/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Request thread Anonymous 12/15/2024 (Sun) 21:21:09 Id:cdca2f No. 132155 [Reply]
Top of the morning to you losers. Time to make a request thread... making a new home after DA proved worthless... Besides, I'll have something to do since finals are this week and I'll be free. Attached is a sample of my works Don't worry, I apply coloration just not to these pictures specifically. Here's what I won't do - nudes inflation - anal inflation - cum inflation - male inflation Everything else is fair game. So get to requesting
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Lena Hyena inflation Jessica Rabbit, full body.
Honestly, Pinkie Pie inflating her human counterpart
Just keeping this thread going
>>133888 Just keeping this going, I like this thread
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By the way I'm Back! School Started up again and I had 0 time to do SHIT! Also I was focusing on personal projects and non-inflation activities... Anyway, here's >>132303 's request of MH4 Guildmarm Sophia. I made her an airy sphere instead just because I can. I dont't really do blueberries...

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Helplessness: "I Can't Move!" 06/22/2022 (Wed) 06:51:56 Id:ebde17 No. 54158 [Reply] [Last]
One of the things that reaaally gets me going, and has for the 15 or so years since I first saw The Bizarre Adventures of BerryGirl by JohnnySwell/DocSwell. Like the title says, general complete helplessness, dependency, objectification, immobility, being trapped and bound by one's own bodily bigness. Humiliation, embarrassment, permanence etc. are fun additions too. If a blueberry girl (especially a permanent berry), or girl otherwise expanded into a matured sphere (still with feminine features and developments, namely breasts/butt/pussy) is forced into this state of helpless against her wishes, and not particularly enjoying it, I'm saving it and keeping it ready to go. The biggest indicators and best features of this niche, IMO, are exclamations like: - "I can't move" (immobility) - "Mmmmphhh" (i.e. "I can't speak") - "Toooo Biiig" (I feel extremely large) - "Juice me" or "Roll me" (objectification) - "What are you going to do to me?" (helplessness) - "You mean I'm stuck like this?" (Permanence) - "*whimper* *moan* *nnnnghhh* *whine*" I'm not enjoying this) and so on and so forth.

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Has anyone inflated latex or regular stretch pants before? Anonymous 01/11/2025 (Sat) 13:04:11 Id:cb9b0f No. 133973 [Reply]
No I don't mean inflatable inserts in pants but I'm generally curious has anyone stuffed a vacuum hose in some spandex or different types of airtight materials? I'm tempted myself to try doing it with a pair of latex ones. Again they might not stretch as much but certain movie tropes and other things get me curious! And I'm Not talking specific fetish made outfits but things usually designed for ever day wear! Like could I stuff a bike pump in some closed off latex pants and just puff them up with a hand pump? I know I've seen some pictures flying around of people doing it with vacuums and parka bubble jackets like in silent library but the reason those jackets are air tight is so down doesn't Escape and I prefer if I do pop something like that for it NOT to have feathers flying all over my house! Too messy. But is it doable? For bonus any form of jackets shirts clothes of any kind are worth noting. But I just got to hear a story or two on what methods are best for the budget based inflators. Please Tell me some miracle Spandex exists that can hold air and inflate big and round! I know it's probably useless to create a thread for this but it feels niche enough I'm not talking custom made fetish inflatable wear I'm talking everyday clothing that can double as good balloon material with nothing more than a hose no balloon inserts the outfits themselves have to be able to hold air or expand if rapidly inflated like with a vacuum cleaner.
>>133973 You could probably get away with stuffing an insert or balloon in them.
I saw some vids of balloona where she inflates latex/pvc stuff, but I'm not sure if she has something under it. You could try it with some pvc or latex with enough room and share your results here. Definately interested in this, always hoped for some kind of video where the girl farts in a latex/pvc suit and it trapped the gas and she inflates.
is the PVC material even airtight? maybe you could apply seam tape to the seams but I'm not sure the fabric is actually a sheet of plastic or if it's actually full of holes to make it "breathable"

One last draw thread Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 01:42:13 Id:0c3008 No. 98083 [Reply] [Last]
At least we should share one last time before the site shuts down. Well I'll share some pics I have made recently
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Would someone be willing to draw a request featuring Petra and Dorothea. Petra pours something into Dorothea’s drink causing her breasts to rapidly inflate. After her bikini top rips and she is done inflating Petra uses the now inflated Dorothea’s breasts as a place to sunbathe with a satisfied look on her face to Dorothea’s annoyance.
>>135830 What's the deal with these type of posts, is this mods keeping track of shadow bans or something?
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Can someone draw/edit the image of Enbi-Chan from Dororon Enma-Kun MeeraMera as Valentine from Skullgirls I want it to look as good as possible.
To whowever's interested, I would like a pic of Saki-chan from Magician Senpai (The one with the bright orange-ish hair) with the black rubber suit she's wearing in the image but filled to the brim with water, visibly struggling as she drags her massive water balloon of a suit across the sand

