/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 19:13:47 Id:16f827 No. 23302 [Reply] [Last]
Colorization Thread II
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>>79018 bump.
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Would any one mind coloring in this pic for me?
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Someone mentioned snivy, and I got reminded of this wonderful piece. Anyone willing to color it?
>>79442 Bump

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Animal crossing thread 3 Furry Jesus 10/01/2022 (Sat) 04:15:26 Id:010f39 No. 22494 [Reply] [Last]
Only 22 of the original threads remain after the (Yuri Mikhailovich Kuznetsov Soyjak incident)
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>>79078 Sauce?
>>79592 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59233914/

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Fat Nabbit anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 19:16:35 Id:be1e11 No. 79586 [Reply]
post Fat Nabbit
shit tier character
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Transformation and Weight Gain Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 00:48:06 Id:d70278 No. 31042 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for any sort of pic that involves a transformation of some kind into another species where weight gain is involved.
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Not letting this die just yet!
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Bumping. Not letting the thread die.
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i want a (bbw) hippopotamus (gf) for christ-maaaas

birdo nanreit 11/12/2024 (Tue) 00:56:12 Id:e46fc4 No. 77606 [Reply]
Call Vernias yall

Klonoa Thread LipomancerMage 11/27/2023 (Mon) 16:00:31 Id:5c750c No. 48955 [Reply] [Last]
Post art of Klonoa here, whether it's Inflation or fat art of him.
86 posts and 104 images omitted.
>>76071 i'd say it counts, it's our first new klonoa-related character in years even as just a cute cosplay
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cave story thread Dess 10/09/2024 (Wed) 01:05:55 Id:391004 No. 75806 [Reply]
i wanna see all the big mimigas y'all have!!!
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There was an old mimigas and chara comic that was made by Buttery-Inkling, but it was deleted, do anyone happen to download it?
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Cave story has been in my backlog forever maybe I should play it mimigas have always been so cute

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Art Fat BNA Part 2 BNA 06/15/2024 (Sat) 03:46:09 Id:7ac0a7 No. 66695 [Reply] [Last]
well let's go again
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Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 02:10:51 Id:74b800 No. 77916 [Reply]
Toriel Thread 2
12 posts and 11 images omitted.
>>78507 There's a reason why I decided to make it into an acrylic standee and a sticker on my Etsy, lol.
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>>78512 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1816154113/toriel-sticker-3-762mm?click_key=bcf96959c35a7a7cf61a3470f1a80f7968146685%3A1816154113&click_sum=3bb461d6&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=toriel+sticker&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&content_source=984ceae2c8bf9cdc71201f9388e4a8970161e75b%253A1816154113 No way. That’s rad and I respect the hustle. Source: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/55166997/
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Here’s on by the legend, Lumerrac. Source: https://www.deviantart.com/lumerrac/art/Toriel-1023507907
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More Preggy Toriel! Source: https://www.deviantart.com/realdrokmars/art/Extra-Expectant-Toriel-1050613058
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Furries + Health Issues 3 Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 06:04:26 Id:b88bf2 No. 67296 [Reply] [Last]
old one lost, new one made, and with mental health issues to boot.
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>>78270 Source?
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>>79231 whos the artist ?
>>79396 She is retarded bro. Case closed. Her and her momma whole court room said it

AshleyJ_UwU thread Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 07:22:05 Id:2d6a36 No. 78437 [Reply]
1 post omitted.
>>78437 Now we need some art by them to put in.
>>79242 Art? What art, is some tranny jerking off in a meowskulls fursuit considered art now?
>>79246 We're living in Jeff Koons' world, anon. Anything can be considered art. Your cum tribute can be art too.
More info https://murrtube.net/ashley-90eb7337-d7cc-406d-afa3-b247c8066ad7

Popping thread: Going out with a bang! Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 02:15:26 Id:2bb8cd No. 30648 [Reply] [Last]
For Anyone who's got any really fun Popping overinflation stuff to share both male/female/other boobs and literal blowjobed dicks, hell blowkissed to confetti and shit none of it matters so much as it ends in a fireworks show!
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KarmaThread Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 23:33:12 Id:d45073 No. 79243 [Reply]
Post your furries waddling miles in other furs' shoes here.
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>>79243 >Wildcat's been unbanned from /bbfurries/ There is no God after all...

