/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Star Fox thread - All units report! Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 14:21:28 Id:81ef14 No. 22617 [Reply] [Last]
Let's do this again
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>>79835 Sauce on the 2nd pic?
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General discussion and requests for roleplay/talkin' Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 13:39:50 Id:f31308 No. 79023 [Reply]
If you have something you want to talk about on here send a picture or something like that, no limits on what you can post to an extent; if you do something otherwise that goes against what I was thinking, I will tell you. I'll start by just posting some things
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>>79023 I just wanna talk about petey piranha frlm seeing the images on here
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Can anyone explain to me why most of the anons on this board are retarded
>>80964 No, when was Charlie Kirk ever mentioned amongst fatfurs?
>>80982 Oh, you were talking about the first half of my post. I was saying that furry porn artists, fat furry porn artists especially, should not be responding to politicians or engage in real world politics. It's a terrible idea, and you're stupid if you disagree.
>>80985 You mean in general? Of course. It’s just you mentioned a specific name and I assumed. Now that I’m realizing what thread we’re in, wouldn’t it be funny is we had fatfurs in political roleplay?

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Pseudoregalia/Sybil thread Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 16:55:43 Id:573ed3 No. 53514 [Reply]
The game stars a thicc goat so why not?
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I'd kill for an obese Sybil mod.
>>77827 yeah, fat Sybil mod is nice but needs to be bigger.
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Hyperpregnancy https://twitter.com/aaronNSFW1999/status/1788964143346671687

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Snake-like characters fat/inflated Anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 08:57:49 Id:cc1aed No. 79729 [Reply]
Post characters that are snakes or snake like creatures fat or inflated. (Vore is fine too). Any character that is long, has no arms or legs is allowed, doesn't have to literally be a snake. (Example: Milotic)
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Sweet thread! Hope it picks up some traction

Aries Passadar thread: The 3rd Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 22:40:50 Id:9b30cc No. 45173 [Reply] [Last]
Expansion of everyone's favorite blue mercenary with inflation prone-disasters. The more obscure, the better.
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i think Zucca's not being poor anymore new uber art of Aries:
Shame zucca will never get preg art of Aries tho
Found OLD stuff!

LJcaffie thread Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 21:44:53 Id:30ff90 No. 80869 [Reply]
Since LJcaffie's Kemono page has yet to update, I'll put one here for the sake of it.
2 posts omitted.
>>80878 Newer? This has been going on for two years.
>>80891 Retard! This thread was just made today. Can you not read the date on a fucking bbw-chan post? God, you people are stupid.
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>>80893 Holy shit you are hopeless. Is it like a game for you to see how many times you can embarrass yourself in a single day?
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fuck you this is an aquamix thread now.

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Cult of the Lard Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 03:14:11 Id:71a1d4 No. 57822 [Reply] [Last]
Post and Worship our tubby savior!
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Our lord and savior has just cut out the middleman! Wait.... what's that sound?
>>78760 You felt that !
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Goodra Thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 00:17:26 Id:522295 No. 68280 [Reply] [Last]
Just so you know that I am DOWN BAD for Goodra. Both in general and sexually. I can go on and on about my fantasies with her, but I'll try to settle down. Post some art on this gooey, dumpy dragon pokemon.
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>>80842 I believe it was recently that Trinity Fate released such an animation too. Like a lot of his content, it can be found a many different sites. Below is a link to one of them. https://rule34video.com/video/3647414/teacher-goodra/

Foxy Kitsune Thread Anonymous 01/25/2025 (Sat) 07:58:39 Id:822e10 No. 80822 [Reply]
Feel free to find any archives or passwords from her https://kemono.su/patreon/user/185810

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meowscles Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 07:51:53 Id:731987 No. 75625 [Reply] [Last]
i think it's time bring meowscles back to bbfurries, because why not!
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guys, i'm already running out of Meowscles stuffs, you got to help me!
>>80178 >you got to help me No, no we really don't. The lack of art to post is not some failing to be corrected, it's just the fact of the matter. Most of what you've been posting is terrible anyways. You seem too young to be here.
>>80178 Man if only this was a general fortnite thread
>>80179 that's all I can find, there still more out there
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KarmaThread Anonymous 12/24/2024 (Tue) 23:33:12 Id:d45073 No. 79243 [Reply]
Post your furries waddling miles in other furs' shoes here.
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>>79243 >Wildcat's been unbanned from /bbfurries/ There is no God after all...
>>79256 Yeah. Now do you have any furs fattening furs in revenge or not?
>>80742 Deepthroat a salt shaker.

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DnD Fat world building Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 01:59:19 Id:3f2ae9 No. 79966 [Reply]
Some good classes, creatures, traps, and plants that would fit into a weight gain focused world space... or just general fantasy themed fat art

Drake Thread Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 17:40:36 Id:5ac892 No. 78862 [Reply]
his inflation art is great, but its scattered across other people's galleries. let's fix that.
>>78862 very underrated artist
>>78862 I love the idea!

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SuperScrubWorld/deer_eats thread anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 21:11:16 Id:394b98 No. 80657 [Reply]
post all of these SuperScrubWorld/deer_eats stuff.
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Oh boy another thread for an artist I've never heard of

cave story thread Dess 10/09/2024 (Wed) 01:05:55 Id:391004 No. 75806 [Reply]
i wanna see all the big mimigas y'all have!!!
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Cave story has been in my backlog forever maybe I should play it mimigas have always been so cute
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