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Inflation memes 2 Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 06:01:25 Id:80804c No. 106747 [Reply] [Last]
Return of the tomfoolery! More memes please
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Babe 2 Inflation thread Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 23:11:40 Id:160599 No. 127505 [Reply] [Last]
Very underrated scene next to Willy Wonka and others. I feel like it's seen a rise in popularity over the last few years tho, a niche one anyway. Here's the original scene.
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Alright, that’s the end of them. If any of you who can draw good wants to, they never really showed the scene where they took Esme back to court and she got off the hook. She and a bunch of escaped animals crashed a charity dinner, of course she was arrested. And it can be assumed she was still a bottom-heavy balloon woman when they brought her before that pig-nosed judge again. This took hours of my life I’ll never get back. Literally learned how to make GIFs today, so that would explain why the non-HD ones above might look like 480p pig crap. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/BabePigInTheCity Here’s a link to the TV Tropes page that goes deeper into the piggy madness. There was going to be a game for PlayStation, you guys. But because Babe 2 killed the franchise, it never saw the light of day. Nor did any Esme balloon butt level we could play to this day. Fuck!
>>133648 Holy shit I remember these!
>>127513 You got anymore of these?
>>133727 Thanks for all this, Anon!

Uber Inflation Uber Inflation 06/08/2024 (Sat) 02:28:51 Id:53a542 No. 116923 [Reply] [Last]
New uber inflation thread~
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>>134844 damn i may be into uber inflation but even i have standards

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expanda panda / jed soriano thread Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 11:52:21 Id:fa9731 No. 103746 [Reply] [Last]
send any expanda panda art you guys have, try to keep it to ones that aren't already on his deviantart
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>>135621 Do you want me to send you a link to a report my post group where SeriojaInc content is published?
>>135621 but do you have Chapter 9 of the complete s maidens?
>>135625 its shit
>>135633 Please 🙏 can I share even if it's shit
Does anyone have new pages from grande size me 2

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Balloona 2.0 01/18/2025 (Sat) 05:16:20 Id:414a66 No. 134372 [Reply]
New thread for balloonas suit inflation and expansion content. Old thread was bump locked. Contribution to get things started https://mab.to/t/LN1OohR5raA/us2
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Here’s what I got from her YouTube always looking for the missing ones! Also on the look out for her newest video https://mab.to/t/Tg2Wrs5axVw/us2
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>>134382 Sigh women can have broad shoulders and men can have narrow ones dumb argument, please come back after taking a anatomy class!
>>134859 I was specifically referring to the very old ones like "I have your T-shirt"
>>135094 Oh my bad. Have never seen those ones. Would love to though. Those were the oldest I have.
Can someone update Balloona's kemono please the last update was October 3nd and now she made 3 new videos

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TMF TMF 03/14/2024 (Thu) 10:15:53 Id:1c0f5e No. 109166 [Reply] [Last]
I'm looking for Theatrical Titties. I got everything else here: https://gofile.io/d/W3nRkx
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>>135133 can i ask that you re-upload i missed that one
>>135387 I tried sending the uploader a friend request to view it but no luck. It may be denied as cambro is the king of gate keeping.
>>135548 Aw thanks for trying. I appreciate it. I hope someone gets it. It looks really good
>>135387 Yeah I got it https://mab.to/t/PZDOmJyFyGW/eu1
>>135525 Sure...https://mab.to/t/U5tmlVDODyO/us3 (give it time to upload.)

Doing the dirty while inflated pretty self explanitory Sex while inflated thread V3 03/30/2024 (Sat) 09:42:34 Id:fd2a44 No. 110594 [Reply]
Seems the last thread on this topics gone, time for another one. Last one I said no cumflation, but since people want threads to cover more broad topics post girls getting cumflated to your hearts content.
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Video Game Balloons II: The World Balloons Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 04:07:52 Id:e3c794 No. 106927 [Reply] [Last]
last thread was bumplocked
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OC of the fotm (squirrel) girl does it even count as a game, it's a design made for a game based on a comic character...
I’m looking for an older piece, it got deleted a while ago. It’s of Aela the Huntress and Astrid from Skyrim in a 4 part sequence over 2 pages I believe. They step on rune traps and aela swells into an hourglass shape and astrid bloats a lot more. It’s in a pixel art style if I remember right. If anyone has it, I’d grestly appreciate it
>>130262 Do you find this loser's circle garbage hot?
>>133347 Shut up Meg

men inflating Women 06/25/2021 (Fri) 06:08:20 Id:1cadbc No. 24679 [Reply] [Last]
boys blowing up women
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any inflation with pussy showing?
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Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 20:53:15 Id:96f6d7 No. 49519 [Reply] [Last]
Since it’s Mother’s Day can we get a Milf inflation thread? Both biological moms and maternal characters welcome!
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Trudy Proud Pic by Grimphantom
>>67540 Does anyone have this sequence with the dialogue added?
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Anyone got images of Mothers being inflated by their daughters?

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A Thread for Water Inflation Water Inflation Thread 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:38:04 Id:c7aafa No. 98793 [Reply] [Last]
Water inflation is my favorite type of inflation, so I wanted to make a thread for it. Can also include other water adjacent liquids
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>>131651 I’m the source, these are commissions I’ve bought over the years.
>>131788 “Anon! Anon! More sponge girl inflation please!”
