Do they have a schedule anywhere that states what cities they want to show up in, or is my Google-Fu doing an especially shit job lately?
If you think that's schizophrenia, you haven't met a schizophrenic person IRL, or you just picked up the schizo insult off 4chan without learning what a schizo is. This isn't 4chan, my brother.
Still, schizos say and do all kinds of crazy shit, I've met a few, but in particular my sister dated one once but she's absolutely trash at picking up on red flags (despite practically being made out of red flags herself).
Whenever his schizophrenia came up, the best case scenario is that he'd get super religious and see angels and talk to God and whatever else, but I missed out on the juicy stories of what the worst case scenario was like.
It wasn't until AFTER they broke up that she finally started to go "ooohhhhhhh that makes sense, that's why he was always afraid of [x] and [y]!"