/bbfurries/ - BB Furries

Fat foxes, rotund rabbits, and porky pigs

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Chilli Heeler Chilli Heeler 02/12/2024 (Mon) 08:27:12 Id:805816 No. 54132 [Reply] [Last]
Post pics of bluey’s mum
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>>62469 artist?
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>>62469 >>78475 Found it!: @Canstraw1
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Anonymous 03/12/2024 (Tue) 14:00:30 Id:f164e0 No. 56743 [Reply]
Public embarrassment / Wadrobe Malfunction Thread. Post!
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>>60793 >>61542 It feels nice that my commissioned pics are shared, showin that others like them too ^^
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Drake Thread Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 17:40:36 Id:5ac892 No. 78862 [Reply]
his inflation art is great, but its scattered across other people's galleries. let's fix that.
>>78862 very underrated artist

The Lion King Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 16:07:26 Id:a3e790 No. 60070 [Reply] [Last]
Post TLK fat art to your heart's content
98 posts and 232 images omitted.

Happy Tree Friends Thread Anonymous 08/17/2024 (Sat) 09:21:33 Id:2e41b2 No. 72117 [Reply] [Last]
Post these toony critters with their humor so funny, it hurts.
56 posts and 88 images omitted.
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>>78564 VERY good blob wao

General discussion and requests for roleplay/talkin' Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 13:39:50 Id:f31308 No. 79023 [Reply]
If you have something you want to talk about on here send a picture or something like that, no limits on what you can post to an extent; if you do something otherwise that goes against what I was thinking, I will tell you. I'll start by just posting some things
I love this huge guy so much, man. Dosent help that he's literally an examplenof inflation in video games, imagining him as a big hungry blob of a guy eating and drinking is just so unbelievably hot~
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Hey there, I was looking to have some fun with people. I like to set things up with my partners, so sorry that there's not set idea here. I have a few OCs as well as the ability to play as canon characters. I'm into a lot of things, so don't be afraid to ask about characters you'd be interested in. I'd really be looking for some MxF or FxF mutual gain and/or force feeding As for kinks, I'm a fan of weight gain, expansions (breast, ass, hourglass, cock, etc), hyper sizes (I have no size limit), hose feeding, force feeding, immobility, lactation, mutual gain, breeding, pregnancy, romance, cuddling, and cumflation No's are gore, vore, feet, bathroom stuff, gas (burps ok), non con (in terms of sex mainly), MxM (Just not my thing for sex stuff), and if there's something you're not sure on... Just ask! My Discord is eyebrawler98
Do you have any idea for that dragon?
>>79064 Specifically? No, but she's a baker if that helps with anything
Perhaps going to her bakery and stuffing her silly?

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Dragonball thread 10/05/2024 (Sat) 07:50:58 Id:f78c81 No. 75624 [Reply]
Just realised there isn't one till now
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More please 🙏
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General Inflation Thread 2 Anonymous 10/01/2022 (Sat) 04:21:43 Id:0c3cc7 No. 22496 [Reply] [Last]
Let's try this again.
401 posts and 1035 images omitted.
Is their any way I can watch LadyLuckFate’s private Vimeo videos, including this?: https://vimeo.com/1000326639

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Stella thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 14:02:53 Id:0d1d8f No. 61725 [Reply] [Last]
Octavia's mom deserves some love too, despite how much of a bitch she actually is
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My dick is going to fucking explode.
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>>77494 Dude, it's just a big drunk bird.....
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Kaiju Thread 2 Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 19:08:30 Id:c18f28 No. 69803 [Reply]
The last person who made the old thread had a good idea. However that thread is now dead. So thought of binging that back with this new thread.
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>>72241 bumping this up with some of their art
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Korporate Kaiju by SmokeyBlokey might be the hottest fan-made kaiju I’ve come across. I’m surprised no one in this thread has mentioned her.
>>78921 > literally just godzilla in a shit artstyle Wonder why
>>78931 That's your opinion and i am sure other people have that same opinion with means we ain't gettin' KK

Goodra Thread Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 00:17:26 Id:522295 No. 68280 [Reply] [Last]
Just so you know that I am DOWN BAD for Goodra. Both in general and sexually. I can go on and on about my fantasies with her, but I'll try to settle down. Post some art on this gooey, dumpy dragon pokemon.
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I'd say it's time for me to nail the thread's coffin with some leftover Goodra pics I saved. It has been a good run. I'm sure that some of the sexy smile dragon can be found in the general Pokemon thread. GG, guys.
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And with that, it's time we say goodbye.
NOOO, we must not let this thread die! How else am I going to get more lewd images of this massive, half-ton, slimy, bipedal, snail-dragon pokemon! Moving on from the silly melodramatics, I feel that the following images should be included in this thread before it is terminated. The sources for these images are given below. This artist has been inactive for over a decade, but the artist's Fur Affinity gallery is full of this kind of content. Also, I liked the neat short story that was included with the descriptions of the first two images. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/11916999/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/11919439/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13698774/ There is plenty of other good images of Goodra from other artists that could easily be searched for on both Fur Affinity and Deviantart, that were not included here. Although, for anyone searching for more NSFW content, I doubt this is where you want to look.
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Goo Butt

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Big Birds/Avians Thread (M&F) Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 06:33:16 Id:9e0bcd No. 51591 [Reply] [Last]
They are such a good species to see plumped the heck up
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>>77452 Well what do you know: we did!
>>78899 Did you make this, or did you found this somewhere else, if so, can you post the sauce? >:3
>>78917 Its AI
Uh... I know... I'm just asking if he made it or someone else on civitai made it

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Chopper thread 2 Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 01:28:17 Id:ce6675 No. 78846 [Reply]
Reviving an old thread
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Rodent Girls 10/01/2024 (Tue) 22:45:57 Id:9a74eb No. 75367 [Reply]
Post ‘em here! OC’s count as well.
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Fighting Game Furries Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 17:57:28 Id:5c1a7f No. 71164 [Reply]
Post any furry fighting game characters here.
41 posts and 132 images omitted.
>>75147 Yes, video game general.
