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how do we keep ending up here 01/16/2025 (Thu) 01:15:46 Id:4ba43c No. 59291 [Reply] [Last]
How come 9/10 threads here end up having some maga/israel schizo meltdown down the line, and how can we prevent it
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>>60612 Hamas is not popular in the states. They're not hardline like Khomeini, didn't fight against the Soviet's and America like the Taliban. Gaza is in an unusual position of being despised like Baathists for being tweaked out meth addicts who commit violence for fun.
>>60615 >https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02699931.2024.2434148 I know you didn't actually read this, so FYI there's nothing here that proves lack of morality. This is an article about linguistics, and indeed the language of the Left has been devalued in Israel. Again, same thing has happened in many if not most liberal democracies (mentioned several times in the article). The last-minute rejection of the Wye accords by the PLO and the rise of Hamas after withdrawal from Gaza made the Israeli Left's appeasement tactics look impotent at best and disastrous at worst. >retardation Yet Israelis overacheive to an absurd degree in science and technology, and literature and the arts as well. Israel's neighbors could really use some of that retardation right now. >Israel’s founding was a bunch of terrorists committing war crimes So there had to be a war, for war crimes to be commited... right? And who started that war? Arabs, as always. With the withdrawal of the Brits, Jews in Israel were threatened with genocide by Arabs. They fought back, nearly lost, but didn't. Arabs were forced to relocate. The moral of the story is that anti-Semitism and fundamentalism is a hell of a drug. It makes you stupid and self-destructive. See: Hamas. >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cast_Thy_Bread Yeah, that sucked but the US did similar stuff and worse in conquering their portion of the North American continent. So I guess you'll have to move back to wherever your family is from. Oops.

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>>60634 Republicans don't like Trump because he doesn't have Contras. He just want to go full Looney Tunes and make Gaza into Atlantic City. JD Vance and Hegeseth are not capable of genocide the same way the mob doesn't like genocide.
>>60634 > This is an article about linguistics, and indeed the language of the Left has been devalued in Israel. “Double plus good” got it, suck that Orwellian Nazi cock more. (Fucking retard can’t read science, but of course he can’t he’s an inbred euro-Jew. Linguistics is an express of culture and thought, moron.) It’s literally illegal in Israel to post criticism online of your colonial kingdom. Now the Zionazis are raiding bookstores for the crime of Islamic texts? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/feb/14/palestinian-booksellers-decry-detention-by-israeli-police-over-public-disorder > US did similar stuff When did America poison wells with Typhoid? We’re talking about the 1900s here. Modern era, post Geneva conventions. Laws matter diipshit. “Liberal democracy” is just a code word for “white European colonialism”, Israel obeys neither law nor order. Jews are gonna find out that’s a scary path to choose.
>>60645 I just see my leisure as tools of convenience as opposed to war and conquest. I don't believe the conflict at the Arab Peninsula is of my concern and hyping up a trivial situation over religion seems boring. I argue the left wants to play rebel forces.

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Anonymous 08/09/2024 (Fri) 09:37:21 Id:50716e No. 52934 [Reply] [Last]
What is the psychology of lard fetishism? Does anyone have any insight? As far as I know, no research has ever been done. We all have different awakening stories but our brains must have something in common. Why are we like this?
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>>52971 >For me personally there is no obvious reason >It's always been there >Being interested in females and sexuality never ever included skinny >It was at least bbw right away from day one >So it was definitely hard coded by default Same. For me it always had to be there a bit -- even if not much. Kinda separates "lust" from "love" -- seeing a hot (thick) girl is different from a less physical sort of attraction, e.g. to Yennefer from the Witcher games. She's beautiful, but definitely not fat, and the idea of her being fat repels me for some reason. I'd prefer to be with this kind of situation, but the girl would need to be at least 'average' thin -- not a skelly. >>52982 Not much for me. I did a DNA test -- about 95% Anglo, including a few bits of Germanic (e.g. German, Norse) and the rest is scattered european generally. There'd be a little Slavic, but it couldn't be more than a percent or two.
>>53608 This aligns with my experiences. I'm only romantically interested in women but when it comes to fatness and related fetishes my sexual orientation is much more flexible. Having an innate fat fetish, which led to other fetishes developing at a young age (vore, burping, giantess, etc) seems plausible.
>>60478 I wish Giò Scotti was fat.
>>60514 Seriously go check out the beluga Spanx page. This dudes calling me a faggot for finding some pear shaped fat men attractive if their unrecognizably obese.
>>52943 Who is this???

