/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Anyone going? Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 21:36:51 Id:6a65f4 No. 129666 [Reply]
Just curious what the general concensus was on this event and if it was worth attending
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>>133167 I can't believe I jack off to the same shit as I diagnosed schizos like this
Don't like any of the artists besides tail-blazer cavitees, and maybe Mabo on a good day, don't wanna be near weird gross models, don't wanna be near the weirder grosser attendees. Can safely say I have below zero interest in this con, and the morbid fascination with going is not worth being in the background of some retards twitter picture. No judgements if you wanna go but I can't imagine a bigger more embarrassing waste of time.
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>>133233 I mean to be fair you used words like flying kites so maybe it isn't the conversation but the little word at the end. That's like me giving an impactful speech about Martin Luther king at a memorial and then just dropping n bombs afterwards like what do you expect was gonna happen. It's the definition of Idiocracy, you literally summoned a hate mob from the ether via the brain fart from hell!
Do they have a schedule anywhere that states what cities they want to show up in, or is my Google-Fu doing an especially shit job lately? >>133235 If you think that's schizophrenia, you haven't met a schizophrenic person IRL, or you just picked up the schizo insult off 4chan without learning what a schizo is. This isn't 4chan, my brother. Still, schizos say and do all kinds of crazy shit, I've met a few, but in particular my sister dated one once but she's absolutely trash at picking up on red flags (despite practically being made out of red flags herself). Whenever his schizophrenia came up, the best case scenario is that he'd get super religious and see angels and talk to God and whatever else, but I missed out on the juicy stories of what the worst case scenario was like. It wasn't until AFTER they broke up that she finally started to go "ooohhhhhhh that makes sense, that's why he was always afraid of [x] and [y]!"
>>133167 I find it funny that we all bitch at each other as a society about whatever topics and I mostly think this fits the LGBT community specifically but majority of arguments in the LGBT community at least the dumbest ones I believe exist because of bad actors and corporations and their dumb ceos creating hate bait bullshit. For example the Riva racism Star wars thing everyone blames the star wars fandom and now I'm not going to say that there aren't going to be bad actors actually spouting racism of course they're probably is because it's the internet expect somebody to always use a slur in some dumb capacity. But for majority of the hate the actor got yet nobody realizes Disney and Bob iger willing strapped a bomb to her and threw her at a pack of wolfs just as a scape goat for their shitty writing and piss poor decisions as a company.they did it to rake eyes off the deeper issues causing all these arguments that Disney is cash grabbing franchises and diversity half the time lately without real substance behind it. Not all cases but a 75% majority is pandering THEY DO THIS SHIT CONSTANTLY AND KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT AND SOCIETY IS TOO FUCKING DUMB TO NOTICE! And you know what I hate the most or just find dumb is most people with common sense can tell this shit is bait hence what quote on quote woke is in definition corporate shill bait with no real substance and diversity yet both sides of the argument crowd fall for it and tear each other apart. AND ITS GOTTEN SO BAD ITS KILLING HOLLYWOOD AND EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES! again hire stupid executives you get stupid solutions it's still bottles my mind that Bob iger has a job and was Hired back! He's petty arrogant. For fuck sakes he got so pissed at Sonic 3 making more than the loin king slop he literally threatened to BUY OUT SEGA to tank sonic deliberately as a property! This guy is actively threatening to murder more franchises and cause more drama for fun and nobody gives a crap! Fun fact you want to know why the muppets hasn't seen any new properties? Bob iger actively hates the franchise and so long as he exists the muppets will not see further production or at least any form of love from him. He thinks it was the dumbest purchase Disney has ever acquired. Yet he won't sell it because he's petty and refuses others to profit off it. This is the idiot threatening to ruin sonic and who currently runs Disney. But enough Disney rant again I feel stupid for letting that get to me in a fetish server of all things! But hey stupid decisions corporate greed and so many little things in my eyes are to blame for the hate on both sides more than just bigotry or racism. We let these stupid things go by our heads on a daily and stead of bitching like we should where it counts we rip each other apart as we're all dumb as a society. Idiocracy 2 happening in real time let's hope we can find some common sense in it all before we all fall apart. It's ok to be gay. it's ok to love. your skin doesn't matter it's just flesh. people may not respect your pronouns and stuff but it doesn't less validate who you are as a person which is free to be whatever you dream so much as your kind and lovely and don't hurt others nothing else matters so why fight with each other. Don't let the stupid of society get in all your heads! Life is fleeting and fast and we only have so much to see and feel in this world so for fuck sakes love your neighbor or hell make love to them for all I care take what you will of my advice from nothing Burger to something it's the fact you understand where I come from is a place of love far from hate yet so tired of the bullshit so tired that I feel the need to speak up on it even if my sped ass is speaking into a void.

