/inf/ - Inflation

Pumped up, billowing, blueberries

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Sumo suits 3: the fan bloats again! Anonymous 12/19/2024 (Thu) 18:43:11 Id:b16146 No. 132515 [Reply]
New sumo thread because why not same rules as the previous persons 18+ only in photos you share.

Ripcord thread Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 22:13:55 Id:e3226b No. 129322 [Reply]
post inflation by ripcord/inflated women with a ripcord
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>>129322 are there any artists besides Waka who do this stuff?
>>129322 Don't you think there's already a thread for this?
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magic inflation Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 14:34:00 Id:c6c5f3 No. 103591 [Reply]
getting inflated by magic
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Doki Doki literature Club Inflation Anonymous 04/16/2023 (Sun) 08:10:25 Id:dbe923 No. 84026 [Reply] [Last]
There was a thread like this before,but it's sense been gone. So I guess a new one.
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Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 16:11:48 Id:bdb98a No. 121652 [Reply]
Puffkiss/blowkiss thread Gimme the good stuff
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>>132084 Good content,wrong thread.

Drake Thread Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 10:32:11 Id:6152d1 No. 132037 [Reply]
his inflation art is great, but its scattered across other people's galleries. let's fix that.
>furfag shit Get out.
>>132037 Delate your shitty thread, NOW!

GreyOfPTA thread Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 10:20:03 Id:775fec No. 132035 [Reply]
did you know he worked on TMNT 2003?
>>132035 There’s already a thread for him on the furry board, go there

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Kaiga1123 Thread Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 06:57:26 Id:96288f No. 108404 [Reply]
This is a thread dedicated to posting content from the artist Kaiga1123 If you have anything art/comic(manga in this case) from his pixiv fanbox, skeb, etc. Feel free to post it here for others to see.
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Can someone post the remaining handful of comics? Kemono hasn’t been updated in months. I would if I could, apologies.
>>131171 big mega link has some of the updated content https://mega.nz/folder/l7sXQbSY#zkQIzQeYrOh5rL8UeNMvTg/folder/g61CkKZK

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WEBM thread Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 23:21:23 Id:feb57c No. 112035 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for webms
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>>131880 wow shes getting fat lol
>>131900 Yeah I have a feeling Taylor encourages that tbh. Back in the day a lot of the tmc models started out rail thin and then by the time they took off they just exploded. Kimberly Marvel was one. By her last video she was Huge. Dita was the same case.
>>131900 yeah not only that but she mentioned on her IG story about a week ago she's had work done, like lips and botox. doesn't seem to be helping though
>>131879 >>131880 Wow this is a good one. You, uh, got the full one somewhere? Please?

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Inflated Advertisement 08/27/2022 (Sat) 11:06:50 Id:ef30ff No. 60307 [Reply] [Last]
Products, TV shows, Movies How do you promote things that involves people inflating?
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>>107946 Cowblowing.
>>71586 >>127410 Try the scenes in media thread.
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PumpM3Up vs Ch3rryCoqu3 - How's the best inflator? Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 10:19:02 Id:68a4fc No. 131358 [Reply]
The 2 best inflator on the internet. Some CC videos: https://we.tl/t-Re2chG2g0X Going to the store PMU video: https://we.tl/t-68UakgHozJ
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>>131420 As long as the amount of blueberry/body expansion/prop shit threads isn't reduced to 1 or 0 you can choke on a dick with that constant gibberish you spread about IRL inflation only being allowed to have one thread, so fuck off already.
>>131461 Prove your claim.
>>131461 >>131463 I have gone through the board and found THREE blueberry threads, one female, one male, and one morph thread, and the sequences general just happens to have a BB pic as the first opening image.
>>131537 I count 7, but I don't expect braindead minimodding people like you to be able to count. You dipshit child should be grateful your weirdass body expansion shit is even allowed in here, it's totally off-topic.
>>131565 Link them.

Male Inflation Thread 7: Numerically accurate edition Laz 08/17/2024 (Sat) 01:39:51 Id:72ffff No. 122680 [Reply] [Last]
Post your boy balloons,femboyloons,berry brats,fuckblimps,horny ramblings,and favorite art here.
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>>132001 where is hunter inflation edit this from owl house
Not sure if it is allowed but male artists drawing and inflating themselfs is underrated asf Inflated/Berried artist here: - ICloudy10 (First two pics) - squishcraft (Four left pics)
Bonus: TempestLord2000 (Doesn't do it much as this is between him and oc but he did and maybe should do it more instead of other people drawing him)
But speaking of other artist drawing other male artist big and round. Those can also count too? - ICloudy10 draw both Navsakas (the artist and his oc) inflated and him inflating his friend Nav (First, second and third pic) - goatyschowiiishushu and ZapZap feed and stuffed/puff up PolygonalFreak (Poly) (Fourth pic) - Khezu drawing TempestLord2000 (And his gremlin version) Inflated long time ago (Fifth Pic) - JustAFallenWaffle daring Eloise using inflated Bon Bon (Last Pic)
>>126655 Where do I find this artist? Deviantart? Twitter? Or do they only post here?