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Gf’s cousin Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 20:39:40 Id:aa34f0 No. 60349 [Reply]
I have a fat girlfriend and I really do love her. I’m not always happy with her but I do like being with her. That being said, she has a cousin who I’m desperately in love with. This cousin is pretty chubby and has a HUGE natural ass. Perfectly shaped, great size. I have taken pictures of her ass and I jerk it to them pretty often. She has a chubby belly too. I would LOVE to get her fatter. I want to know how big her ass gets. She is a foodie, I always see her eating unhealthy food. Lots of meat, sodas, candy sometimes. I know she’d get fat easily if I buy her junk food. She is so pretty. Ever since I met her I have wanted her badly. She is also such a cool person, I love being around her. I love her more than I love my gf. I don’t know what to do tho. I can’t leave my gf just to be with her cousin. That’s just weird for everyone. The family is pretty close. The cousin doesn’t seem like the type to let me make her a secret side piece. Sometimes I think about asking her out but I’m scared she will tell my gf. I really love my gf. I also don’t want to leave her because then I can’t be around her cousin anymore. I think about this cousin everyday. If she didn’t exist I know I’d be happier with my gf but I can’t help but think of her cousin. My gf has so many hot relatives. Her mom is fat with a huge ass, she has other cousins who id totally fuck. A couple fat relatives. My gf is so hot too but I fantasize about being with her relatives constantly.
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Seems good and workable in your head. Try it, and you and all involved are in for a world of hurt. You'll wind up with nothing.
>>60395 Based
>>60442 Based x100. The only reason this guy should get the right advice of splitting up is because he's a POS. Coming here and admitting he fancies his girl's fat cousin is fair game, I'm sure we've all had that scenario, but taking candids of her ass to jack to is some lowlife shit. With any luck the GF will get bored of this cunt.
Can you fatten your cousin without fucking her for a while? Slowly start paying more attention to her? Maybe tell your girlfriend you are finding her cousin attractive because of her growth, maybe start a competition between the two? Maybe like throw some eating competition to decide which one you want? All of the women in the family participate? but hopefully just your gf and cousin make it to the end or i just made your troble worse lmao
>>60587 Been there, not my cousin but a family member who lives under my roof. The temptation is really too much for most people and you’ll be blue balling yourself pretty hard. I’m only doing it because I’m trapped in a sexless marriage with a WLS husk of the woman that married me.

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Public Encounters Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 12:19:42 Id:ad0db2 No. 55574 [Reply]
Curious to know what memory sticks out when thinking about BBWs/SSBBWs you saw in public? Any huge ladies cause you to do a double-take at the pool/beach/mall buffet/store? What was it that made it so memorable for you?
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>>60263 Ask her out
Saw BC Demi at an Eagles game in Philly a number of years ago, probably right around the end of her modeling days. She was sitting a few rows in front of me, she had to stuff herself into the seat when she sat down. That could not have been comfortable. But suffice it to say, this chick was FAT. Like, bigger than she looked online. If I had to guess, probably in the high 300s or maybe even low 400s at that point. By the way, GO BIRDS!
>>60305 Tell us moar
>>60358 Not really much to say. Just an extremely fat Japanese coworker, and another slightly chubby coworker. If I was larping, I could give you better details, but I haven't spoken to them much.
>>60347 I would but I already gotta big lady. Also when they get that fat logistics thing for everything get tricky and idk if I’m trying to date someone like that. It’s hot to watch tho

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BBWchan improvement thread Anonymous 12/31/2023 (Sun) 04:14:00 Id:27dfd1 No. 41857 [Reply] [Last]
Let's post what we like about the website and how we can improve.
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Do we have a working archive or not? If links don't work it's not an ideal archive. What we need is a real linkable archive.
>>59723 https://a.architect.coffee/ It's no Desuarchive, b4k or 4pblebs, but it's the only actual archive this site has. Don't expect it to be like the aforementioned archives, though. You won't be getting full images, unless you're viewing a thread that's currenly active on the site through the archive. All the pics on a.architect are thumbnails. I hope you're a thumbnail enjoyer.
>>59724 I'm talking links like >>1 or maybe only >>10000. >I hope you're a thumbnail enjoyer. Reporting necroposts should be a bannable offense. Edit: deleted because chance had it post 50000 was itt.
>>59265 FIX THIS SHIT!!!
>>60567 Can we do a series of investment funding rounds? It sucks this place finds just enough money to stay alive and nothing for RnD.

