/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Monsters & Cryptids Thread Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 03:17:43 Id:1a2a98 No. 77136 [Reply]
Better late then never. Post creatures of the plump sort here.
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Anyone knows about a game, that some artist was making about a rpg feed game of a cryptid goo creature, that your only objective is to give everything to her to eat and grow fat?
>>80282 Wasn't that Donuts for Deer Teeth? I think you could find that on Itch.io
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Vgfats thread Anonymous 10/13/2023 (Fri) 15:31:36 Id:92cd88 No. 46867 [Reply]
Post art of these two
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>>62494 Oh I think I could maybe write something about SNK and gaming and that sort of thing
>>80064 What's SNK?
>>80070 We gotta open the schools
>>80070 Fighting game company that made games like fatal fury and king of fighters
>>80064 How would you write it?

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Anonymous 01/01/2025 (Wed) 01:20:15 Id:708dfa No. 79628 [Reply]
Isabelle & Other Animal Crossing Girls Thread 4
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>>81310 Thanks! Always great to see more Rosie content.
>>81182 Source?
>>81608 RChammer5
anyone got the old thread archived? didnt save it in time
God knows how I adore this sqorl

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Furry Animation Thread #2 Anonymous 12/31/2024 (Tue) 20:00:06 Id:4aef9f No. 79593 [Reply]
Last thread got bumplocked, so let's start a new one. Basically post anything you got, weight gain, inflation, etc., just post animations
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>>81678 i have no idea what you're talking about
Trying to find the cinderace animation from the last thread. Anyone know who made it or even have the animation?
>>81759 He's a furry and likes fat/inflation stuff, that's the pyrocynical stuff relevant to uss
>>81759 I do know it's based on a growth scene from an old cartoon Alfred Kwak. Not sure who made the animation though.
I don’t know if it’s allowed to post things from the previous thread, but here’s this anyway.

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Neetbean Art thread Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 00:32:34 Id:9cdb21 No. 76054 [Reply]
Because Neetbean deleted all of 2020-2023 arts. I need you to post this one.
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>>80060 Nope? Aight >>80590 I now want a bot of this gamer shark dude or something but idk enough about them to do that myself
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Some others I have. Damn idk why he got rid of his stuff.
>>82048 More of the chain chomp + bullet bill and I will crown you my lord and savior
Thats all I have at the moment. Glad I ain't the only one on the haunt for his lost content. I really like his dog. The male one

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Robuttschei art Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:20:56 Id:58d6c8 No. 65335 [Reply] [Last]
Any art related to or from Robuttschei
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>>81403 Instant follow, hope for more robuttschei chatbots
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From 2021
Anyone got the character ref sheets?
>>82019 Right here https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1r4Q0wXtBwCovAxm1K1GOBrrj1_3BQ61pyWaU6tdrGV4/mobilebasic?pli=1
>>82102 The OC document doesn't have ref sheets, also some images are straight up cut out, Speleo got the worst of it

Happy Tree Friends Thread Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 09:21:33 Id:2e41b2 No. 72117 [Reply] [Last]
Post these toony critters with their humor so funny, it hurts.
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Obscure Webcomic Furries Thread Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 22:40:22 Id:ac21ba No. 53983 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for furries that are pretty popular in the Webcomic space, so.. go wild and find some webcomic characters to post.
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>>78951 I know the artists! Their name is WojtekthePolishDog (FA)
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Alma from Foreach, unknown artist
Technically this fits in the transformation thread and doesn’t focus on the official characters but the Jakkai species count with this CowSphere2000 art.
>>80191 Two TFs in one image? Impressive.
This is more so vore than that. But Rhea looks more chubby here.

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Inflatable Fursuits Thread 3: Big and Round Edition Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 08:22:24 Id:6da557 No. 63138 [Reply] [Last]
alright, last thread died, time to make a new one. Same rules as usual, just post anything related to inflatable suits n shit. While IRL vids and pics are preferred, art is also allowed too, just to keep the thread a bit more active hopefully. heres a MAB link to kick it off: https://mab.to/t/IVTTnH2t0PI/us3
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https://mega.nz/folder/XI90lZhJ#TVFXPT08HyR7fckSQmoj1w coco cow reup
>>81627 Yooo tgx to much
Waiting on any new/rare videos of zaelgolin
i found this https://mab.to/t/B3bNapEoMLZ/us3

Snoot dinos thread Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 10:16:09 Id:46a0d3 No. 74891 [Reply]
Post fat snoot girls/guys here
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bumpin for all my triggas on the board
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drew this a while back
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Fawxen Thread Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 21:34:32 Id:bf3f6e No. 54613 [Reply] [Last]
old thread got lost in the masses. post and discuss art by and for fawxen
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Blame It On The Dog Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 01:28:31 Id:2523b4 No. 81515 [Reply]
Post your flatulent furry pieces here, fat or inflated, it don’t matter. The other boards (inf and alt) get all butt-hurt when they see anything anthropomorphic let one rip. Here’s Jelliroll’s stuff for anyone interested. God rest their soul. https://mega.nz/folder/2ZcDxLCD#tAVx7tRCEMJncUCx202JwQ/folder/DN0UTZpD
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>>81914 If you're reading joke posts/replies and putting them ChatGPT to understand what they mean, you are simply too retarded to continue living.
>>81870 Probably in the year 2113, but not today.
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>>82064 >year 2113 Is this supposed to be a Chris Chan-tier "but during the stone age" joke? Why 2113 of all years? I don't fucking get it, nigga.

Looney Tunes Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 23:20:45 Id:65fc3b No. 56533 [Reply] [Last]
Post some Lardy Tunes.
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>>81371 Source for this too?
>>81934 Cardk.bsky.social
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Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs Anonymous 02/06/2025 (Thu) 22:52:40 Id:51f689 No. 81493 [Reply]
The first thing that comes to mind when you think of this board.
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>>81654 It's obvious that the Wildcat is dumb and that it is for pigs, foxes and bunnies. >>81652 Exactly.
>>81854 Faggot.
>>81652 Waiter waiter!! More averi please!
>>81969 Yessir

Kazecat thread Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 02:32:37 Id:154769 No. 73742 [Reply]
Dedicated to a certain crushing cat.
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