/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Inflation Discussion Anonymous 01/31/2025 (Fri) 18:09:14 Id:5306ea No. 135391 [Reply] [Last]
I can't understand why this fetish exists or any other fetish. I'm really into bigger bodies and the idea of expanding with air and feeling stuck as my body swells to massive proportions leaving me unable to walk. Do you ever stop think how weird it is that we're on this site? How did you come across or rationalize it? How did the inflation fetish live in a time before the Wonka shit and other trigger points?
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>>136572 Put simply? Because it’s weird. Inflation as a fetish is absurdist and borderline cartoony, so far removed from other people’s understanding of sexual appeal that they cannot wrap their heads around wholly or how someone would get off to it. That combined with the fact that the fetish is really easy to accidentally stumble upon (look up popular thing, turn off safe search, and scroll a little too far), makes inflation a very easy internet punching bag. Plus there’s the fact that the fetish is mostly limited to the drawing medium, with extreme cases being unrealistic or even physically impossible. That definitely hurts people’s ability to take it seriously compared to something like, say, BDSM. Also this Fetish has weird associations with children? Not in that it’s literal child porn, but rather that most people’s impression of an “inflation fetishist” is a confused 13 year old on Deviantart, drawing circles in MS Paint and pasting the heads of Princess Peach or Rouge the Bat on top. It’s not something people seriously consider in an adult context.
>>136572 No, it’s weird. And the body positivity movement is also kinda lame, like sure nobody should hate themselves and their bodies but like the vast majority of men do not like big fat women and thinking you can just socialize all bodies into being equally attractive isn’t reality. Idk, I’m at a really weird point in my relationship with this. For a long time I really hated myself for being into this stuff, beyond just being a mild autist and being an awkward lonely kid. But over the years I’ve improved a lot, have close friends, and come to the realization that self hatred has no purpose. I’ve still never had a relationship, for more reasons than just this but it’s a factor. I still don’t think I’d ever tell anyone, unless I married the exact right person. As for where it comes from, who knows. I can’t really blame early porn exposure as even before I had any idea what sex was I had a fixation on inflation in cartoons and obv Willy wonka (not into blueberry stuff funny enough), it just turned into a sexual thing as I got older. Perhaps access to YouTube and irl inflation content solidified it, and I’ve definitely come around on the idea that constant porn/masturbation is not good for you and the narrative of “everyone jacks off all the time and it’s good actually” I heard all the time growing up was extremely misleading and harmful. On the biological note, how many lefties are out there? I’m left handed, and I’ve read that despite being only 10% of the population we’re typically over represented in the, uh, “mentally diverse” communities. Autists, trans, schizos, people with, fetishes, highly creative people, etc are a lot more likely to be left handed when compared to the general population. There seems to be a little bit of a link between handedness and how your brain works.
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I wonder to myself all the time why I'm into it?? I'm VERY into inflation or any body expansion. And vore too as of recent times. All I know is that like many, I fell down a rabbit hole on youtube that revealed to me what inflation was. I believe I was in 4-5th grade too. One vid just wasn't enough., I kept on watching but I didn't know why? Probably because it felt taboo but eventually my parents caught me. I had to stand there as they scrolled through my youtube history lmaoo
>>136778 >And vore too as of recent times. In the same boat over here. Rabbit hole is a good descriptor, I feel like once you get into one belly expansion fetish you're likely to get into the rest. I wonder how many people this is the case for, as they're all fairly similar in appeal with expansion being related to a submissive quality. Except for vore, which it the black sheep of the belly expansion family in a way.
>>136806 >>136778 Yeah vore is definitely more of a “rare day” vibe for me. I like it but it’s almost like the “Well we’re out of koolaid so just use the off brand stuff in the meantime. Thankfully I’ve never been caught with this. But I did go through what the above anon did but with normie shit, and my family has never let me live it down. Which is why I actively panic at the idea of someone I know discovering this about me. If I have to always hear about how I was looking at tits at 14 at every single Christmas despite me being almost 30 now, I never Ever want to be known as *The blueberry kid, in my family circle

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Inflatable TF Thread 2: The Double Bubble Down Anonymous 01/29/2023 (Sun) 07:50:42 Id:09ee5c No. 76960 [Reply] [Last]
Doin' another thread, the same rules apply, just post inflatable tf related stuff, like pictures, fics, and animations
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Axel rosered thread Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 06:07:54 Id:5f9d1b No. 42549 [Reply] [Last]
Everyone axel favorite works, comics, paid comics, commentary whatever only rule no diapers. Or at least warn people and link it separately
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Anyone got the image of Yai and Luna stuck in a doorframe? Can't seem to find any of Axel's more recent MM stuff anymore.
>>127640 Kemono has them I think, anon.
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Do these count?
Anyone have that art he made of Sonia blowkissing Nessa? It was part of the Gigantic July pack.