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Quitting this fetish Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 15:36:18 Id:fe4251 No. 47293 [Reply] [Last]
Finally quit this fetish. All 200GB deleted. I’ve had this feederism kink/fetish since I was a kid. Always been in the back of my mind, it’s basically a sexuality for me. I realised that watching this sort of content started to corrupt my brain. We are all watching and promoting mental illness through this fetish. Continue to watch the video after you’ve nutted, study the models you watch. Do they seem happy? I have decided to separate this weird fetish out of my life in the hopes I can recover and become a better person. Although part of me has resentment, I thank this website for opening my eyes on this fetish and helping me understand myself. Good luck everybody
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>>60399 Yeah, no...Way to many pushy/creepy/weird men already introduced fat girls to this fetish. So now they know to hate every feeder they meet and get confused when an FA genuinely likes them without any fetish stuff going on. Like "What's he touching my belly for?! He must be a feeder then...".
>>60411 Not moral and upstanding like you. Got it. There are women who enjoy it. Get over yourself.
>>60411 Look on the bright side, you might avoid neurotic girls.
>>60412 That wasn't meant to say that no women like it, but rather a cautionary tale about sharing this stuff in a blunt and stupid way deterring girls away from dudes who happen to like fat chicks forever...
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>>47293 I feel the same way, but not so much in the sense that I’ve been intentionally quitting, more just in the sense that over time I became less and less attracted to fat girls. I think it was just a slow erosion of the fantasy into the reality. I still come on here every so often but it feels like outside of very specific scenarios, I can’t get hard thinking of any girl who’s above the ‘chubby’ weight range.

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OF models to be avoided anon 12/06/2024 (Fri) 16:05:21 Id:0e7c1d No. 59558 [Reply]
I'd like to start a topic where we suggest and we do not suggest OF models to avoid waisting money. It is quite easy to do. I start: #AVOID: vampychou. I wasted 15$ for one month to see photos and videos of max 5 seconds. Is it worth it? I don't think so.
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JUICY JACKIE from a legend to a fat scam ;((
>>59563 She just scammed me too. Paid for a video, she said “here it is!” and the message had no attachment.
>>59558 Anybody ever ordered a custom from greedygirlmarie? Is she legit? Also generally speaking: What would be a fair practice for a 5k+ kCal stuffing vid? Basic idea was to sponsor something like 7-8k worth of fast food and have her try and eat as much as possible in one sitting. So that alone will result in a longer video. Price she proposed would be 200$ + price of food Which tbh is a bit steep for my liking... Especially when compared to cococraves who charges me like 25$ + food cost. Furthermore this is not a "private" custom so she's free to sell it on her paysites. Anybody got some experience with pricing??
>>60526 > Anybody ever ordered a custom from greedygirlmarie? I have, yes.
>>60527 You're for real? If so anything to note? Or all went smooth...? Just not trying to waste ~300$ total.

Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 17:50:26 Id:66b11b No. 46824 [Reply] [Last]
Don't post any art of any artists on this website is full of racists, alt-right crazies and people who will harrass and dox the artists if they don't comply with their demands. This is a bad website and it hurts the furry community, mods are complicit. Mods wrote that I'm banned because "You're a retard" just for everyone to know the type of people who are running this website.
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Nevermind, Democrats sabotaged themselves using neurology to deem Biden unfit for office, which is comedy gold. The Alt-Right only exists cause of pure centrist snobbery. Biden is so salty Dems are now losing GA in 2026, only cause they forgot about their old left. I dunno, Biden is the same person and acts the same
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You can thank this guy for somehow being worse than Cocaine Mitch at legislating for Trump being elected. He even allowed congestion pricing and spike strips on the subway to keep the miscegenation from protesting outside his home
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>>59378 The left is going to keep losing until the party learns to embrace civilization and leave behind the antiquated rural old west ways. Gen Z already had war, famine, pestilence and death because anarchists seemingly forgot how to do anything.
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A wonderful look into the mind of OP.

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coomer problems Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 02:59:28 Id:c114d4 No. 60423 [Reply]
i'll keep this brief. coomer is now requiring a ddos check, but it won't work automatically. ordinarily, that wouldn't be a problem, but the captcha isn't showing up. i'm a complete computer illiterate, so all the articles i looked up to fix it may as well have been in phoenician. can anyone help me out here lol
never mind, i'm a fucking idiot. all i needed to do was turn off ublock LMAO
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>>60424 >all i needed to do was turn off ublock LMAO
>>60427 hey man, i wouldn't be me if i didn't immediately and needlessly decide to look for the most complex solution first instead of trying something simple 😎👍🏽
>>60430 >if i didn't immediately and needlessly decide to look for the most complex solution first You'd be perfect as a mod here.