blueberry inflation Anonymous 02/28/2023 (Tue) 04:28:35 Id:74c0fa No. 33106 [Reply] [Last]
there seems to be a lack of it so lets start a thread for it
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Faux key art + logo made without using the Stranger Things font
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https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59098632/ Cynder's long, sharp nails drummed an uncertain, plinking staccato upon the glass of the bottle she held in her hands. Her brow furrowed slightly, betraying her sudden twinge of consternation. The night before, she'd had another one of those dreams again... fire, pain, and death, all by her hand, none by her will. She awoke that morning, feeling like gravity had tightened its tethers on her... and a tingling within her that had only grown throughout the day. Shame like a pit in her stomach weighed against an excitement in her heart, mixing like the ingredients of the potion she'd brewed, and heated by a fire from much lower inside her... Part of her still couldn't believe this was how she had succumbed to coping with herself, but this was nonetheless how she had conditioned herself, like one of Pavlov's dogs, except her mouth wasn't the only part of her salivating... She swallowed. The tip of her tongue teased her lips. Experimentally, she moved the bottle closer to her mouth. On instinct, she gasped; her pupils dilated as if she'd spotted a purple gem cluster, and her heart fluttered in anticipation. For the briefest of moments, she'd even felt free of the weight of her guilt. Her expression hardened with intend. She needed this. She deserved this. The potion bottle drew slowly but steadily to her face, and slowly Cynder shut her eyes, as if dreamily drawing closer to the face of a lover. Their lips met, and she drank deeply as they kissed, savoring the rich taste of blueberries. She felt a rush of excitement, like the first moment of every flight when her wings beat and gravity's hold slipped, tipping the bottle up over her and surrendering herself further to its contests as they flowed down her throat, until all it's contents were within her. Cynder licked her lips, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and smiled. She set the glass down on the hardwood surface of her mixing table. Already, she could feel her own stomach acting as a caldron, and the chemicals within triggering a magical reaction. If she wanted to back out now, she had seconds to expel it from her system. She then took about ten steps back, away from her work station, away from any tools, towards the center of the room and within a nexus of vanity mirrors she had placed along the walls. She disrobed of her unflattering lab coat, revealing black latex bracers around both her forearms, and tossed it towards the wall, hopefully far enough away that it wouldn't get stained, and admired herself with a healthy bit of egotism. Her otherwise slender figure was adorned with modest feminine curves, enhanced by the latex panties and a crop top that showed off every inch of cleavage, the straps reaching up towards her neck and terminating into a wide choker. They fit her like a second set of scales, save for the choker, which was ever so slightly too tight around her neck, subtly reminding her of its presences with every deepening breath, with every pulse of her quickening heart, teasing, titillating, tormenting, tantalizing her with independence and imprisonment. She afforded herself a cocksure smirk and bashful smile as the warm light from the fires atop the candles, under the caldron, and the lanterns above danced across her pristine body. She really did look good. She'd be almost fretful of losing this figure, if what it wasn't about to blossom into wasn't so much more... juicy. The potion felt like it was boiling inside her by now, it's warmth spreading to every limb, tickling under every scale. A noise escaped her mouth, a chuckle fused from embarrassment and excitement as she watched the tip of her muzzle turn blue.

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>>78700 Cynder crossed her eyes to watch the blue spread across her snout, past her peripheral vision. Her eyes turned to the mirrors to see the color overtake the rest of her face. It swiftly crept down her neck, her soft underbelly of scales that ran from her throat to her inner thighs flushed from pink to purple like a darker formula pouring into a lighter one. She looked down at her arms, pulse further quickening as she watched black giving way to blue, the sapphire hue capturing her trembling, excited fingers. Her head whipped back to her wings as she extended then to their full breadth, the blue rapidly overtaking her second set of arms and streaking across their long, spindly fingers. She watched as the color spread the visible veins, and seep out into her backlit membranes like rivers overflowing their banks and flooding the land until they were drowned in purple. She looked back to one of the mirrors, drinking in her azure form, everything save for the silver sheen of her metallic points changed: altered; forced to be something that were not; something anathematic to the very nature of her being... something she imposed upon herself. Cynder heard -- felt -- a deep gurgle inside of her, and a pressure mounting deep in her core, pressing outward. She looked down, and a hand flew to her abdomen just in time to see it begin to swell. Her eyes darted between her body and its many reflections as her midsection ballooned outwards, spreading, tightening her latex clothes. She folded her wings to her side, widened her stance, and craned her neck to look down and behind her. A second later, the clawing, cloying warmth and bloating burst into her behind, and Cynder's ass surged out in a growth spurt, her latex panties turning into a thong as they wedged themselves deeper into her crevasses. Cynder gnawed at her lip as her eyes rolled back into her head. So degrading. So devaluing... so decadent. Humiliation and hedonism boiled within her until they slipped over the rim, and she felt something hot dripping down from within her, over shortening legs that she would have trouble bending, if she even bothered to try. Her clawed toes dug lines in the ebony floorboards as she felt it drip past her ankles. Hands that explored and groped her belly and butt moved to her breasts as her waist began to grow beyond her reach. They bulged out of her top as the blew up, like prisoners smoothed together as they pressed up against the bars of their cell. A greater pressure welled up inside them, pooling right behind her twitching nipples, pouring out as they fruitlessly fought against the confines of her crop top, a bustier like a shrinking iron maiden. As her shortening arms patted down what they could reach of her inflating chest, the bracers around her forearms snapped off like shatter shackles, and Cynder moaned a coo of delight. Her heart felt like it was soaring, even as she and grown far too heavy to move, let alone fly. Even wings powerful enough to speed-run a speedway couldn't have let her jump and inch of the ground; not that they would have done her any good anyway, as they too had begun to swell: stretching; shortening; sinking into her rampant, ripening body. She flapped them, and felt only feeble wobbles rippling through her fruiting form. Her heart still flew within its cages of bone and juice. She was grounded, trapped, free in spirit. Her arms were forced to her sides, too short and swollen to move. Nectar dripping from her nipples and trickling from her treasure cove spritzed the air with the fresh scent of berries. Her nostrils flared, and her tongue lapped at the air, as if to taste it: taste herself.

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The one and only... Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 00:01:09 Id:b33d7c No. 57102 [Reply] [Last]
113 posts and 226 images omitted.
Bump don’t let this die
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