020 (Wed) 05:00:05 Id:be0bec No. 327 [Reply] [Last]
How about another edit thread? This time, Lewdlemage!
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can someone make a stuffing alt of this?
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Anyone mind making her stuffed/turning it into soft vore? Bonus points by making Klara's belly bigger
>>79951 I can try if you want
>>79993 I can try if you want
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Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 12:38:47 Id:4903cd No. 39736 [Reply] [Last]
Super Fatty Office Simulator Thread 2
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So anything new on super sweet?
>>77587 nope, but it will come out in february so we don't have to wait much
>>59806 Hey, guys, I'm the guy who made the spicychats for Chloe, Pearl, Jesse and Kathy. >>59530 >>59597 >>59694 >>59800 I moved them to Janitor.ai since spicychat sucks now, and I additionally made one for Vic and Polly as well, but I'm not quite satisfied with those two. Their speech still feels rather generic and inauthentic to their character. Any advice on how to make them better? I wanna nail their character before finishing it off with Erika and Stacy. Chloe: https://janitorai.com/characters/7b136a9d-4f57-4c0e-983a-b5d3e12657ae_character-chloe Pearl: https://janitorai.com/characters/78d8a3b0-db9a-44d7-b8c0-8a49f33bcb29_character-pearl Jesse: https://janitorai.com/characters/23bd8765-15f7-474d-bd0b-fd1305c3698d_character-jesse

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>>77779 Yeah I made the og ones on Char AI and most seem to be blocked. Which sucks, since I can still chat with them and only know when they get banned when people tell me. And other sites have a huge token limit compared to char ai, Sakura ai is neat but has a limit and limited interactions Spicy keeps making characters act out of character besides a few and has a small limit on token’s which sucks hard. Janitor has generic responses often. I wish we had a concrete best chatbot site that didn’t get fat bots banned the moment they become popular. I wanna make my own better since this guys bits have great intros and mine are just ripped from the game. Maybe I’ll do ones based on their sweet counterparts instead on Spicy and Char AI. And also make unlisted versions of the SFOAS characters so they don’t get banned.
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Haven’t seen this be posted yet, don’t have the first page. But got the best parts.

Unrestrained gluttony 2: Unchained Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 03:14:54 Id:669ed0 No. 62064 [Reply] [Last]
Making another unrestrained thread because the other one is so god awful. So post all your slobby, shitting girls here. Remember, furries, inflation, Loli, men/futa should be spoiled. Images are priority and don’t forget at least some slob elements. Other than that, anything’s game, including all the things mentioned from the first thread.
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>>79618 any scat alts?
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https://www.deviantart.com/happypokeyboy2/art/COMM-Discord-Moderator-1150140012 https://itaku.ee/images/722325 https://itaku.ee/images/722326
>>62064 Source of the third image?
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Fart Fart inflation 06/25/2023 (Sun) 03:37:24 Id:751ed3 No. 38246 [Reply] [Last]
Post fart inflation images
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Vore expansion/rapid weight gain Jax 02/02/2025 (Sun) 17:08:04 Id:0e4bb7 No. 78992 [Reply]
20 day upload Bbw/Ssbbw rapid wg expansion https://mab.to/t/wVgnuuh2GwH/us2 Vore https://mab.to/t/IQOhYYiUBVE/us2 Not exactly sure best place to upload so posting in multiple categories. Looking for more videos like I have included. (Vore caused belly expansion, bbw/ssbbw talking about vore, bbw/ssbbw rapid weight gain expansion) I have over 1000 videos of bbws/ssbbws, inflation/expansion, (belly, breasts, butt, hourglass), if there's anything you are looking for anything or anyone in particular mention it in your upload and I'll see if I have anything.
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>>79057 https://mab.to/t/JSzJNuXjdjX/us2 There's what I have of ivy and laughing latina >>79040 https://mab.to/t/q6j6BVrRmtx/us2 There's what I have of Bambi
A female blueberry fetishist did this by morphing herself with video editing but I haven't found a trace of her on this site.
>>78992 The vore MAB seems to be down
>>79088 https://gofile.io/d/uJxdqI Hopefully it stays up for a few days. If it goes down will upload again on request
>>78992 Long shot, but could you reupload those Bambixxlynn videos, please? I missed them cos I'm an idiot. And while I'm at it, do you have a specific video from BlackXRose called "Bigger and Bigger: Bitch Gets Body Inflation" ? Also, I'm not too fussed but do you have any Veruca Gloop videos? I'm just interested in the inflation ones. Here's a contribution in return: https://mab.to/t/XJqCf6aA6hJ/eu1

Monster Girl Alt Thread Anonymous 12/13/2021 (Mon) 07:25:35 Id:5b1e13 No. 15441 [Reply] [Last]
Not to be confused for Monster Musume thread This thread is for the other monster girls of every anime, cartoon, game and more Like interspecies reviewers, Monster girl doctor, 12 beast, Monster girl encyclopedia, nurse hitomi and any other monster girl you can think of outside monster musume
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>>78962 who made the 2nd image? i can't find the artist

Post dedicated solely to fat/inflation/wg images of human characters from the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise Fat Human FNAF 08/27/2024 (Tue) 14:46:29 Id:e8691b No. 66425 [Reply] [Last]
Post dedicated solely to fat/inflation/wg images of human characters from the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise
136 posts and 177 images omitted.
>>80018 I smell Amanda ass cheeks pfrom a town away idk why jus can and Reina too
>>80018 O que eu entendo de fnaf é video do Core, Abby pra mim só conheço a do TLOU ata, aquela pirralha irritante do filme, tava torcendo pra essa coisa morrer
>>80025 All I heard was I'm coming over for some demon dick
>>79999 This is really good Fo you post anywhere?
>>80033 receba paizão, venha ser meu discípulo https://www.deviantart.com/whiteg27

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Midna Thread Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 16:07:30 Id:be9b94 No. 76333 [Reply]
Thought of making a thread of everybody’s favorite imp.
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