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Overweight Relatives Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 18:51:53 Id:14063f No. 55159 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone here have any stories that might invoke them having a fat relative, or a friend with a fat relative. Whether it be a mom, sister, cousin, aunt, stepmom, stepsister, mother in law or sister in law. Feel free to share anything you have from childhood or recent events.
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Had a fat aunt (by marriage) who I was in love with so hard as a kid. Probably my first exposure to fat women. Saw her pretty often and even told her I loved her one day lol. She lost so much weight and it’s such a tragedy. She’s really skinny now but I do like to look at old pictures of her. Also got a pretty chubby hot second cousin. I don’t see her often but she has gained some real weight over the years. Look at her social media now and then.
>>59990 >I do like to look at old pictures of her. Come one, share it with us anon.
My godmother's very fat and her daughters, who are about 20 years older than I, had weight fluctuations over the years, sometimes they get really fat, lose most of the weight, then something happens and they end up rebouding even fatter than before, one of them became a lawyer, married and had a kid, the other stayed at her mother's house most of her life so far, they're in their 40s at this point, the one that didn't get a husband started babysitting and even started a online cake shop, which obviously enough, made her weight skyrocket, but I have good memories with both of them, there was this time were we went to the mall together to get McDonalds and go to the theater, it was a fun time, they both have black hair and pale skin, one has brown eyes, the other has green eyes, they are wearing black most of the time, so I guess you could say that visiting them from time to time was another factor into why I'm into this type of woman
>>60017 This isn't really related to this thread but you reminded me of it. My godmother isn't very fat (at least not to guys like us) but she is a bit chubby and very curvaceous. When I was growing up her body type was basically like Mal Malloy or a "Venus" hentai character. Big tits, wide hips, thick thighs, etc. I wasn't horny for her per se but I definitely found her body type very appealing. She has a daughter who is very attractive but much slimmer. She showed me her pussy once when I was 12 and she was 16, and it was the first time I ever saw one. Me and her brother were playing in the pool while she was sitting on a lounge chair next to the pool reading a book. He left the pool for some reason, so it was just me in the pool and her sitting by the pool. She looked at me, pulled her bikini to one side to show me her vagina and smirked at me. I kind of just stared at her like a deer in the headlights. Then he came back to the pool and that was the end of that. She and I have never acknowledged or discussed this in the 16 years since it happened.
>>59765 >Now she was FAT, I'm guessing around 500 pounds< >I looked up her Insta and she's about the same. Maybe I should say hi or something.< Contact her and see what the possibilities are. Do it for her, I'm sure she'll appreciate it, and do it for you. Keep us updated 👍

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Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 03:12:43 Id:a8b29a No. 60397 [Reply]
Do any trans people have a butt that size?
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>>60397 Eat up
>>60397 I do

Real Life Social Consequences Anonymous 10/20/2024 (Sun) 03:24:20 Id:a8f8cd No. 55530 [Reply]
I (Male 19) know this is in the territory because of how people see this stuff. I need to preface that I have never formally admitted to anything regarding this fetish but my friends and family have been observant to the women I had been bringing around the past couple years. They all happen to have been 200 and above so it’s pretty obvious. I’ve been a ridicule before and I used to not care. People would point it out and I would just deny, plausibly deniability is wonderful. Now the ante has been upped and now people are call me a “degenerate who blows up women to kill them”. Now people are starting to to spread that around and avoid me. Even my family have been asking me why my last two gfs were above 200 pounds and that “I know you can do better so there must be a reason you like to date them.” I don’t know I’ve been called a degenerate on the internet a lot but now that it’s becoming a part of my real life I don’t know what to do. I just like fat women but I just want to keep my head down and not get singled out for it. I just needed to rant somewhere.
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>>55530 I think >>55541 is based. Also if you treat everyone like human beings. and exists people who like tall women or black people. I also admire female beauty in all its forms and there must be chemistry. >I'm terrible at meeting women that I like >I was an inceel (crashed My brain) and an idiot with some women. My main doubt Anons: will it affect that I have an ig with fat models of all kinds, and the same amount of pages of history, politics, science, news, etc. >Should I delete ig? >Sometimes I like to leave my number to chubby classmates or work or the street. >I've thought about someone similar to OP. Also: OP if you're not a harmful stalker and you can have real conversations with who you like and others. There you will see your true friends or you can move. You live in Fattyland🇺🇸 I liked a thin little "white pretty" punk woman. She had rings like picture.
I wonder what the consequences are in France or Italy.
>>57792 can't imagine france is very forgiving lol
>>57733 Its slang over here for mocking someone
Idk. If you are dating a fat 5 and you could date a skinny 6 people will think you’ve over estimated how much of a loser you are. On the flip side, if you can pull a hot normie chick, date her publicly for a minute and make sure the losers know you could fuck their girlfriend if you don’t have a fat fetish. The real problem here is you sound like a loser. Being a tall and in shape man makes it clear why you’re dating a fat chick and it raises her status more than it losers his. You sound like a loser whose gf makes him look like a mega-loser.

