/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Kaiju Thread 2 Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 19:08:30 Id:c18f28 No. 69803 [Reply]
The last person who made the old thread had a good idea. However that thread is now dead. So thought of binging that back with this new thread.
15 posts and 36 images omitted.
>>73176 Bubby860
>>73203 >Bubby860 does anyone have them yet?
>>72241 bumping this up with some of their art

birdo nanreit 11/12/2024 (Tue) 00:56:12 Id:e46fc4 No. 77606 [Reply]
Call Vernias yall

Vibri vib-ribbon Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 03:47:35 Id:b0d4af No. 22489 [Reply] [Last]
Remaking this! We need moar of this bunny!
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Navel code (+ normal alt)
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>>75963 What's navel code?
>>77158 Meant to put vore but it auto-corrected to code. Also, we need more pregnant Vibri pics.

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Viro Thread 3: The Marcining Viro Thread 3 12/12/2023 (Tue) 19:26:33 Id:8fb8e6 No. 49889 [Reply] [Last]
Who knew we'd get a third thread on this guy
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>>77545 Seconded.
I always wonder if viro would handle a concept like fat prision, where it's a system where inmates are heavily incentives to follow the wardens orders which is eat the food and put on weight to get better treatment and freedom. Not following orders gives you terrible treatment and possible death from the punishments. It sounds like following orders has no consequences but in this scenario being fat has real world reprocussions where it leads to fatigue, heart failure, diabetes, and etc. All of which can lead to an early death. Warden can have a thing for fat people but also like the morbid concept that by the time a person gets extremely fat, USBBW, they're given enough freedom to essentially leave at their own will but are too fat or addicted to the food to do so, if they even live to that point. So what I am proposing is some thriller of a new inmate, probably female, on the clock to follow the rules of prison but try not fall into it's trap and be able to escape before her own body becomes her personal prison and executor.
>>77564 Whatever happened to liking nice things, eh? smh
>>77604 No one hates Viro fans as much as Viro fans.
>>77604 Viro always took me as someone who mostly enjoys darker elements in his works with the occasional light hearted stuff to shake things up. A lot of his stuff seems inspired by horror and monster mythos stuff.

Sonic Characters Thread 10/04/2022 (Tue) 03:03:19 Id:8fdf2f No. 22889 [Reply] [Last]
Trying to rebuild the thread we lost of Sonic universe characters
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We definitely need more Silver content
>>77563 source?
>>77601 its in the filename READ MOTHERFUCKER READ
(1.50 MB 1270x720 READ NIGGA READ.webm)

Discord Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 03:33:58 Id:84e4e4 No. 66694 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for any fat furries to plug their discord accounts/servers.
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>>72094 Still Open....
>>77030 I’m probably the only one to admit this, but the facts are like this. We’re a bunch of blokes that froth at the mouth for chunky women, and unfortunately I don’t think your gonna get picked out the crowed bud. Not trying to be rude, just trying to be painfully honest.
Hi, I'm sort of ashamed of all that, but please add me on discord, it's retardo0815
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discord is "guhnky" :3 here's my link list in case you all wanna know what I can dooo
>>77239 Are you a feeder or feedee though?

Mature/MILF Furries Anonymous 06/03/2024 (Mon) 08:48:36 Id:e3df9c No. 65980 [Reply] [Last]
Big Mammal Milkies (Try not to make it a Toriel thread though :P)
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Incineroar Thread Fat Femcineroar Lover 10/17/2024 (Thu) 15:03:27 Id:fa2233 No. 76303 [Reply]
Incineroar is underrated, post fat cats Fems preferred, Males welcomed, sex allowed unspoiled, farts and worse hard spoilered Yeah im the guy who posted that Tina character in the drawthreads, here's some more art of her I got a while back from some people (forgot 1, 2 is TrueMilkKnight, 3 is Hidena/TropicalFox)
>>76307 Oooh, that third one is cute! What's her name and deal?
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Not letting the fat cats die yet

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General Bovine/Barnyard Thread Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 01:59:14 Id:b13659 No. 74004 [Reply]
Post fat cows and characters from the Barnyard
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>>75125 Bump
>>77359 Who’s the artist for this blueberry one?
>>77364 orgasmicblueberries on DeviantArt

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Stella thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 14:02:53 Id:0d1d8f No. 61725 [Reply] [Last]
Octavia's mom deserves some love too, despite how much of a bitch she actually is
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My dick is going to fucking explode.
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>>77494 Dude, it's just a big drunk bird.....

Sumo wrestling art Anonymous 03/28/2023 (Tue) 03:59:20 Id:c5418e No. 34715 [Reply] [Last]
Post your largest sumo wrestling furries here!
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Funky Thread 10/22/2022 (Sat) 05:52:43 Id:f4a25b No. 24285 [Reply] [Last]
how about a thread for Kapi and other furry fnf characters?
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>>77323 WHERE?!
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Not the best but I found these
>>77498 God I wanna just watch him become so huge that he's unable to move any part of himself...
>>77216 >>77498 Looks like shit.
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by choco pudding

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Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 02:20:37 Id:67ba22 No. 67271 [Reply] [Last]
Five Nights at Freddy's Thread 5
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>>76387 I swore I saw a time lapse vid of pics 1 & 3 on yt somewhere tho
Can someone post this video here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d75a2oh53v39u04usywkq/FrennisPizzaFeastHD.webm?rlkey=sw4zba0qtfx9wx50xg9g868ya&st=wblsc5z5&dl=0
Some more Foxy would be nice
(6.62 MB 1920x1920 FrennisPizzaFeastHD.webm)
>>76678 >Can someone post this video here Okay, but the file is literally a .webm and is well below bbw-chan's file size limit. Why couldn't you be bothered to post it yourself? As if the anons on this couldn't any more dumber...

Stolas Thread Stolas Thread 11/10/2024 (Sun) 02:02:08 Id:c5e30c No. 77491 [Reply]
Anything involving Stolas. Fat, inflation, blueberry, farts (I would personally love that), anything involving Stolas getting big and round.
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Here's some of my Stolas art.
I had to upload the brap version of the Stolas Japanese schoolgirl cosplay since it was too large for the previous post.
Damn Elpida those Stolas Are mad cool

Cleverfoxman Thread Anonymous 11/29/2023 (Wed) 11:49:02 Id:1873ec No. 49058 [Reply] [Last]
A thread about cleverfoxman and his works
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Your welcome
>>77479 >>77481 >IMG_5936.jpeg >IMG_5950.jpeg Did RalohsA draw these two images?
