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Question Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 02:50:38 Id:9367d8 No. 55317 [Reply]
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>>55337 /thread
>>55317 Why come to a site like this?
>>55317 This sorta fantasy, toon powered ai art isn’t easy to fap to for mortals, it takes a touch of the ‘tism to even be able to visualize *what* we’re even looking at here.
>>57629 a touch of the 'tism, lmfao
Because we're all fucked up and dangerous. Run for your life.

Does being into BBWs/being an FA make me a bad person? Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 04:54:48 Id:39c4fc No. 55809 [Reply]
I know this question is probably stupid or soy as fuck but I’ve really been thinking about it a lot lately. I’m somewhat open about my interests with some internet friends that don’t really mind, but I can’t shake the feeling that it makes me a bad person somehow. I hear a lot about the health concerns that come from being at a larger size and I don’t really like the idea of making feeder/feedee stuff into an actual lifestyle. There’s just a lot of stuff about the fetish I overthink and the self-loathing that comes with that is really starting to fuck with me. Does my fetish make me a bad person? How far would I have to go before it does? Is this whole line of questioning retarded of me? I wanna know.
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Feels good someone said this out loud. The answer is “no”, as long as you understand what it’s like to be fat in this culture and put your significant other’s experience first. I’ve been in multiple long term relationships with women who are at least 300ish and it’s a hard life for them in some ways. They’re made to feel “fucked up” by having to constantly watch weight loss ads, clothing is a pain in the ass, and friends and relatives are always judging/prodding/suggesting weight loss. My current GF wants to go on Ozempic. Biggest boner killer of my life but guess what? Her happiness in life is more important than my coomer ass desire for her to look as round and wide as possible. Just be good to whoever you’re fucking/cranking your hog to and help them have a good life and you’re fine.
>>57526 >Just be good to whoever you’re fucking/cranking your hog to and help them have a good life and you’re fine. truer words have never been said
>>57526 I like where you're coming from, seems genuine Look into the studies that have been coming out about ozempic, particularly the one showing heart muscle loss as a side effect. Could help discourage her or at least sway her to look into diet/exercise as a different weight loss option
>>57955 At the end of the day this is retarded and gay. As a man, understand women WILL exspext you to earn money to pay for their lifestyle. This stress results in about 10 years lost life expectancy for those men. Just accept that the world exists as a constant state of battle, predators hunting other predators. Relationships aren’t made of victims and abusers, the only reason victims stay in relationships is because they’re receiving more value as a mooch than they could earn for themselves.
>>57977 Where did you get that? Married people live longer than unmarried people on average with men being the ones that get the most benefit in terms of longevity.

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Fat Amateurs Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 19:30:16 Id:fa122a No. 57618 [Reply]
Who are some of your favorite fat amateurs out there? I tend to favor the girls who are less popular, just feels more real. Anyone have any current favorites?
Who is that?
>>57641 Looks like PearBooty88
>>57644 >PearBooty88 Yes, you're correct. Apologies for not sharing source with OP

Anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 15:21:40 Id:2d2c0c No. 57974 [Reply]
Respects to girl nations increasing percentages of control over the internet

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OZEMPIC: the scourge Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:38:49 Id:cf2524 No. 56809 [Reply]
Maybe i'm alarmist but i'm genuinely concerned that ozempic's going to make fat girls an endangered species in the US/Canada. Everything I hear seems to suggest: >15%+ loss in body weight after a year of taking it, worlds better than any other drug that helps with weight loss >a lot of unexpected benefits besides diabetes control and weight loss >still expensive, but cost has already lowered 40% since introduction to US markets, with promises of getting cheaper over time I thought it was the best time in history to be into fat girls, since obesity is the least stigmatized in the US it's ever been, but is the sun setting on our empire..? granted i'm a loser but i'm only just starting to become romantically/sexually active and this keeps me up at night a little. this is like if a breakthrough medication hit the streets to make tomboys girlier or busty girls flatter or ditzy girls smarter
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>>57245 I agree fat men are disgusting as shit. Ozempic fuckimg sucks, one of my favorite plus size models is using it and losing weight. I thought body positivity was loving your body at every size, not losing weight losing their sexiness. Fuck all these weight loss shit I hope there is some weird monkey paw affect. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8N2Ny7f/
I think it's a fad. If anything it'll give some good re-gains to enjoy for years to come
>>57484 I don't care. Is hyperpreg going to let me buy art?
>>57487 i'm not following?
If ozempic does get popular and cheaper, it's gonna enable bitches to act even more like fat pigs because they will see it as a lifeline if they gain a bunch. Some will then get on it but drop it due to routine, side effects, or cost. Ozempic for weight loss will likely not be covered by insurance unless a bitch gets really fat

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Snapchat account Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 19:21:22 Id:06e30c No. 57543 [Reply]
Hi guys ! Do you have snapchat account of fat girl that really into it and send snap easily ? I'm also interested in snapchat account of female fat admirer in general ! I'll give some to start. ej_k35 Katies97 Julia.ailujj Beatifulbgemy Berlinswifjlwpd Feedeegirl0 As quick add exist now. I feel it's ok to share.
>>57543 anyone know of any models who have a free snapchat?