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Inflation Games: Revengeance Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 21:10:32 Id:ef7dc6 No. 126256 [Reply] [Last]
Old thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/91014.html Based anon's game drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZQ8JdNuEiP-3oDPuDjqcUKG1iDDoVVc?usp=drive_link Latest BBO mod (as of prev thread): https://www.mediafire.com/file/b9e44iosgxtw8ko/BBO_modded_player%252Ballenemies.rar/file
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>>135981 thanks
>>136179 I say more tubes in more holes!
>>136179 I wish Puff-Knight made as much notable progress on the actual inflation side of his 3D game as Bloby did Being able to roll the chick around was pretty much all he had over it
>>135981 Maybe another mirror? 502 land on Gofile.
>>136179 It is out yet?

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Blueberryverse Anonymous 01/19/2025 (Sun) 01:55:58 Id:96b8be No. 134437 [Reply]
Anything to do with the artist Blueberryverse
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does anyone get buying the comic?
lol https://mab.to/t/621715B4sxK/us3
Hey does anyone have berks biggest and can reposted again or leave a link to it
>>134489 >>134490 Re-up please?
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does anyone get these Jill comic?

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BBW BLUEBERRY RP Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 22:20:46 Id:113c0b No. 108969 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for that niche /inf/ fetish that some BBWs role-play for. I'm going to upload what I got.
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>>136595 is there a more reliable way to make cambro videos play? every time i try and use the site there's like a 75% chance the video just never plays / loads
>>136598 Nah she posted the same set of pics to her Curvage and a link to buy her old video. I hope she filmed a new one, that shit was hot af.
https://www.manyvids.com/Video/6265988/blueberry-gum-review this looks good
>>134084 Does anybody have this video?

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Puffy Faces Thread Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 18:56:24 Id:e835b9 No. 60251 [Reply] [Last]
ITT we're gonna post inflated girls who let whatever they're swelling with puff up their face as well. Most anything goes, puffy cheeks, lips, entire face, yknow the deal. And yeah, uber's fine too, I don't really mind. Post whatever, pic, fics, vids, animations, yknow the deal.
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>>134555 source?
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Clownflation 2: Electric Boogaloo Anonymous 04/18/2023 (Tue) 19:49:14 Id:fd52b3 No. 84226 [Reply] [Last]
I swear there used to be a clown inflation thread on this board, that got erased months ago
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>>134293 The guy's a cuck with daddy issues and keeps wasting time drawing his self-insert oc instead of clowns, its so pathetic. Last I saw him he's trying to leech off of milkybody for clout.
>>128245 I know these prolly been here forever and nobodies asked but does anyone know where these came from>
>>134492 Well, he doesn't seem like a jerk as far as I can tell. And those two seem to be friends, probably. Eh I don't know much though. BUT yes I don't get the deal with shoehorning that character into everything. Like, what happened to just doing clown stuff? Like, it sucks because I had to block him overall just because it was frustrating to see otherwise great stuff ruined by that character just being there. >>134503 I gotcha. https://x.com/orristerioso (Also some content so this isn't just a bump with nothing.)

a thread to find treasures Akemi expansion / BEoptimist 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:03:33 Id:a611f1 No. 120722 [Reply] [Last]
I don't really know if it's the same artist that do akemi and beopt but one thing is sure, It's rare to find them, despite their quality I think. here's what I have, 3 with a slim Candii and the most recent one i have with the aussie girl https://mab.to/t/ElhRCz10WzI/eu1 Hoping this thread brings us to unite our skills to find all of them.
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https://www.loyalfans.com/beoptimist/video/failed-project-the-ring-of-expansion-expansion?utm_medium= Anyone has this video? Would greatly apreciate it
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Does anyone have this? https://www.camwhores.tv/videos/12039214/jayne-growth/
>>134481 What was this video reup?