Axel rosered thread Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 06:07:54 Id:5f9d1b No. 42549 [Reply] [Last]
Everyone axel favorite works, comics, paid comics, commentary whatever only rule no diapers. Or at least warn people and link it separately
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Why does Axel do so much weird shit now, and he stopped doing comics and sequences in his packs, it's disappointing.
Seeing as no one is sharing the pack on Thread 12 for Axel, I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to upload it?
Anyone got the image of Yai and Luna stuck in a doorframe? Can't seem to find any of Axel's more recent MM stuff anymore.

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Boy boobs 2 return of the booba Anonymous 12/28/2024 (Sat) 04:24:07 Id:c7aeab No. 133045 [Reply]
I'm not gonna let this thread die this time I suggest we band together and keep him alive!
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I love bustyboys!!!!!!
PB and Finley, transition goals, as unrealistic as they are
He grows!
>>133144 Super cute bun boi

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Madzissstacked 4 Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 17:05:34 Id:66708e No. 99682 [Reply] [Last]
Any contributions are appreciated YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlaYldweVF6VndSMGQ0Vmk5MWN6TT0=
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Anyone got B.E. Homegrown or Public Outings Madz gets gas?
>>131486 Yo just checked out this thread, can i get a reup? Possibly on bunkr
Is there a mega or a drive folder with her stuff? I'm looking for the vore shit she did and belly focused
Happy New Year to all of you!!

Inflated Dragongirls Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 22:16:36 Id:92983d No. 103880 [Reply]
2024 is the Year of the Dragon, so lets get a thread going in honor of it. Anything goes as long as the character posted is canonically a dragon/part dragon/draconic in some way.
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A little comm I had done for me. Not sure if it's online anywhere else as of yet.

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what is your ultimate inflation fantasy? Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 01:42:28 Id:998489 No. 77271 [Reply] [Last]
mine is for sure pic related
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Its based on a dream I had of sneaking into a women's club. I used balloons to make myself look curvy enough and makeup to cover my face so I could blend in. When I got found out it turned out I wasn't the first guy to try it, but there was a consequence to it. They ended up having their fun with me, and inflated me to be as curvy as them. It wasn't like a "They're turning me into a girl" it was just a punishment kind of thing for sneaking into a place I wasn't allowed
I have a few ultimate fantasies. I guess perfection would be a posh, spoilt rich girl (perhaps the arrogant heir apparent to a candy factory?) taking a treat that wasn't hers to take, purely because she'd never been told no. What would follow would be by turns humilating and horrifying as she blows up slowly but surely, ripping her expensive clothing to ribbons while a desperate simp (a servant or gentleman friend) tried to help his beloved mistress. They'd realise that juicing via orgasm would be the only path to relief...but I don't think it would end up saving her. She'd teeter for several agonising minutes on the very brink of bursting, enough to regret her life's decisions and let indelible stretchmarks mar her skin...before the inevitable occurred.
>>120718 DAMN thats so hot, i need more friends into pussy expansion stuff, id love to communicate sometime, idk what the best way would be, ive got report my post i mostly use
Offered a job to be a producer at the factory. Monday through Friday from 9-5 I blow up into a massive blueberry and produce juice, at the end of each day get juiced down to normal and repeat.

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force / helpless inflation Force / Helpless Inflation 07/21/2021 (Wed) 02:58:41 Id:290405 No. 26207 [Reply] [Last]
post girls being forcibly inflated where all they can do is helplessly "mmph" and squirm as they expand mostly hose inflation but any method of forcing someone to inflate is welcome as well as popping
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>>123409 VERY cute.
>>123462 Pneumatic.
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>>117750 Classic. Source?

Imbapovi Thread 6 Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 23:56:47 Id:b1fe36 No. 118826 [Reply] [Last]
Bonus Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/gGdj2IYS#TlDwBkXzfyPrOrdL3_Ms2w The new video with Intrepid is out now. Thoughts?
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>>133925 Sorry for the wait, been pretty busy lately, mostly done and should be up within a few days
>>134045 Sure man, take your time. Thanks in advance.
New Kemono post, new Mega folder and a whole lotta new pictures to dive into. https://mega.nz/folder/2bRhiRJI#SMsiZepuFfeuqdQVYVrUYg/folder/6e5gxLCJ And potential for things we haven't seen before.
in this new mega link, i see there are new pics of Ruby D. Are there new bonus vids of this character? if so please send links of all bonuses created on this character please
Skimmed through that folder, there are a few pictures that don't relate to any videos I've seen in Amy archive. Namely Ruby D-Q, and dv.a D-I.