Politics Anonymous 01/26/2025 (Sun) 23:58:10 Id:fa9c26 No. 59857 [Reply]
If Jews want to surrender to true goodness, then the Jews will have to surrender the churches and the rest of their other hate mongering evil fake-religions crap and surrender the economic suppression. Being cancerous does not protect them, it only makes things worse. The jews problems core is the belief that being a cancer is a safety & power, and that’s kinda what their religion is about. They will have to never bother the Philistinas again, especially staying away from the Philistinas water supply. Jews will have to stop being invasive in every way, including economically. Did you know that most people are just vibing and aren’t invasive whatsoever? It’s not difficult. Most people see the world as a garden of all potential, not something condemnable and temporary before charging off to some afterlife entirely different world of pure racism. Most peoples souls are here on the current world and don’t see the world as like a toy. Plenty of people are stateless people and are perfectly happy, it is clearly not a smart choice for the world to ever accept the existence of Israel. Civic nationalism naturally happens when people let true community thrive instead of cults. Ever noticed all the crucifixes? Respecting boundaries is an entire thing. Respecting peoples economies, religions, turf, and vibes…. is all encompassing. Pushing others down instead of being able to read~the~room and respect the vibe~democracy….. is always a mistake. Sort yourselves. I hear the democracy of vibes screaming at y’all 24/7 because y’all have yet to relent to what truly matters to people. Like clearly y’all expend a crazy amount of effort harming the world and your only excuse is fear. It would be so strange if French and Deutsch mortally insisted on replacing eachothers community centers with deranged zombie cults about worshiping the monarchy of eachothers opponent. Do you think people in Paris need dominating buildings about religiously worshipping Deutsch monarchy instead of having a community center? No? Then fuck off. Also I really hate how y’all backstabbed the Yankees and Soviets, respects to the unique soul and good will that y’all lied about respecting.
I thought Deadpool & Wolverine was pretty good :)
I'm a racist but free Palestine 🇵🇸
>>59883 I’m a racist, but I don’t take sides. I hope Jews and Palestinians kill eachother. Judaism and Islam are cancer
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>>59857 Dragon Knight > Ryuki
>>59857 hello resident schizoposter lost me at “democracy of vibes,” I recommend a lengthy course of marvel movies and goyslop

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OF Review Thread Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 17:09:40 Id:6cc9bc No. 57746 [Reply]
There used to be an onlyfans review thread here that I really enjoyed. Starting this up again. Looking for reviews of current/active OF models
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I got Tess Holliday's OF and it sucks. Not too surprising, I know lots of people think she's crazy, disengenuous, and a grifter, but she's also hot as fuck. Swing and a miss, $11.11 down the drain.
>>59768 i saw that page, looked like it was fake. how much content was on it?
BabyGotHipz - 8/10 - gorgeous SSBBW, definitely has an Appalachian look which is endearing AlexandrafromNYC - 6/10 only because she doesn't post as much. Perfect SSBBW Latina body, pretty face GlazedAbby - 5/10 - she's cute but kinda annoying, pushes for additional paid content pretty hard
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>>60065 Man it's not great lol. Currently, she's got 13 pictures only on her main page, that are mostly at Instagram-level qualities (some even almost direct reposts iirc) When you check her additional paid content, she's trying to flog single risque photos for $10 or even this one, two pics of lingere, for $30. I bought it because I do find Tess hot, but now know just how burned I am.
Squish-baby. Called this chick out for not posting in over 6-8 weeks. Put a msg on picture she posted that was old. Blocked on OF and Feabie.

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girl I jacked it to died from gastric bypass Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 12:56:22 Id:545f03 No. 59878 [Reply]
I kind of knew her but never interacted, she was fat AF. Saw on the news a couple days ago she died after a failed bariatric surgery. Now I feel weird, maybe if I came onto her she'd never have to go through the operation and she'd still be alive. Also unsure how to feel about keeping a folder of her fb pictures now that she's dead. Can any anon relate? Pic attached, she was only 27.
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>>60329 I agree. Would have saved the family a bundle on an extra large coffin and a shit-ton of embalming fluid. Plus, when she's too rotten to fuck you can cut her up and burn her up in a woodstove. She could probably heat your house for a week.
>>60330 I like your wood stove idea. Especially if she was Jewish.
>>60329 >>60330 >>60331 I see that you are unfamiliar with the post ID system.
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>>60339 I knew - just felt like fucking around.
