/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Dinosaur Thread Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 17:51:28 Id:a9bd36 No. 62251 [Reply] [Last]
Thick T-Rexes, chunky ceratopsians, rotund raptors, swollen stegosaurs, ample ankylosaurs, ETC..
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general inflation 3 Anonymous 12/20/2024 (Fri) 15:37:15 Id:084b80 No. 79087 [Reply] [Last]
time for a 3rd since the 2nd was bump locked
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>>82283 HOLY! This guy still drawing? Though he disappeared and nuked all of his galleries. Where did ya find it?
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>>82286 nah i just know him. hes moved on from posting this stuff/being an online presence. these are really the only two inflation pics hes drawn since he nuked everything last year. hes doing well just wants to move on with his life i guess was told i can share these so enjoy the drawings

Zootopia Thread Anonymous 08/11/2024 (Sun) 21:49:17 Id:b5540d No. 71562 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for all the other characters of Zootopia, including my favorite, Nick Wilde
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Woops, forgot to put this in the post

Edit Thread+ Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 13:43:38 Id:d3b29e No. 63833 [Reply] [Last]
Another T=thread for more edits
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Don’t know if OCs being used for stuff like this crosses a line, but she’s literally been drawn by the Australian sticker lady Viv had make licensed Helluva merch SharkRobot sold and with that Aless imp harem guy having s*x with him and with Blitz. Even working as a whore for Valentino. Shit, one of the animators literallt draws Cherry and Verosika fat, I shit you not. Anyway, I want @JesRarity‘s OC Nectar drawn as a purple food balloon saying “Hey, Mom!” For context, Beelzebub is the OC’s mother. If you wanna draw Bee gasping in horror, go ahead. Use this Juno piece as a base for how big and messy Nectar is, surrounded by half-eaten food. Cause it’s Gluttony ring and she overdid it. Please and thank you!
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Also, someone make Verosika and Bee fat while they torment St. Peter with their bodies.
Does anyone edit this? >>69724
>>82149 This animator https://x.com/SebVelaz

Comic/Sequence General 2 Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 07:37:17 Id:c4a207 No. 69138 [Reply] [Last]
Last one got tanked.
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Sorry for this post but it is wrong I plan to make female only post of this?
>>82198 If you mean thread then yeah no more pointless threads please
>>82222 I get why they asked. The female stuff in this thread has been mediocre, being those dumb workout sequences or breast expansion that's not really weight gain. There's also been more male stuff in this thread in general than female.

Ralsei/Asriel Thread 2 Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:05:49 Id:7c1ee4 No. 54173 [Reply] [Last]
The sequel.
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>>67401 I remember that piece, it was from one of Buttery-Inkling's old arts, right?
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I traced a drawing and colored it for me, I'll leave it on my Twitter or X whatever they call it :3 @xzblackwolfZx
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Boi that stinks good

Uber Inflation Uber Inflation 09/15/2023 (Fri) 04:27:01 Id:41abf9 No. 45033 [Reply] [Last]
New uber thread
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Can anyone try to get this image mentioned in this ad?

Heavy Bottom / Pear Shape / Monobutt Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 22:07:22 Id:9fc428 No. 23706 [Reply] [Last]
It's back! Dat toony, weird shape some of us seem to like for no explainable reason.
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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 02:20:37 Id:67ba22 No. 67271 [Reply] [Last]
Five Nights at Freddy's Thread 5
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Fat Mao Mao Thread anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 02:08:01 Id:1ece10 No. 78214 [Reply] [Last]
post this one here
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>>82176 edited to remove the five year old
>>82176 artist?
>>82224 https://inkbunny.net/gallery/ToonTwister3D/1/1b43f51257 this guy I think

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Anonymous 02/20/2025 (Thu) 21:36:05 Id:5243ed No. 82217 [Reply]
Does anyone know the artist? Thanks!
I am so fucking stupid how do I delete this
>>82217 theres literally a sauce thread
>>82217 >>82218 i literally just dumped the entire sequence in the roary thread this week lol
>>82219 I meant to post there but it made a thread instead :(

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Pokemon Bunny thread Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 05:04:40 Id:4a4dd5 No. 73758 [Reply] [Last]
Post your Pokebuns here
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Transformation and Weight Gain Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 00:48:06 Id:d70278 No. 31042 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for any sort of pic that involves a transformation of some kind into another species where weight gain is involved.
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Bumping. Not letting the thread die.
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i want a (bbw) hippopotamus (gf) for christ-maaaas
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Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 15:45:05 Id:2b9b8e No. 76917 [Reply] [Last]
Pokémon Thread 4
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>>82148 It's already uploaded on Kemono.su so you can get it there. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/10263815/post/122548005
>>82120 Also It would be cool to see those scanned doujins shared here. You can just share them here for a limited amount of time.
>>82164 Oh cool now here is a idea can someone make a character.ai based on this comic/story?
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Omg worldwide pika

Fortnite Furry Chicks Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 07:51:58 Id:12ef04 No. 21945 [Reply] [Last]
Females only
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Hey, I’ve been trying to find the rest of this image for a while now, I used to have it but can’t find it anywhere now, it was a comic strip of Meowskulls drinking chug splash then getting inflated, anyone know the artist?
>>82124 the artist is Jalpunny. He deleted his Twitter and moved to Bluesky, so a lot of his old stuff is gone. In terms of Meow Skulls, this is all I can find, sorry. (Warning: 1st and 2nd image contain penis inflation)
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>>82193 >hand and head inflation
>>82194 yeah, should've probably given a warning for that one too since head and hand inflation is not for everyone.
>>82124 >>82193 here are the images but with a head and hand inflation warning for the 4th and 5th images