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Confession Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 06:51:37 Id:e9b9f3 No. 51017 [Reply]
I think I'm losing some attraction towards fat girls now. It's weird - For a while I have had an on/off relationship with some broad with an ED. Throughout the time though, I have grown more emotionally attached to her (not in a healthy way) & I don't mind her ED or body really - she still has nice assets, and that's all that matters. But anyway, I just wanted to vent that because the more I come to this site every time we're off, I just feel more and more unattracted to most of the girls on here & the whole feedee lifestyle in general. Maybe it's a good thing since I can stop fucking jacking off & focus on better things. Maybe it's not but idk. This is the only place I feel safe saying this btw so
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>>54701 Not really, no. Sounds like the truth. It's like openly, honestly being into tits and hooking up with a woman with implants only to see her have them removed after a year of marriage because they "make her unhappy" and she'd rather have A cups. Clearly there's some disconnect going on.
>>54682 dude I am in the same situation. my gf started to gain weight (on her own) and I thought she would pass 250 (she's around 180) but she stopped and she's now losing. I'm not the person to manipulate or anything so I am seriously considering moving on and finding a new gf. damn with this fat preference
I think Zyahna Bryant deserves an OF, don't you?
>>51017 I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It also doesn't necessarily have to be one way or the other. You can like multiple body types and feel attraction to different things, even if they are wildly different
>>55232 agreed

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What do you feed your fat SOs? Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 21:25:16 Id:d55053 No. 54773 [Reply]
Pic related. Any time I make any kind of soup or sauce based dish I remove my portion and then melt a whole stick of butter (sometimes more) into her portion. She tells me I’m the best cook in the entire world and she’s also the size of a house now. Wondering if there are any other types of food that I can feed my girl to speed up the gain?
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Boosts, extra butter, lots of carbs. When cooking basically double everything cheesy, creaming, etc
Whatever she asks for
>>54773 fuck loads of butter. extra cream, oil, cheese in everything. surprise her with crumble cookies too. those things are very high in calorie
>>56039 lmao the people who are like "yeah my wife chugs Boost" make perfect sense, but your wife got WLS and you're still trying to deliberately fatten her up? Jesus christ you're an extreme degenerate, if you can't handle being with your wife the way she wants her own body, just divorce her and find a fatty who needs love?
>>54773 Post a pic of your SO please.

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models who actually love the game (feedism) and have amazing origin story videos or family reactions Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 09:12:16 Id:42f622 No. 52310 [Reply]
as an autistic weirdo, hearing genuine feedees who’ve been skinny in the past talk about how they developed the kink and slowly (or quickly) gained weight over the years, understanding their kink, realizing what they liked, how others reacted etc. is really hot to me. some feedees like chiquita, couchqueen, mochii, and layla are some people who i feel make these talking videos and or express their (obviously) insane obsession with getting fatter the best without overplaying it for more views. pic related too if you know her.
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Wow this thread was derailed by the first response lol I do think that people are missing the difference between being a feedee sexually and how much weight they gain as an online model. How many feeders have you heard of that date “normal” women yet roll up on here to bust a nut? It obviously applies in reverse.
>>55085 What do you mean derailed by the first response?? Disagreeing doesn't mean derailment.
>>55074 Agreed. she's the real deal and very nice to talk to
>>57555 People think she’s fake because our wives and girlfriends gain more weight accidentally in six months than she has in three years.
>>52310 OP, who is the woman in this photo?

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Fattest bellies you've seen in public Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 15:18:55 Id:b6ce2d No. 44648 [Reply] [Last]
We've had threads on here before about the fattest women we've seen in public. Let's get specific and talk about the women we've seen in public who have huge bellies. Mine happened back when I was in college. I had just finished my last class of the day and was heading to the library to meet one of my friends. First thing I notice when I enter the library is this girl who's on her way out. Dirty blonde hair, about 5'5" or 5'6", a seemingly stocky build with fat arms. Then she turns towards me and I notice a tremendously huge gut. It hung almost to her knees, and was so big that she had to wear an oversize shirt because she couldn't tuck it into her pants. I only saw her for a brief moment, and it was years ago so maybe my memory is tricking me into thinking she was bigger than she really was, but it left me with a mental image that I still have to this day
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>>48292 anymore stories of your sis? sounds intresting
>>55842 Interesting, I haven’t been in a food court in a long while
I've got a few that come to mind, with the first two coming while I was bartending in college. First one was a middle-aged MILF that I eyeballed at 5'3", around 400 pounds, late 30's to early 40's, but didn't look it at all, who was just all ass, belly, and boobs. She was just really wide and round in general, which included her belly. It was so wide and round that the outline of it was clearly visible in the shirt and pants she was wearing. We wound up matching on OkCupid sometime later and found out she was poly, but she just stopped replying to my messages one day and I never heard from her again. The second girl turned out to be my co-worker's sister, but holy shit, I'll never forget her. She was blonde haired and fair skinned, 5'6" and easily 550 pounds, and she was just fat as fuck all over. Not even joking, she looked like Big Cutie Summer when she was young, with the exception of the belly. This girl's didn't hang nearly as low as Summer's, but it hung at least halfway between the tops of her thighs and her knees. I took her out for drinks a couple of times, but she wound up ghosting me for her future baby daddy and developed a drug problem that got her rung up for possession of meth. The last girl was a co-worker of mine from a call center job I had some years ago. She was a 5'8" pear-shaped amazon who was easily pushing 550 pounds, and the majority of it was in her belly, ass, and thighs. If you only saw pictures of her from the chest up, she looked completely normal-sized, but then just ballooned starting at her belly. She already had impressively wide hips and ass (so much so that she got an HR accommodation for a larger chair that was wide enough for them), but the belly was truly the pièce de résistance— wide and pendulous, protruding so significantly that no outfit could hide it and that it easily dwarfed her breasts. I always loved the days she would come in wearing business slacks, because they contoured to the shape of her belly so well, and I could see every little jiggle when she walked by my desk.
These are pure bliss to read
>>57515 right? some of these posts are unreal