Inflation Chatbot Thread 3: The Revival Anonymous 02/16/2024 (Fri) 17:45:02 Id:6a4292 No. 106840 [Reply] [Last]
Since the inflation chatbot thread got moved from /inf/ to /bbwai/, the thread basically died. HOWEVER, that ends here. "As before, there is this website called Character.ai that lets you make chatbots for roleplay. Some of us have used it to make inflation chatbots, and are sharing them here. Join in, have fun, and maybe make a few inflation bots of your own to share!" Link to the website: https://beta.character.ai/
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>>113172 Can anyone make a bot of her on janitor?
So between character.ai and spicychat, which one doesn’t require me to sign in?
Any good ones on spicy chat? As well as any new ones
Have any of y'all had any luck with the generic Kink story bots? There's some that just type out a story from a prompt you give it instead of you roleplaying with a character.

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Ginary's Kinky Adventures V2 Tishaxoxo 07/29/2022 (Fri) 10:37:11 Id:a4563a No. 57491 [Reply] [Last]
This is a newer thread of Ginary's Kinky Adventures. There will be no begging, whining and complaining on this newer thread sorry about the other one. Who looks better Ginary or Nikki when Inflating?
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Does anyone have the pregnancy expansion stuff or any bursting stuff at all?
>>131268 I only have BUG stuff after they stopped making videos, didn’t realize that people were starting to make videos with ginary. But I second this if anyone has bursting videos and i have bug vids to contribute too
Contributions: https://mab.to/t/ZfpLSkdxH4s/us3 Looking for: Ginary Filled With Air Until She Explodes Ginary Puts A Hose In Nikki Brooks' Mouth Until She Explodes Nikki Brooks Impregnated With Magical Alien Eggs By Ashlynn Taylor Vika Impregnated By Mysterious Alien Entity Nikki Brooks Impregnated By Mysterious Alien Tentacle Big Tit Inflation Virtual Sex Fun With Harmonie Marquise & Nikki Brooks Criminal NIkki Brooks Inflates To Pop By Officer Stefania Mafra

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>>131917 can you reup pls ?
Does anyone have this one or can download this one please? https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/29753871/sexy-belly-inflation-joi-with-misty-rein-hd-1080p-mp4 I found it on cambro but i can’t watch it since it seems like the person isnt active on cambro. https://www.cambro.tv/1376679/misty-rein-sexy-belly-inflation-joi-misty-rein-sexy-belly-inflation-joi/

Doing the dirty while inflated pretty self explanitory Sex while inflated thread V3 03/30/2024 (Sat) 09:42:34 Id:fd2a44 No. 110594 [Reply]
Seems the last thread on this topics gone, time for another one. Last one I said no cumflation, but since people want threads to cover more broad topics post girls getting cumflated to your hearts content.
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genral anime inflation Anonymous 12/25/2022 (Sun) 03:30:36 Id:034749 No. 72649 [Reply] [Last]
idk if theres a thread for this already but this is for inflation from amine characters
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Yor Forger takes Balloon Day to the next level! Floating high with her 'how did this happen?' expression, she’s the ultimate inflatable spectacle. Move over, parade floats—Yor’s got this covered! And don't worry, it won't explode… for the time being

Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 20:53:15 Id:96f6d7 No. 49519 [Reply] [Last]
Since it’s Mother’s Day can we get a Milf inflation thread? Both biological moms and maternal characters welcome!
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>>128641 Sauce?
>>106481 This thread needs more Scarlett Beauregarde.
Trudy Proud Pic by Grimphantom

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Inflation gone wrong Anonymous 10/11/2023 (Wed) 16:38:46 Id:49fb6c No. 97503 [Reply] [Last]
a thread about something going wrong while inflating, either the valve breaks and they can't turn it off or they get too big to turn it off or something else along the lines of that
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>>97503 Bump
>>130411 Sauce?
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Random stuff in the camera roll
>>115191 If you’re still on this thread sometimes, 100% should Love the attitude

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YET ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER BLUEBERRY THREAD: you're a big berry; 4 BLUE Anonymous 07/12/2024 (Fri) 21:58:56 Id:7efc86 No. 119924 [Reply] [Last]
Prev. Thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/101407.html Alright, last thread got bumplocked, so now we got a new thread here. The rules are the same as always, post anything berry inflation related basically, fics, animations, etc.
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>>132482 $37? Damn, if someone could re-up it'd be appreciated.
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>>132635 >>132664 >>132638 cope harder faggot
>>132668 Step 1) actual female joins deviantart and starts posting inflation fetish content. Step 2) people realize the artist is a female and start blowing up her DM's begging her to RP with them. Step 3) female artist quickly gets creeped out by the insane amount of creepy autistic sex pests stalking her account. Step 4) female artist deletes her account and disappears. Step 5) See Step 1.
>>133079 Polly want a cracker?
>>133079 someone didnt refer to the image
