/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Dragon Ball girls thread Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 03:41:20 Id:98318d No. 129555 [Reply]
Because why not plenty of dragon Ball fans out there. And gals to blow up.
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>>134971 Source?
>>134973 https://mobile.twitter.com/soniclagann
Anyone have this?
Bang cum burst!

Nintendo girls inflation 2 Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 19:45:58 Id:24f077 No. 100331 [Reply] [Last]
The other one got bumplocked
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Does someone have the rest of the sequence of the first two photos and the Marianne art of the third photo by blooberboy.
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Blueberry Faces 2 Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 21:45:16 Id:0b24fb No. 112023 [Reply] [Last]
A new thread to post morphs of women turning blue!
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highly recommend morphing foodie influencers who love showing off their food babies lads
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Found this on tictok don't know much about it outside of its from a account called laughing poker face and doing further digging through kanji and translations tells me she's a actress named Saki Takamizawa. The inflation effect is meh but the rash is really good! Original link https://www.tiktok.com/@laughingpokerface/video/7066721683847007490 Mab file HQ download expires in 3 days because I had to compress the original.
>>117314 This is jade chantilly, she was around on the inflation subs and some other porn subs on Reddit around 2018-19? Think she retired since her accounts are wiped now

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BlowUpGirls Thread V3 New Thread 03/03/2023 (Fri) 12:38:04 Id:22d1cb No. 80479 [Reply] [Last]
So the old thread get bumplocked and thus created the new thread. Here is the belly buddies trilogy: https://mab.to/t/Injr4tp5MGe/eu1 I am looking for: -Ringer Trilogy -Swollen Too -Mesmerised Munchies -Birthday Bellies
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Can someone re up wrong pills?
Contrib for wrong https://mab.to/t/r3snUrQfiWc/us2
Actually, I’m looking for all allure skye videos, so anything would be appreciated
Contributions: https://mab.to/t/RmkvxAijyus/us3 Looking for: Cat Fight Blow Battle Inflated Break Up That's My Promotion

Pokeblimps 2 Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 08:35:00 Id:61833b No. 74336 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread was bumplocked
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>>137095 why do you all insist on bringing this up as if any of the people you're making the argument against care?
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Entrainment Water absorb on a female trainer, Classic Water gym prank! Rosa won't know what's coming as she awaits her gym challenge hehehehe!
Oh man, Rosa's water retention is Insane... like... really insane... guys? GUYS!!! STOP WITH THE WATER MOVES! SHE ISN'T JUST GETTING BIGGER SHE'S GETTING... Fuller. Oh no OH CRA-*ROSA USED WATER SPOUT* ...Marlon is going to kill us!
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Babe 2 Inflation thread Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 23:11:40 Id:160599 No. 127505 [Reply] [Last]
Very underrated scene next to Willy Wonka and others. I feel like it's seen a rise in popularity over the last few years tho, a niche one anyway. Here's the original scene.
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>>133727 Thanks for all this, Anon!
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Here’s a new one
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>>137357 >>137360 >>137361 Oh God! They're incredible, who made them?

Cyberpunk 2077 Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 21:52:19 Id:dadc07 No. 134321 [Reply]
Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game, so here I will leave this to collect images and create a record of the inflation in the characters of this franchise
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by KreatlikeCrete

LATIN CHARACTERS INFLATED 01/17/2025 (Fri) 21:40:45 Id:2b102b No. 134316 [Reply]
HISPANIC-LATIN CHARACTERS INFLATED BLUEBERRY OR GAINING WEIGHT collect images of latino characters inflated or characters created by latinos, and also find out how many latino people are dedicated to drawing inflation
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I like it when a character's nationality is revealed or a hypothesis is created about his nationality
alan ituriel's designs always give me the feeling of seeing a typical internet comic, something you would see on tumbler, one of them even has that parasite that turns your abdomen into a mouth with sharp teeth
>>134777 like this style, got a source?
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i like this elastic character

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Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 21:36:55 Id:3a26f5 No. 85308 [Reply] [Last]
warhammer 40k is a brand that has been with us for a long time, but it is rare to find inflation art, what I ask is that you help me find all kinds of inflation or weight gain fetish art.
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can someone edit this image and finish it digitally?
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cartoon inflation 2 Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 01:05:58 Id:1ff167 No. 91207 [Reply] [Last]
since the last thread was bumped locked heres a new one
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>>133026 What else did he make, lately?
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Inflation Media thread is going down and I had to post this somewhere. Where do they sell Cow & Chicken shirts depicting Cow blown-up like a balloon in Asia and how much are plane tickets to get there? https://x.com/nikochandayeee/status/1882751518505611635
>>91207 What about accidental and fast inflations? >>125408 >>104812
glitch techs have a lot of potential, especially when you combine these moments from video games where an inflation mechanic appears
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Sharkbubble thread Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 07:42:54 Id:ab7977 No. 68148 [Reply] [Last]
Can we make a sharkbubble thread post anything of his art and if you have some of his paid comics, place here no rush take your time
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Bump cuz I wanna see Samus
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>>136565 why does this guy always have to add some fuckass quirk to every pic. shes so lumpy man can this guy just draw something normal for once
>>136568 cuz she's full of balloons retard
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Living Balloons Anonymous 11/04/2023 (Sat) 03:32:57 Id:792570 No. 99307 [Reply] [Last]
characters who are inflated and transformed into balloons, either inanimate or animate.
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>>133756 sauce?
>>136936 https://bsky.app/profile/allanchorsaweigh.bsky.social

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Underrated characters and other inflation ideas Anonymous 03/06/2023 (Mon) 15:54:49 Id:9a75f1 No. 80755 [Reply] [Last]
Thread to cook up Ideas for characters or people who are otherwise hardly if never inflated! and or inflation scenarios that are under or barely used?
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CRAZY (English ver.)LE SSERAFIM takes place in a party balloon shop with a bunch of gals. Ideas can spawn ones mind quite heavily.
Transparency is criminally underrated, there's just something hot about someone inflating to the point of their skin being stretched thin
>>136875 I think simply it's because it's harder to do you gotta make sure underlay is just right or everything messes up
game powerup when collected makes the character float but they round out like a balloon (much like a p-balloon), and the effects stack and with each stack they get more drawn to this poweup if its nearby from addiction and will keep collecting them if unmonitored until they pop from bliss and overinflation
>>122985 >>122986 i hate the fact that i recognize that artstyle...

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Hatsune Miku Thread 2 Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 22:30:29 Id:4e8904 No. 114744 [Reply] [Last]
There was a miku inflation thread before so I decided to make a sequel to that dead thread Inflated miku as always
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Artist:@KinkoftheL on Twitter.
>>135331 i love nonfatal popping more than i love being alive.
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>>135352 I hear ya! I think there's something so erotic about going all the way, knowing full well it's provocatively dangerous, so enticingly lewd, and can result in something forbidden yet lecherous; pushing the limits.. knowing you should perhaps stop but being unable to resist.. just.. a. a bit... mmmMOR.. *BANG!* ...[GASP] ..."Again?!
I dunno why I love this

Nude Inflation Thread Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 16:34:53 Id:943ce1 No. 87209 [Reply] [Last]
Post some arts with nude blimps and nude blueberries/fruits.
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>>137249 Holy shit nice. How much skin do you need for a nude edit or can we give you any clothed orb?
