/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Art by Non-Inflation artists Anonymous 02/24/2023 (Fri) 05:27:23 Id:aa170c No. 79906 [Reply] [Last]
This might be a bit specific but it’s kind of neat having artists try their hand at expansion; you get some unusual and interesting takes on it sometimes. The Yuna pics are semi related; taken from bodyinflation.org and were commissioned from specifically non-inflation artists (Daisy-pink72 and casas respectively)
68 posts and 33 images omitted.
>>133932 Mods don't usually delete things on inflation board they aren't as strict as the ones in the main bbw boards for better or for worse depends on who you ask but I feel over policing can scare someone off just as much and unless you're savvy spamming men with weird horny quotes in like every single thread and mind you they just started getting serious with him I think you're fine Don't be savvy and you should be good with mild furry in threads where the topic matter's like the viziepop threads it's unavoidable every characters at least borderline furry. But this is a inflation exclusive board so it falls in a weird middle ground where as long as it's inflation it technically fits as most other stuff is bbw only yet fur threads post inflation as well To quote David Tennant it's wibbly wobbly best not to think about it too much threads are disposable with bump limits anyways so you're policing a problem that essentially self fixes itself after a few months. Worst care if it's removed post it one last time but marks as spoiler so that way those who don't like it can hide it which is kind of useless as we essentially already have a hide button! But there's absolutely no reason a spoiled furry image should cause anyone problems whatsoever! Policing a hidden image that can be voided from your eyes is obtuse behavior to say the least. best of luck tho!
>>133953 Was gonna delete this mess cause Holy rant, but it's true. I only blast blatant violations or reports. I don't care to look at this bullshit otherwise
>>133932 To fap...or not to fap?
Here's a WIP from a random instagram artist
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Caption Request Thread Vol. 2 Anonymous 12/05/2022 (Mon) 15:15:56 Id:d3e602 No. 70796 [Reply] [Last]
Last one disappeared without a trace. Time for a new one to begin.
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How do we make captions on here again? Something happened to The original caption site
>>130751 Source?
Requesting a caption in varying degrees of want.
>>131157 Here ya go https://x.com/Mitsi19911/status/1843266474829651983#m
Requesting a story for Samus.

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Artists that have gotten Worse over time? Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 23:15:22 Id:fe9445 No. 99764 [Reply] [Last]
Usually we get threads regarding those who have either improved over time or are just completely stagnated. What of those that have gotten worse over time, or who have started going into crappy directions? And why? Regrettably I have to start with Sidkid44. Started off unique and with a sketchy but very cute style. Now its.... freaky and weird. And the mouth shapes are just really offputting... uncanny or something.
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>>130749 Blame DeviantArt their crackdown on morphs has everyone spooked if anything less I hope they still keep doing fictional character morphs. But trial and error it will get better >>130538 I mean sunny and messy are their character so it makes sense they're drawn in their style
for me i think that daytripper and steely bird got so bad after some
I was browsing some old artists I used to enjoy, wow, what happened to Blooberboy? His art has taken a hefty decline. It isn't just simpler than it used to be: he cuts more corners and doesn't add in as much detail as he used to. I mean, compare his first two Soft Drink sequences to the third. It doesn't even compare. Such a shame.
>>131079 I can understand saving the good works for patreon.
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Evangelion Inflation Anonymous 05/18/2022 (Wed) 17:42:46 Id:ab9fc4 No. 50390 [Reply] [Last]
figured we should have one of these I'll start it off
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>>135319 these were all made on civitai
>>135282 By whomstve?
>>135325 https://civitai.com/user/teterpester890/images https://civitai.com/user/treoger223124/images https://civitai.com/user/fbnmezyurgfiurfcga335/images https://civitai.com/user/tigermante203/images https://civitai.com/user/teexbrhmocujhoxwvk607