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Overweight Relatives Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 18:51:53 Id:14063f No. 55159 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone here have any stories that might invoke them having a fat relative, or a friend with a fat relative. Whether it be a mom, sister, cousin, aunt, stepmom, stepsister, mother in law or sister in law. Feel free to share anything you have from childhood or recent events.
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>>57315 I'm currently in the uae(vacation), but I'm the israeli anon from the dating advice thread.
>>57316 Kys, genocidal pedophile-lover
>>57417 No need to project
i have a cousin who absolutely blew up. she was always bigger growing up but once college hit she inflated like a balloon right before my eyes. 28 now and pushing 600 easily

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Bragging Thread Anonymous 07/26/2024 (Fri) 03:25:04 Id:589fc0 No. 52200 [Reply] [Last]
OK guys, I know there's lots of you here that have fattened up women. Time to brag. Starting weight, current weight, methods, and how long did it take?
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>>57254 I hope so. She’s hot AF and the though of her weight pushing the envelope even further is hard not to think about now…
>>55652 Your point about the self-gratifying dumbshit language people insist on using. Its a coping mechanism for folks on here but also creates a self-fulfilling prophesy of disconnect from the women their attracted to. It’s a defense mechanism, honestly. Sad in a way.
I have a fat harem with ladies ranging from 300 pounds to 700 on average, but my top three are Loraine, a 900 pound insatiable fatty with a massive booty, Dinah, an ethnically ambiguous 900-1000 pound blob girl, and Jana, my prized hog. She is just pure fat everywhere, probably over 1800 pounds at this point. I spend about 3 hours a day caring for her and have a team that cares for her the rest of the time, making her meals and hand feeding her constantly because she can't reach her own mouth.
>>50992 Measured my wife's belly tonight, she is officially bigger around then she is tall, 62 inch belly and shes only 5 feet fall. She says she doesn't eat much since she skips meals and eats less then me at them but will eat anything and everything in the house when shes bored or distracted including full party bags of chips, multiple king sized candy bars and as many sodas I put in front of her. Totally in denial saying she doesn't really care about her weight and that shes healthy and really isn't "that fat" just a little chubby.
>>57492 wow that's a huge gut on a small girl

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Quitting this fetish Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 15:36:18 Id:fe4251 No. 47293 [Reply]
Finally quit this fetish. All 200GB deleted. I’ve had this feederism kink/fetish since I was a kid. Always been in the back of my mind, it’s basically a sexuality for me. I realised that watching this sort of content started to corrupt my brain. We are all watching and promoting mental illness through this fetish. Continue to watch the video after you’ve nutted, study the models you watch. Do they seem happy? I have decided to separate this weird fetish out of my life in the hopes I can recover and become a better person. Although part of me has resentment, I thank this website for opening my eyes on this fetish and helping me understand myself. Good luck everybody
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It’s starting to lose its hold on me
>>54043 I just accept that feedism, fat admiration and weight gain are all natural desires that are not inherently bad. I have found no one really cares as long as your not a creepy insecure weirdo about it. The only reason I'm still in this shithole, is because of porn addiction. That and intense shame for other reasons besides just that. This part of me I have long accepted, it's really not so bad honestly.
>>53960 > That's not danish flag lol. Fuck off you Dutch faggot
>>54802 Same here
>>47293 I think a relevant factor is that the fetish community as a whole has really just tanked. it was so much more authentic back in the day

Gluttony is a win Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 19:23:26 Id:bc6db9 No. 56298 [Reply]
Christians are merely pests and shouldn’t exist. Thus the world is fatter. We’re calling pest-control.
Lets live in a world without parasites
>>56332 The poster states: “Some of these people?” And is in reference to bad attempts at appeals to character and numbers. When people don’t meet standards, we should just start thinking of different people instead.
>>56298 gluttony is a win, not a sin
That’s great. How was the 5th grade today? Let me know if you need help with the fractions on your homework.

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Feedism G.O.A.T.s Anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 19:31:14 Id:eea766 No. 57941 [Reply]
Drop them below. I'll start: 1. Mochii, obviously 2. Plump Princess 3. Lisa
There are a couple feabie girls who were pretty elite.