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Touhou Inflation Thread Anonymous 07/24/2022 (Sun) 01:45:54 Id:876d71 No. 57088 [Reply] [Last]
Self explanatory, Touhou characters getting round or inflated in some other variety.
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>>98398 what is the app's name?
I found good shit Art by Vibe28 on Deviantart
>>58624 Does anyone know who's the original artist of this drawing?
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Sharkbubble thread Anonymous 11/10/2022 (Thu) 07:42:54 Id:ab7977 No. 68148 [Reply] [Last]
Can we make a sharkbubble thread post anything of his art and if you have some of his paid comics, place here no rush take your time
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Samus one?
Bump cuz I wanna see Samus
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>>136565 why does this guy always have to add some fuckass quirk to every pic. shes so lumpy man can this guy just draw something normal for once
>>136568 cuz she's full of balloons retard

Women Inflating Men Anonymous 09/19/2023 (Tue) 13:05:44 Id:e85146 No. 95845 [Reply] [Last]
Bringing back a lost board as we need more women inflation men. Dominant women inflating men until they pop, or dumb bimbos accidently inflating their boyfriends.
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>>135720 https://bodyinflation.org/node/35733 >Fatman and Rounder vs HeliumWoman >just before Fatman is set to explode, Wonder Woman and Power Girl push HeliumWoman away from her helium cannon >Wonder Woman and Power Girl on both sides of Fatman, rubbing their full bodies against him, telling him how they saw everything >Wonder Woman teasing and poking his formerly 360 pound balloon of a belly, telling him her delight was when he wobbled his fat way up 14 flights of stairs >Power Girl smacking his side, her favorite moment was when HeliumWoman fired the helium cannon at the massive target in front of her >"You were so round already Fatman, I honestly wondered if it had any effect!" >"I know right, and then your belt went pop!" >"You would have gone pop too..." Power Girl gleefully exclaimed as she poked her finger into Fatman's round, inflated middle, "If it weren't for us." >"Yep, you would have popped like a big, round, fat balloon." >Raven and Starfire fly in with Rounder >"See, you boys always did want to fly with us" >"Now you're finally in the perfect shape!"
>>136533 Power Girl using her Kryptonian powers to give you some big puffkisses while you two make out until you're so big and swollen and you're impossible to hide.
>>136561 Somehow, I think Power Girl would be more of a hose and helium tank kinda lady.
>>136567 I agree Powergirl strikes me as the kinda girl to shove a hose in you and sit back and watch as you balloon out. Wonder Woman I feel would be the one into puff kissing. Then once she's filled you enough she'd tie her lasso around your inflated cock and use it pull you around like a balloon on a string as your forced to admit how much you're getting off on the whole situation
>>136631 I can't disagree with any of that. Fuck that's hot. Though being double-teamed by Wondie and PG giving you a puffkiss and a blow(up) job at the same time...unf. God I wish shit like this was real. I bet WW could parade you around for the other super ladies...

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ShamefulRadio thread Anonymous 12/21/2023 (Thu) 15:47:11 Id:e34ba7 No. 102579 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have more art from ShamefulRadio yet?
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>>136050 i aint running that shit
>>136478 >Possible threat >Generic >moderate.ml.score Par for the course for crack tools. Run it on http://tria.ge first if you don't trust it.
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>>136478 sorry but its not, it sjust how the exe works why would i upload a virus...
They had a couple of drawings of somsnosa from hylics if anyone has them

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Group Inflation/Parade DoughyDani 08/10/2022 (Wed) 17:13:00 Id:f53e85 No. 58894 [Reply] [Last]
The more, the merrier!
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Bump with content
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By Murasoba

Samus Anonymous 09/26/2022 (Mon) 22:48:59 Id:b852fb No. 62903 [Reply] [Last]
Anything Inflation from Samus
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Here’s a classic
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Here’s more! I wish more did inflation with her orange outfit from zero mission
>>136454 ... I really didn't expect to see my art in this place
>>136454 The second one is a nice idea, but having all of her organs titled towards the front makes her look like a spherical hunchback.
>>109622 Faggot