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Madzissstacked 4 Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 17:05:34 Id:66708e No. 99682 [Reply] [Last]
Any contributions are appreciated YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlaYldweVF6VndSMGQ0Vmk5MWN6TT0=
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What happened to her stopped the content? Does anyone have any theories?
>>136059 I’m like 95% certain it’s due to Donald Trump being elected president
I think someone found out what she works with on the interne
Would someone be able to reupload that 600 file one, please? Here's what I do have in return: https://mab.to/t/XjdDB0gItF0/eu1
>>136059 Recovering from depression, boobjob, and probably >>136312

full body Anonymous 03/25/2024 (Mon) 18:44:19 Id:59b3e6 No. 110143 [Reply] [Last]
i know some will see this as a “pointless thread” but generally speaking i dont think ive ever seen a thread for full body
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a thread where we are only posting sequences Sequence Thread 07/04/2023 (Tue) 20:33:39 Id:a43c22 No. 89957 [Reply] [Last]
I usually just want to figure out "How did 'insert person here' get into this situation." Anything is allowed as long it is in a sequence
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Anonymous 05/05/2023 (Fri) 21:36:55 Id:3a26f5 No. 85308 [Reply] [Last]
warhammer 40k is a brand that has been with us for a long time, but it is rare to find inflation art, what I ask is that you help me find all kinds of inflation or weight gain fetish art.
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>>133965 I could see a part 3 where a hose is introduced as she's caressed by the sister as she expands into her inevitable warship
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can someone edit this image and finish it digitally?
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Women inflating women Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 19:17:03 Id:c884ac No. 42582 [Reply] [Last]
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>>79663 Can you please tell me who made the animation?
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Nintendo girls inflation 2 Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 19:45:58 Id:24f077 No. 100331 [Reply] [Last]
The other one got bumplocked
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Does someone have the rest of the sequence of the first two photos and the Marianne art of the third photo by blooberboy.
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Head inflation S3000S 11/29/2022 (Tue) 21:31:38 Id:d33aaf No. 70081 [Reply] [Last]
Here only inflated heads are sought.
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Any Update?
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Van Helsing for the PS2 has a big head mode that yes affects female characters if anyone is interested

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Suit Inflation Thread 2: Underrated and Overinflated Anonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 06:19:54 Id:4f95ac No. 57767 [Reply] [Last]
Yo, since the old suit inflation thread reached the bump limit and is fuckin' dead, it's time to kick off a new one. Go ahead and post pics, fics, or animations if you got 'em.
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new thread: https://bbw-chan.link/inf/res/136114.html

Morph Requests 2 Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 04:22:33 Id:5b16c3 No. 129944 [Reply]
Old thread died so, you know the drill, asks requests and cross your fingers in hopes they'll be done.
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>>134788 Amazing!!!
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>>134788 Wanna round out any of these girls? Not like the teach, more like hands, feet, boobs, and head sticking out.
>>132465 >>135045 Throwing one of the liliths pics (second one) too.
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Can someone inflate this air hostess
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If anyone wants to make a morph of Kari from Mythbusters, that'll be greeeaaattt.

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Mortal Kombat Thread Anonymous 01/18/2025 (Sat) 19:40:42 Id:fd7c7c No. 134419 [Reply]
Realized that this thread would be better here
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>>135918 Yeah no wait what? That is an incredible headline "I'm editing some of these back because the dude I commissioned for my mortal kombat inflation porn turned out to be a nazi" holy shit
>>135709 Well I mean liu kanga a reality warping god now so we'll just run the clock back and it'll be fine!
>>135918 >>135931 His name was like…Robotnik14 or something. Initially he was my most consistent client until one day I decided to check his account. He had a Wolfenstein oc which I recognized immediately as being a nazi character (cuz ya know, if you’ve ever played said game you’d pick up on their distinct armor in a heartbeat) I think to myself, “surely this is a fluke, DA is FULL of unfiltered autistic folk who hyperfixate on the most bizarre shit. I am not immune myself” I leave it alone and take the MK commission from him. One day out of curiosity I check on him again and NOPE, nope. Character saluting, nazi flag art he did himself, he’s in some DA group that’s like…pro wolfenstein nazi shit and he has buddies he roleplays with. I blocked him, took his art down, and told him to fuck off. His buddy had to come DM me for copies at some point and seamed to understand 100% why I blocked him LMFAO. His account is now fuckin gone and his art joins the archive along with the Inflatress art I did cuz she was also a piece of shit.

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Old shydude artwork Anonymous 02/08/2025 (Sat) 03:08:20 Id:09f0f3 No. 136036 [Reply]
Ever since DA deleted shydude’s artwork it has been impossible to find all of his older work does anyone have any of his early stuff?
I’ve been trying to find all of the OG Carrie Blueberry since he made a new account on DA and reposted almost all of his old stuff except her. The new lewd version doesn’t make since without the original.