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Accidental inflation? Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 09:49:39 Id:6e7d9f No. 125408 [Reply]
What's everyone's favorite accidental inflation? Helium tank mishap by BUG is mine. Do you guys know of any others like this? Like a woman falling on to a tank or hose? It's such a shame we will never see any photos or videos of SHOPKEEPER Samantha Munns.
>>125408 Ugh. Yes please!
>>125408 I could go on forever about any accidental inflation scenario. But for now I must say that I really love anything with a girl accidentally grabbing the blueberry gum or a tainted blueberry treat. Maybe she's in a rush or just really excited and full of bliss. Then when she begins to inflate like a blueberry, that's when all of the worry and regret flood in while she wishes she hadn't taken whatever she consumed.
>>127533 >>125408 Another scenario that completely makes me go feral (I'm contributing again because I LOVE the idea of this thread) is when something that was meant to be for a girl's own personal pleasure is accidentally consumed by a different girl who has no idea what will happen. It's such a specific idea but I really love it
I like the 'sexual misadventure' vibe. A girl hearing that putting an airhose in their pussy triggers incredible orgasms (airgasms?) But after they go up a bit, they realise there's no way to turn it off...even more exciting if someone maliciously tells them about the airgasm thing l.

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ShamefulRadio thread Anonymous 12/21/2023 (Thu) 15:47:11 Id:e34ba7 No. 102579 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have more art from ShamefulRadio yet?
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>>129868 Is there the inflation and popping sfx?
>>129868 This game is surprisingly slow. How do you get the resources to buy things? Im walking around with 600 bucks and nobody will accept them to buy with so I assume theres something else im supposed to use instead.
>>129909 Are you playing the shut-in? You can't buy things with her while overburdened or if what you want to buy will take you over burden I just find beating either boss impossible, anytime I get them low they just refill themselves with massive heals
>>130080 Always have guard up on shut in, and her damage is typically pretty bad (most things resist it I've noticed) If you're talking about the first two bosses (go drowned first), you can sell starting gear (knife+taser) to get $64. Buy large band-aids and maybe a bomb/gimmicky damage item from inflation lady. (Don't buy the inflation poppers, it makes the boss pretty much forever regening). For the battle itself: Guard,. panic, scream, rinse repeat. If you get low use your bandages. You can also keep the taser if you want to get a good amount of damage in (stuns). Also while I'm here, anyone else run into the weird red lady at the dead body? I haven't been able to recreate her appearance even after resetting.
Someone tell her to make a DD game.

Confession Thread Confession Thread 10/20/2023 (Fri) 16:58:20 Id:75cb02 No. 98181 [Reply] [Last]
Well,the others are doing it,so we may as well do it too,right? Anywho,this is a confession thread. Confess any inflation related secrets or sins,I suppose. Please do not harrass others based on their confessions,we're all coomers down here.
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>>125137 the sensation if IRL inflating is about 50% of the juice for me I personally don't think I get super big but in the few years or so I've been doing it regularly I've definitely grown from doing it repeatedly but the sensation is what's stimulating: getting full but then feeling and hearing the air passing up into the small intestine so I can get more full, then huffing poppers to relax those smooth muscles to then get EVEN MORE full
I tried some inflation themed hypnosis videos, both by silver hypnosis, sangria snake, and by hypnotic beast and I enjoyed them
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>>98181 I have seen part of the worst side of the community, some of the most popular artists that show a bright side on their posts or at the very least look annoying (for example those artists who only tweet stuff instead of posting art or just circlejerking), if you dig up far enough, you will encounter from Karen-like behaviour or very nasty things like some artists sending messages to minors with "kill yourself" over just them sending a drawing request, and of course, the classic, artists who defend and cover up paedophiles or even stalkers who had harassed people who don't have any association within the community, you can only look at those kinds of behaviour, not in public, but in private, right under the private groups they create, it's the place where all of this happens, obviously, although, nobody cares about this kind of things for a simple reason, they go to jerk off at the art or content created, but is a sad thing to know, mostly if you are looking for a sexual partner, because I'll have to be careful about were you are searching for one.
>>129051 You'll be careful
>>113168 Thisvid.
